He's a nice man.
Had he gone on the offensive with congress in the very beginning things would be a lot different today. Congress is destroying this country, and the voters continue to re-elect the same tired crooks and are expecting them to change. Insanity, pure and simple, mass insanity.
Vote against these people at their next election, then the country will get better.
congressman and years in office
Byrd, Robert C. 47
Inouye, Daniel K. 44
Kennedy, Edward M. 44
Biden, Joseph R., Jr. 34
Leahy, Patrick J. 32
Sarbanes, Paul S. 30
Baucus, Max 28
Levin, Carl 28
Dodd, Christopher J. 26
Bingaman, Jeff 24
Lautenberg, Frank R. 24
Akaka, Daniel K. 22
Harkin, Tom 22
Kerry, John F. 22
Rockefeller, John D., IV 22
Conrad, Kent 20
Mikulski, Barbara A. 20
Reid, Harry 20
Dingell, John 51
Conyers Jr., John 42
Obey, Dave 37
Young, Bill 36
Rangel, Charles B. 36
Stark, Pete 34
Regula, Ralph S. 34
Young, Don 33
Waxman, Henry 32
Miller, George 32
Hyde, Henry 32
Oberstar, Jim 32
Murtha, John 32
Leach, Jim 30
Markey, Ed 30
Kildee, Dale 30
Skelton, Ike 30
*****, Norm 30
Rahall, Nick 30
Thomas, Bill 28
Lewis, Jerry 28
Sabo, Martin 28
Sensenbrenner, Jim 28
Petri, Tom 27
Lantos, Tom 26
Dreier, David 26
Hunter, Duncan 26
Shaw, Clay 26
Rogers, Hal 26
Melancon, Charlie 26
Frank, Barney 26
Smith, Chris 26
Hall, Ralph 26
Wolf, Frank 26
Hoyer, Steny 25
Oxley, Michael G. 25
Berman, Howard 24
Johnson, Nancy 24
Bilirakis, Michael 24
Evans, Lane 24
Lipinski, Bill 24
Burton, Dan 24
Levin, Sander 24
Towns, Ed 24
Owens, Major 24
Boehlert, Sherwood 24
Kaptur, Marcia C. 24
Spratt, John 24
Ortiz, Solomon 24
Boucher, Rick 24
Mollohan, Alan 24
Ackerman, Gary 23
Kolbe, Jim 22
Visclosky, Peter 22
Saxton, Jim 22
Coble, Howard 22
Kanjorski, Paul 22
Gordon, Bart 22
DeLay, Tom 22
Barton, Joe 22
Gallegly, Elton 20
Harman, Jane 20
Pelosi, Nancy 20
Hefley, Joel 20
Lewis, John 20
Hastert, Dennis 20
Baker, Richard 20
Cardin, Ben 20
Upton, Fred 20
Slaughter, Louise 20
DeFazio, Peter 20
Weldon, Curt 20
Smith, Lamar S. 20
Bond, Christopher S. 20
Cochran, Thad 33
Craig, Larry E. 25
DeWine, Mike 20
Domenici, Pete V. 34
Grassley, Chuck 32
Gregg, Judd 22
Hatch, Orrin G. 30
Kyl, Jon 20
Lott, Trent 34
Lugar, Richard G. 30
McCain, John 23
McConnell, Mitch 22
Shelby, Richard C. 27
Snowe, Olympia J. 28
Specter, Arlen 26
Stevens, Ted 38
Warner, John 28
Baker, Richard 20
Gallegly, Elton 20
Hastert, Dennis 20
Hefley, Joel 20
Smith, Lamar S. 20
Upton, Fred 20
Weldon, Curt 20
Barton, Joe 22
Coble, Howard 22
DeLay, Tom 22
Kolbe, Jim 22
Saxton, Jim 22
Bilirakis, Michael 24
Boehlert, Sherwood 24
Burton, Dan 24
Johnson, Nancy 24
Oxley, Michael G. 25
Dreier, David 26
Hall, Ralph 26
Hunter, Duncan 26
Rogers, Hal 26
Shaw, Clay 26
Smith, Chris 26
Wolf, Frank 26
Petri, Tom 27
Lewis, Jerry 28
Sensenbrenner, Jim 28
Thomas, Bill 28
Leach, Jim 30
Hyde, Henry 32
Young, Don 33
Regula, Ralph S. 34
Young, Bill 36
2007-05-30 06:11:59
answer #2
answered by rmagedon 6