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I an enjoyed the movie and it was very exciting and funny- but the ending just plain SUCKED! So Will is dead...but he's not dead? Does death have any meaning in this trilogy? There's no distinction between the living and the dead in this movie. And I really wanted her to end up with Jack- he's way sexier- I loved the part when he saved her and he was hugging him on the rope- Will's just as boring as all get out.

2007-05-28 16:48:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

Yes I sat through the credits and saw that end part too. It made it a little better, but not enough that the ending still wasn't disappointing.

2007-05-28 16:54:06 · update #1

17 answers

I thought it was a good ending, will saved his father, and still got with the girl. Barbosa got the black pearl and Jack was left on a dingy, where he began in the first movie. I thought it was exciting and conclusive and left room for more storylines in the future if the choose to make more.

2007-05-28 16:55:41 · answer #1 · answered by maxworth 2 · 1 0

Ok you had to get the part between Davy Jones and Calypso. I am not 100% positive about the details but the general idea is that Davy Jones' job is to ferry the dead across to the other side (to Davy Jones' locker which is where they go to get Jack in the beginning)like what is happening when we see Elizabeth's father. However Davy Jones has stopped doing this which is why he looks the way he does, sort of a curse and at one point someone says he abandoned his job and just terrorizes the sea. We also find out in part from Calypso and Gibbs in the second movie about his love for a women he was allowed to see the woman he loves once every ten years, and when he returns she does not love him anymore which is the reason he cut out his heart. When Will stabs the heart he inherits the job and becomes captain of the Flying Dutchman and also immortal, but he is to ferry souls across in the non-living world so although he is alive and immortal he is not allowed to be in the living world or realm if you will or else he will look like Davy Jones as well. He can return every ten years though which is what the clip at the end is about. Hope that helps to understand because I thought it was a great ending.

2007-05-28 17:06:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I agree. They did it.

Did what? They screwed it up. "At world's end" is not able to continue the trilogy. The movie did one thing: Putting random scenes together.

But let me explain it.

First of all: The movie was made for people to laugh. There were so many "You have to laugh" scenes, that I got sick of it after 30 minutes. The humor was not like it has been in the other parts, it was a forced and boring kind of humor.

Second thing: They had such a great plot and base. The cliffhanger of the second part was amazing and had so much potential what they did not use.

Third thing: Characters. They tried to develop characters, great - but they screwed it up. I don't want to spoiler anything, so you have to see it on your own. Just one note: Character development is only good, when it's logically and there was nothing about logic in "at world's end".

Fourth problem: Love story. I hate love stories when they totally miss the point. Yes we know, that Elizabeth and Will are in love. But why do they have to put that in an action scene where they fight for their life? This were just four things I hated about the movie. 3/10 points is a very, very kind rating. If you want to see a pirate movie with a special kind of humor do not watch the movie and save the money. If you want to know how it's possible to mess a great cliffhanger and plot up watch it.

2007-05-28 16:54:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Yeah I hated it too! Well not hate but I was disappointed, in this case I was looking for the hollywood ending and Will and Elizabeth would be together, not once every 10 years! But now Will is not boring. He is SEXY as all get out!

2007-06-05 04:50:10 · answer #4 · answered by Miss 6 7 · 0 0

Nope I think it was a good ending... His dad was freed. He became a pirate which he was against in the beginning and Jack saved him from dying showing Jack did have a non-selfish side. And pirate Will... HOT!

what I don't get was we are supposed to believe someone who looked like Knightly waited faithfully for 10 years... I don't think so.

2007-05-28 17:02:49 · answer #5 · answered by Shadow Kat 6 · 1 0

first you had to stay after the credits. there was a clip at the end.
will didn't exactly die, but he was cured to the flying dutchman (davey jone ship) for 10 years because he stabed the heart (jonny depp made him). if he helped souls or something cross over and elizabeth stayed faithfull to him for 10 year than the curse would be broken and they could be together.
e-mail back if you want to know about the clip after the credits.

2007-05-28 16:54:28 · answer #6 · answered by c8 2 · 0 0

I haven't seen the movie yet but I was hesitant because I wanted Will to get the girl.I like Jack but I wanted Elizabeth with Will.So correct me me if I'm wrong,Jack just sails away just like the movie started and it's implied Elizabeth will wait for Will?I don't mind if I know the ending so please update me if I'm wrong!Thanks.

2007-06-02 15:04:52 · answer #7 · answered by whatever 2 · 0 0

I thought the ending was okay until I saw the clip at the end of the credits. That made it so much better!

2007-05-28 16:51:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Dude, pirates are never cool. They kill people and they'll steal your stuff. They are quite annoying since they live on the seas. i've encountered these things once and they took 5000 grand out of me and my family. Jack sparrow is a weird pirate because he did almost all of the crimes a pirate would do except for killing and raping. And yes, the ending of modern movies will always suck, including this one.

2007-05-28 16:56:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

i guess the writer wanted a loophole for a story for part4... why doesnt elizabeth just live on a boat and wait for the flying dutchman to surface so that they can at least see each other every once in a while, and not just wait for ten years to see will????

2007-05-28 16:57:44 · answer #10 · answered by mikulit 2 · 0 0

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