you got it!!!!
it's all bushshit.
2007-05-28 15:13:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They hate us with all their lives. They are willing to give up their own lives to kill Americans in any way they can. They are brought up as little children to want to kill Americans and Israelites. The question you asked should we forgive them. It is a hard thing to do, but that is actually what we should do. We have to ask : What would Jesus do? That is actually what Jesus did on the cross when He said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
Has for what about Americans are we blindly led and fed propaganda from its leaders? If we listen to it you can be sure of it. Hey if we listen to and believe even our own news people we might be fed some junk that isn't true.
Now are American's considered terrorists? They are to countries like Iran. They are given some of that propaganda from their leaders that we are terrorists.
2007-06-04 12:15:45
answer #2
answered by emison21754 3
Propaganda from political and sometimes religious leaders seeking support from their followers has lead to hatred in the side of terrorists. In this situation, either side considers the other terrorists.
The American definition of a terrorist is someone or a group of people whose acts are violent and leads to loss of innocent lives or violates human rights. To Americans, this definition seeks to address freedom for both religious believers and non believers.
As for the terrorists (fitting a the definition of an American), a terrorist is someone who doesn't want a religious group or political system to enforce religious or political laws respectively, regardless of human rights violation. Thus they hate Americans and consider them terrorists. They think Americans are arrogant.
Some American leaders misuse the term "terrorism" to gain support from the American public, while they also want to have some personal gains. American public know there are terrorists who would like to kill as many Americans as possible. But they also understand that some terrorists have been misled. Those who have been misled can be forgiven. The American Admin's foreign policy has lead to many people outside America to believe Americans are arrogant. This has generated more anger and easy grounds for terrorist to convince recruits among those who view America as a big Bully.
In my view, terrorists can be fought in a better way than a literally all out war. But sometimes the only way to remove dictatorial human rights violators is by war. Planning and ending the war in a timely manner is the key to winning.
2007-06-04 20:06:19
answer #3
answered by isaac o 1
The radically religious cling to their beliefs and feel that those who believe differently are beyond help and must be punished. Thus, the terrorists...who are fundamentalist Islamics...declare their jihad on all Americans and consider each death a step upward toward that great dining table in the sky, even to the point of martyring themselves, where they feel they will sit at the right hand of Allah.
In our country, we have our own kind of radically religious, who believe their way of faith is the only way. There is no doubt about it, the War in Iraq is a religious war, cheered on by those who consider it a beginning in a Crusade across the Middle East to restore Biblical lands to Israel and hurry the Second Coming.
These two religions seem to be like oil and water. Both stem from Abraham, but branched out in different directions. These differences have led us to the point we are at today.
Islamic people have been taught to hate America in their schools and in training camps. Most of them are desperately poor and this gives them the challenge they need in their lives. They will give up their lives to kill Americans, for dying a martyr is considered the fast train to Heaven.
America has made fatal mistakes in their handling of the Middle East, by approving and supporting brutal leaders....even Saddam Hussein...and paying little attention to the common people. We have done nothing in the past to endear ourselves to the Middle Easterners and, unfortunately, are now making matters worse with the Iraqi War.
The Middle Easterners helped bring down the Soviet Union with a long, expensive, drawn-out war. The Islamic terrorists feel they can accomplish the same with the only remaining Super Power and, unless we stop this expensive, deadly conflict, they may very well reach their goal.
2007-06-04 02:02:11
answer #4
answered by Me, Too 6
A no brainer! Both, of course! What is true for them is true for us. Of course we are misled at times. People must evaluate all information knowing they will sometimes be wrong. The USA has many terrorists just as all nations do. Our government often acts inappropriately. The question is do we get it correct more than not? I suppose it depends on where you are coming from and how you got there. At this point in time we as a country seem to be getting it wrong most of the time. We need a third party that is made up of the middle of both major groups,!
2007-06-05 09:24:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
In some eyes we are the terrorists. Who do you think we are actually fighting over in Iraq? They call anyone that fights us a terrorist. They are the Iraqi people fighting each other in a civil war that we keep sticking our noses in. Imagine if that were happening here between I don't know Democrats and Republicans and France came over and kept getting into our battles. We would spend some time on both sides taking shots at the least I know I would.
We are being led... I wouldn't say blindly because 72% of the public now is seeing the light. Its the blind ones like the ones in here that are still being led.
2007-05-28 15:16:45
answer #6
answered by bs b 4
Hi, We should quite using useless terms, like terrorist and Americans. The truth will scare the hell out of you, regretfully most in the news will not mention it, I will try but you must do your part. The Muslims hate infidels. and infidels are anyone who does not bow down to Islam. Islam remember means to "submit" the real goal is an Islamic world with just a few cleric in charge of all decisions based on the teaching of Mohammad. If you really want to know then do this, go to: once there on the left hand side click on Archives; when the next screen comes up in the middle box type in: jihad
When the next screen comes up click on "islamisimizn and future jihad." on the next screen comes up click on "listen" you will then see a screen with a box with DJ Kennedy with the word "play" at the bottom of the pitcher. click play you may haft to do it twice. Listen it takes about 45 minutes, but it will open your eyes, wither you believe it or not is up to you, either way, they (the terrorist) will not go away, you can count on it. regretfully we will help them end our existence.
2007-06-04 08:13:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Ya know what?? I"ll just betcha that if we had stayed out of the middle east totally and not tried to invoke our concepts of society and culture on them...we wouldnt be in the soup we are in now. That we needed alternative enegy sources was quite apparent in the early 70's but we chose not to heed the warning b ut continued to suck at the middle east oil our own detrement. and yes, by many standards we are now considered throughout the world to be the real terrorists. Trust me, if Iraq was into asparagus and not oil we would never have given it another look.
2007-06-04 16:07:12
answer #8
answered by Rick 3
They are being blindly led by their leaders.
Simplified Example: When there is not even food in the grocery store for them to take home, their leaders tell them it is because the Americans stole it the night before. When their roads need repair, they tell them they can't repair them because their bank accounts were robbed by Americans the week before.
Meanwhile, the leaders get richer and we are blamed for everything.
2007-05-28 15:21:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes,Virginia, they really do hate America. Invest a little time,go to the library,and do some reading. America has been in an aggressive mode since their own Revolution.But time marches on. All things must end. This too,shall pass.
2007-06-05 02:58:11
answer #10
answered by woodchucker 3
Right as of now, and since we went into Iraq for legitimate reasons I truely believe that we are playing the roll of terrorists. Those who talk about it was Al-CIAeda that crashed those planes into the WTC and Pentagon, I have one really big question for all ya. How 'bout you do some reading of this BBC report. If they hate our freedoms so much, then how is it that Bush is responsible for taking them away in the Patriot Act 1. More to follow if the 2nd one passes.
2007-05-28 15:26:43
answer #11
answered by Ted S 4