Britain's Channel 4 is about to broadcast "tastefully blanked out" images of the last monents of Princess Diana's life. With all respect, I believe that both the public and the press have a severe reality problem. She was, in reality, no more than a normal-looking woman, who would still be alive, and not even especially noticed, if she had not married Prince Charles. The marriage was between two obviously ill-suited (albeit good) people, and the stress which the public life thrust upon her made her mentally fragile. She was not a stunning beauty, did not have an especially attractive figure, and had a rather bland character. What causes the majority of the population to see something in her, which was really never there? Any decent person in the public eye would feel deep sympathy for a poor child suffering with AIDS, and believing that the princess was a special human being because for her work with such children is an exaggeration. Dear public, please leave her to rest in peace.
25 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Royalty
If you really wanted her to rest in peace, you wouldn't be generating even more talk about her by asking a question about her. And certainly even worse you wouldn't go to such lengths to down-play who and what she was even down to her looks. It's ridiculous to say she wouldn't have been noticed if she hadn't married Charles. Well, duh, no one famous would be noticed if they hadn't done whatever made them famous in the first place. She, like all the royals are big parts of world history, why shouldn't she be remembered, why shouldn't the anniv of her death be commemorated? You wrote:
"What causes the majority of the population to see something in her, which was really never there?" How do YOU know what was or wasn't really there?
I can somewhat understand ppl's jealousy and envy at someone who is so immensely popular and well thought of and privileged, when that celeb is alive, BUT even after their death!?? To be so put off by what USE to be? The publicity she gets now, she is not around to benefit from. Why don't YOU stop obsessing about her?
2007-05-28 10:44:23
answer #1
answered by *Happy Once Again!* 3
Put aside the fact she was Princess Diana and you stilll have an attractive, kind hearted person, who did all she could for those in need. She did a lot behind the scenes that we never publicly saw.
Why are we still obsessed its not necessarily who she was but the fact she was a young woman in her prime, in fact she was the same age as me. And the day she died made me think about a few things in my life I can tell you.
Yes she may have strayed in the end from her husbands side, but dont forget he had been having an affair with Camilla from before he and Diana got married !! And that is what a lot of us Brits dont like.
She was treated apallingly by the Royal family, she was chosen to give an heir to the throne and she did just that and eventually the truth hit home, her fairytale turned into a nightmare.
Most of the story we know some we will never know. Thanks to the media hype she has never been left to RIP and I think she should be but when you have her own sons arranging a concert in her memory this year I think thats unlikely, if her family arent going to let her lie in peace how are we expected to forget.
2007-05-28 17:20:59
answer #2
answered by BigMomma2 5
It's crazy. The only reason why everyone loved her was because she was a normal person. She didn't want special treatment like the rest of the royal family. Other than that, I don't see the point myself. I presume I'll be long forgotten when I've been dead ten years. But people refuse to let bad things from the past (Di's death) go.
Which is where grudges and feuds come from. Eventually somebody's going to get killed for down-talking Di, and the killer is going to get all the sympathy. It's just the way it goes.
2007-05-28 18:19:26
answer #3
answered by ? 5
Why are we still obsessed by Diana? Because we do not have enough occupying our time & mind. Boozing & gossiping have become a national pastime.
I agree with all you said & shall add further; There was nothing & I mean nothing special about the princess. Her supposed humanitarian works were nothing but PR jobs which were meant to endear her to the public. Pretentious charity shows & visits to Africa for good effect.
Mean while she revealed a foible: Brief, unromantic unprincesslike afffairs & carousing with persons otherwise assigned to jobs equivalent to her butlers exposed her as just ordinary. She has done her bit & passed on & I believe a lot more quiet would serve all better; especially so for Prince Charles & Princess Camillia whom a majority of you has labelled as the wicked witch. Camillia deserves better; She is real, genuine & most of all the Prince loves her. So stop all those derogatory statements if not for her sake but for the sake of the Prince.
2007-05-29 04:20:12
answer #4
answered by patrick d 2
It is well past the time to let it go.
As for showing images if her in her last moments of life - it is beyond tasteless but that appears to be the way television is going these days.
Ten years on this is helping no-one, least of all her sons.
Get over it! Some people don't grieve so long for a member of their immediate family.
2007-05-29 02:20:14
answer #5
answered by monkeyface 7
The biggest reason is because she was the People's Princess. The most active Princess with society. It would have to do with it being one of the biggest shocks at the time back in 1997.It could also b b/c she wasnt a normal royal. She went out and did things that the royal family looked at and said no. She was an amazing person. With a big tradegy at the time. That would b the only reason that i can see us still talking about it for. I do agree tho. Let her rest in peace, it has been 10 yrs.
2007-05-28 18:40:14
answer #6
answered by Peanuthead 2
She was very young when she married Prince Charles, two years younger than I was. It was easy to feel empathy with her, and sympathy when she was pregnant, cried when the press hounded her - and they really did hound her. She was young, pretty and very endearing. It was clear she had bitten off more than she could chew. And it was always a bit clear that Prince Charles wasn't quite sure how to cope with her. She was very vulnerable.
Her extreme youth and innocence were clear. And so was her inability to cope.
I don't think I have ever been obsessed with Princess Diana, but her dreams crashed around her and it was hard to watch. And also, I don't think I would have behaved anydifferently, if I had been in her shoes.
2007-05-28 17:34:39
answer #7
answered by True Blue Brit 7
I believe she became an Icon while she was still alive due to the 'fairytale' myth. Then she had an unaccoutantable death like Marilyn Monroe. She was beautiful and mysterious and fascinated people. I can't explain why, she's just a mythic figure for some reason.
2007-05-28 19:16:01
answer #8
answered by grayson2 1
Because the tabloids and the celebrities magazines wanted so in order to sell millions of copies of their products. To put it in others words: media wise she was a very marketable and profitable commodity and still is. Most members of the the masses think and behave as the media wants.
2007-05-28 17:45:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I agree. Could never understand why such a fuss was made of her goods works. It couldn't have been difficult, two weeks working for charity, 6 weeks holiday on some millionaires yacht. Another two weeks good works then skiing in some playboys mountain paradise. Guess even I'd do good works living a life that that. At her funeral were hundreds of people who worked for the charities she was associated with, I remember thinking, they do that work full time, it is their jobs, and lowly paid, they don't get to live the life of ultimate luxury, nobody even knows their names. How come she gets so much applause for her two weeks of good works here and there?
2007-05-28 17:05:34
answer #10
answered by trouble_906 4