It appears that she has been the subject of hateful Democratic blogs since disassociating herself from the Democratic party. I think she now knows that she was used.
14 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Politics
errr I meant "woke up"
11:26:21 ·
update #1
No, I meant wake up Grrrr.
11:27:41 ·
update #2
Dumdum, you must be totally aware of come of the statements that have come from Cindy Sheehan's mouth. She dishonored her son. I am not sure what part of that you don't understand. If she was grieving for her son, she hid it well with her disrespectful rhetoric.
11:30:57 ·
update #3
Paul G, you must assume that Casey Sheehan was close to his mother.
12:52:10 ·
update #4
She has angered George Soros and now will feel his wrath. You are only allowed to voice your opinion if it is in lock step with the rest of the Radicals. If not you become the enemy. Just ask Joe Lieberman.
2007-05-28 13:51:12
answer #1
answered by Mother 6
Cindy Sheehan disgraced the memory of her son for 15 minutes of fame, She deserves more than being rejected by Michael Moore and his group of illiterate goons, She deserves to be imprisoned at Gitmo so she can see what fine work her son did capturing the very people that want to kill us.
2007-05-28 23:41:09
answer #2
answered by deedee2qu 3
More people than ever question the broken two party system. More people than ever see presidential elections as frauds perpetrated by a one party system offering two similar options: candidates of privilege and wealth, puppets of megacorps who occupy the government. Either way, the duopoly insures the corporations win. The Republican and Democratic parties enable each other for they are beholden to the same cash cows that finance both their campaigns. Every favor deserves a return on investment. Such duplicity of the duopoly brought us the PATRIOT Act, NAFTA, the WTO, No Child Left Behind, and the War on Iraq, which according to Bush ended on May 2, 2003. Advancing democracy requires people having courage in freeing themselves from what Peter Camejo (Nader's vice presidential running mate) calls the electoral prison.
Knowing that neither candidate's positions are acceptable, strengthens the chains and the stranglehold the Democratic and Republican parties have over the electorate. Voting against our conscience invalidates it. It lends credibility to the embedded corrupt electoral institutions that stifle and limit other options. How can freedom loving people tolerate enabling those who oppress other than Republican and Democratic voices and choices? How many more years will the delusion continue? How much longer will we perpetuate systemic electoral malfeasance by providing our stamp of approval onto the farce that elections have become? I reject the so-called "two party" system. I cast my ballot in the 2008 presidential election in the hope that the people will some day expunge the Republican and Democratic parties' stranglehold on elections. I will not sanction the fraud ever again. A free people should never to have to. It is time to rise up against King George. It is time to throw some tea overboard. This time let it be Texas tea.
2007-05-28 18:26:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I believe it is very difficult for cindy to think clearly, as her mind is fogged by her son's tragic death. She has her agenda to bring her anti-war view to the public, and the democlatic blogs have their own agenda. Sometimes these agendas go hand in hand, and sometimes they clash. If one group makes the other look bad, or if the other looks like it is not doing enough for the cause, then they will part ways.
2007-05-28 18:36:54
answer #4
answered by Ted M 4
There goes their base. What is sad is that she never had custody of her son. He was raised by his father and step-mother. They spoke out against what she was doing for political gain. They claimed their son would have never approved. She had given up custody of her second son also. Makes me wonder to whom she wants attention called to.
2007-05-28 18:37:09
answer #5
answered by ohbrother 7
Cindy milked her 15 minutes for all it was worth, but nobody was interested anymore.
2007-05-28 18:31:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It must have been that blind date with Hugo Chavez that brought her back from the dark side.
2007-05-28 18:36:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
She HAD to have known she was being USED all along unless she is not that smart...which is a possibility I guess.
By saying she is "done" this gives her one last GASP at celebrity. She was already gone as far as most of America was concerned!
2007-05-28 18:34:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'm sure her son thanks you for remembering his death by thrashing his mother on Memorial Day. Way to support the troops sweetheart!
2007-05-28 19:35:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
As I said earlier, it's disgusting how--on Memorial Day--people can continue to pick on a woman who has lost her son to war. Just leave her be! She has every right to be angry and speak her mind!!!
2007-05-28 18:25:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous