I guess he is just trying to beat Nancy Pelosi to the punch.
2007-05-28 15:29:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Your figures do no longer upload up. Unemployment replaced into 5% in December 2007, 7.8% in January 2009 and peaked at 10% (in October 2009, no longer July). So even ignoring the reality that persons could have dropped out of the artwork rigidity via then and now no longer be lined as unemployed, meaning the genuine value could have been bigger, this is extremely obtrusive extra beneficial than 8% of the unemployment got here approximately under Obama's watch. 2.2 out of 5 is 40 4%. whether we supply Obama some leeway and initiate from February, that's nevertheless a million.7% out of the finished loss of 5%, or 34%
2016-11-23 12:51:34
answer #2
answered by campisi 4
While I agree pride comes before the fall, Bush either in practice or reality approximating a reasonable tone, is still highly dubious either way, you KNOW that they are holding their noses and doing the whole thing ham handedly because the Iranians funding and militias have us up to our necks in Iraq.
I suppose its only a laughing matter if more people don't die as a result, but it's taken a tragic amount of dead Coalition soldiers, an obscene amount of injured as well and frankly an unforgivable number of dead or injured Iraqi's to convince this President that talking to all the parties involved MIGHT not be a bad idea.
So let the neoconservatives spin and twist, that a bloodly reality has finally breached some small corner of Bush's Bubble.
2007-05-28 15:46:32
answer #3
answered by Mark T 7
Another quality post. keep em up you are making my night. So very true (and no I am not being sarcastic)....scary thing is the fact the Bush admin is going to have to find a way to get into bed with our longest standing enemy to make way for the sharing of the Oil after Iran takes over Iraq. Kind of wonder if this was planned the whole time don't you? I mean we knew Haliburton was doing business in Iran this whole time...Haliburton moves their headquarters to avoid US sanctions and taxing, and not long after that they start the process of allowing Iran to take control of the Iraqi troops and police. Doesn't I told you so make anyone wonder why they supported this piece of trash in the first place.
Or it could be just like you said...a drunk has to hit bottom...either way its horrible. Maybe his war czar can help?
Edit.. I just read some of these answers you received. Holy cow are these people dumb. Iran has shut us out and Bush is the first to....huh? We shut Iran out moron for the most part, bit of both but Iran has hated us since Israel. And read mine if anyone else reads this....I know you all hate conspiracies but everything is a conspiracy until it becomes a fact. Wow there are stupid people in this country that just REFUSE to open their eyes. It is horrible honestly. Wake up dimwits, this is your country as well. Stop supporting people that are making were you live worse daily.
2007-05-28 15:44:00
answer #4
answered by bs b 4
Bush has spent the last 6 years totally clueless as to even what the job of a President is . . . flailing around from one disaster to the next.
If there was any question about this it was answered immediately after America's new anti-people, anti-American, anti-God Republican Party dressed him up and gave him the nomination. The guy had no clue who to pick for a running mate, so he asked Dick Cheney to head a committee to find him a running mate. Cheney came back a week later and told Bush the committee had picked Cheney. And the rest is history . . . or tragedy, etc.
2007-05-28 15:42:21
answer #5
answered by worldinspector 5
Hey, I don't care for Bush policies one bit but you have to at least acknowledge the fact that Administration finally did something intelligent for once. It's a baby step and there's still a lot more to do.
Even though Bush should have done this years ago, I for one, will rise above the name calling and the BS and thank him for coming to his senses on this one issue.
It is a stunning admission of a failed stance but he deserves credit and support. It doesn't matter what side you're on politically, if a positive outcome is what you really want, you have to at least give him credit for doing something right for once.
2007-05-28 15:36:42
answer #6
answered by mister_jl2003 3
You should be happy, after all Bush is doing exactly as Kerry would have done. Do you think it will work? Will we see Iran back off sending bombs into Iraq to kill our soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians? Will they stop funding Hezbollah and attacking Israel and the people in other countries? Will Ahmadinijad cease his production of nuclear material to build a nuclear weapon to bring back the "12th Imom" via a nuclear holocaust?
If all of the answers to the above come back as "YES" then you can pat yourself on the back. Do you really think this will happen? Historically, I think you are a fool. We will see.
2007-05-28 15:37:53
answer #7
answered by Eric K 5
Nice job on the question, wording it like that. Why don't you try an intelligent approach the next time? That way maybe your question will be taken seriously and not just fodder for Con attacks.
Nobody wants civil debate anymore, it's just the Right jumping on the Left, the Left jumping on the Right.
2007-05-28 15:37:11
answer #8
answered by psatm 3
I'd say it's wise for Iran to talk. I have a feeling that the little twerp of a president of Iran knows that Bush don't play tittle winks and that IT WOULD be in his best interest to try and work something out. How bout you Libbies?! I'll bet your pissing yourself over your party abandoning your ideal to cut funding for the troops! That must really suck, Libby. No time line and billions more to our troops to fight the war on terror. God bless you Lib. Hope you had a wonderful Memorial day!
2007-05-28 15:50:16
answer #9
answered by ks 5
Yes, it's a sure sign of failure when you need help from your old enemy. The Iranians are much cleverer statesmen than Bush . Mind you that isn't difficult.
2007-05-28 18:18:52
answer #10
answered by brainstorm 7
We should all be glad that we are talking. Why would one taunt success, or the appearance of such, at anyone's hands? Iran has had us shut out for quite a long time now and no other president has been able to break them. We should be proud. I know I am - guardedly proud at the moment.
2007-05-28 15:41:09
answer #11
answered by Anonymous