Hugo Chavez is a dictator who will do any thing to hold onto control of his country. He is a very deranged man doing very evil things to his own people. We have only to sit back and wait he will destroy Venezuela in his bid for Supreme Power. When the citizen take up arms against him it will be a great day for them.
2007-05-28 10:45:36
answer #1
answered by Mother 6
Wow, you people are really disturbed if you really think that Hugo Chavez is a hero to anyone.
More of the "Liberals hate America" BS.
Burke23: You're saying if a person likes Michael Moore, they hate America and love Chavez? Please step away from the kool-aid.
Chavez is an evil dictator who must be removed from power before he turns Venezuela into a fascist police state. And this is coming from a liberal.
EDIT: Dumdum, they are rioting now over there in Venezuela because Chavez shut down a TV station for supposed anti-Chavez remarks. Ok? At the very least that is a govt. sponsored suppression of free speech. The way things are going we may see either a revolution by the people, or the beginning of a fascist police state not unlike Germany under Hitler.
2007-05-28 10:03:21
answer #2
answered by Liberals love America! 6
It's amazing how many "elected" rulers get BHS ( Big Head Syndrome ) after taking over. Castro was backed by the US, claiming he'd change it to the power of the people...only, he wants to LEAD them ( for life, regardless of whether they want him to or not ). Chavez is showing the same colors, show compassion for the poor, concern enough to get votes ( Democrats already know how to play the "get the illegal alien vote" ( notice they don't care that they're illegal citizens, long as they get the vote! )). No wonder the Dems give him huzzah's and such. He's HELPING the poor and disenfranchised. Right. Helping HIMSELF to their legacy, country's wealth, etc. While the Far Right cares more about business than compassion, they DO think right that it will never end good for anyone if someone like Chavez takes over completely. Openess and sharing of power is the most successful political model, any other induces cultural stresses that break it down eventually. Tolerance of others views is key, any society that represses it will never be as successful as an open one. Maybe in the short term, but they're never stable long term. Castro has managed this long, only because his country is on an island, and isolated. Once isolation ends, via Internet or physical interaction, the breakdown begins. Personally, I believe we should OPEN business to Cuba, and let the full force of tourism ( and American dollars ) fight communism for us. Who can resist us loveable, cuddly, overweight, flowered-shirt-wearing, camera-toting temporary-visa-carrying foreigners ( ESPECIALLY bearing US dollars! ) We could overrun Cuba in 10 years, if we opened up to him. McCuba would open, then Starbucks, then they're hooked. :D
- The Gremlin Guy -
2007-05-28 12:06:53
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Here in Venezuela we have now continuously identified Chavez to be a totalitarian monster who claims to be a socialist. Nothing farther than the reality, e.g., In 2003 he fired the whole body of workers of the Venezuelan oil enterprise, 23 thousand men and women, confiscating now not simplest what used to be because of them via legislation, but additionally confiscating their existence financial savings, throwing their youngsters from their faculties and their residences as good. Does this movement look to you as that of a brand new socialist get together of, say, Europe, or the darkish doings of one other Idi Amin?
2016-09-05 14:38:15
answer #4
answered by schueler 4
Not a Liberal, but two years ago "Insight on the News" ran an article about Chavez secret police are all from Cuba as well as hundreds of teachers and many in his government and military are imported by him from Cuba.
2007-05-28 10:27:18
answer #5
answered by ohbrother 7
Chavez isn't erasing free speech altogether, he's just getting rid of the irritating parts.
As the elected leader of Venezuela, he should have the right to conduct his Presidency in peace. Wouldn't it be better if George W. Bush didn't have to contend with all those pesky reporters asking inopportune questions?
I think Saddam Hussein had it right: when you rule a country, it's yours to do with as you please. If I were Chavez, the next thing I'd do is have the currency changed to bear his image like Caesar did. This is the way to run a country, not all this namby-pamby whining and discord of conflicting voices. He is going after absolute rule, and I congratulate him for it.
2007-05-28 11:34:07
answer #6
answered by 7
Extemist politics cannot be used to make a valid point. When you get far enough to the left or far enough to the right you end up on the other side.
Extremists on both sides are the same, despite coming from different roads, the destination is still the same.
2007-05-28 10:04:21
answer #7
answered by Showtunes 6
The liberals I know are practicing free speech. They are speaking out against an administration that has no direction. I don't know of one liberal that is glad to see anyone lose their right to free speech.
2007-05-28 10:10:43
answer #8
answered by katydid 7
Ahhh...I was wondering how long it would take for Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) to show itself in this thread - it didn't take long at all.
For you libs that suffer from BDS, your all out hatred for Bush has so blinded you, you've lost the ability to have any rational thought. Comparing Bush to Chavez in any way shows how demented you are. I think it's time to schedule a group lobotomy...
p.s. - someone show Danny Glover the door please.
2007-05-28 10:16:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The people are rioting against Chavez which is good Chavez is a dictator who might lose his power.
2007-05-28 10:00:32
answer #10
answered by Jeremy P 2