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In a previous question, I asked why certain conservatives claim that liberal academics try to suppress the expression of conservative ideas on college campuses. I mentioned in the post that I have been on a college campus and that I have a B.A. in Spanish with a minor in German. A certain conservative poster here then told me that I needed to get in touch and "get a real degree". Obviously, this person couldn't defend her ideas with facts and instead, had to resort to insults. Isn't it hilarious!:)

2007-05-28 09:55:33 · 24 answers · asked by tangerine 7 in Politics & Government Politics

Kim: No, thanks. After all, I'm not the one who's been discredited. YOU are, dear.:)

2007-05-28 10:03:52 · update #1

gz: That's the most CREATIVE excuse I've ever seen for someone not being able to use facts instead of insults. Here's your gold star...

2007-05-28 10:07:06 · update #2

You asked: Actually, I AM using my degree. I was actually hired BECAUSE of my linguistic skills rather than in spite of them. Also, I've heard that the Rosetta Stone software is great, but most employers are more impressed by a DEGREE rather than someone's mere mention of a dabble here or there with a foreign language.

2007-05-28 10:10:45 · update #3

Hil E: That's EXACTLY the kind of answer I was asking for in the last question! I wanted FACTS, not insults or gibberish. I think that Brown University should've been held accountable and been made to explain their reasons behind the suspension. Regarding Tufts University, I'm curious to know what content the blacks and Muslims found so offensive.

2007-05-28 10:26:26 · update #4

Stony: You're right. There is narrowmindedness and intolerance on BOTH sides.

2007-05-28 10:29:30 · update #5

24 answers

I get that all the time: "Get a real degree" because I have a Sociology degree. The funny thing though is the fact that most people who have the nerve to say that to me didn't even graduate high school. Don't let it get to you. They obviously couldn't address the question you had asked.

2007-05-29 02:02:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Eigentlisch, Amigo, what the poster was probably telling you was to get a degree from a college that taught you how to think clearly and arrive at logical conclusions. Any school can teach you fluency in languages, but few modern day colleges can teach you to be an independant and intelligent thinker. Just take a look at most of the content of the liberal posts in this forum. How much clear thinking do you see there? Why do you think that almost every civilized nation in the world produces students who are superior to American students in every measurable category? Conservatives don't have to point out the suppression of conservative thinking, which includes learning such things as math, science and english. It's there for the world to see every time there is an international scholastic competition, which is always won by students who did not waste their college time studying diversity, women's studies, multiculturalism, stripping, and the cultural richness of hiphop.

2007-05-28 18:18:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No, it's not really funny. And you don't think so, either since it bothers you so much you feel the need to insult people by making it the topic of a "question." Maybe they wanted you to cite some facts to validate your claim instead of the vague "certain conservatives." These "isn't it funny" questions are ridiculous (regardless of which political agenda they originate from).

When you ask a politically loaded question, some people are going to take offense, and some will deliberately misunderstand your question, and others will insult you outright. You have to be able to take it without overreacting. Posting a "question" like this makes you appear to be overly sensitive.

2007-05-28 17:11:21 · answer #3 · answered by Bad Kitty! 7 · 3 1

To be fair, at liberal colleges, like the one I attended, although the professors don't try to suppress the expression of conservative ideas, the students DEFINITELY DO.

I remember commenting in college that I thought Rush Limbaugh was funny even though I didn't always agree with him. The students around me reacted as if I had just promoted white supremecism. Some never spoke to me again.

So sorry to burst your bubble, but there are definitely millions of arrogant liberals who are as close-minded and stubborn as some of the knuckle-dragging conservatives who post nonsense on this site.

For some reason I can't explain, Yahoo Answers attracts more Cons than Libs but their numbers are equally represented in American society.

2007-05-28 17:10:53 · answer #4 · answered by BOOM 7 · 5 2

Democrats attack Republicans using facts about policy and actions. Republican attacks on Democrats are usually just an insult game, name-calling, smear tactics. It's attempting to discredit the messenger, because they know that they cannot discredit the message.

An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the person", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. It is most commonly used to refer specifically to the ad hominem abusive, or argumentum ad personam, which consists of criticizing or personally attacking an argument's proponent in an attempt to discredit that argument.

It's a well known flaw of logic

2007-05-28 17:37:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Because The answerer is tired of the BS spewed by people who do not understand ...
BTW..congratulations on learning other languages I like to see people continue their education...but many people speak more than one language WITHOUT the aid of college...what she should have told you in a more dignified manner is that those degree's don't mean squat in the real world...

Edit: I was not talking about dabbling...I was talking about sitting up there patting yourself on the back for something some people do without college...Some people are fluent in many languages, I wouldn't call that dabbling...I can see how you feel Superior waving a piece of paper in the face of someone just to prove to yourself that your smart...what you now need to do is recognize the intelligence of others as well and stop being a baby when someone points out how arrogant your being...

2007-05-28 17:06:47 · answer #6 · answered by Erinyes 6 · 4 3

I realize that this will not be popular but I haven't seen either conservatives or liberals be particularly respectful of the opposite side of the debate. Unfortunately I tend to see conservatives use "facts" (whether you believe them or not) to debate the positions of liberals whereas I see liberals resort to personal attacks on conservatives (e.g. "you're a moron", "you homophobe", etc.) as a way to discredit their positions. Those are generalizations but are based on hundreds of examples.

You will be able to find counterexamples but I would challenge you to take a look at the general political discussions and see if my observations are correct. A counterexample does not disprove a general observation it requires the preponderance of evidence to do so. I have given some examples as sources. Please look at these and other sites to get a feel for the tone of the discussion by both sides of the coin.

Good luck. It sounds as though you have decided on this and I would caution you that to do so will cause you to miss plenty of the debate.

2007-05-28 17:23:27 · answer #7 · answered by Matt W 6 · 4 4

So sorry you were chided by a Conservative but as to your question you do realize the most collages do try to suppress Conservative ideas and organizations don't you?

For example:

Showing profound disregard for free speech and freedom of the press, Tufts University has found a conservative student publication guilty of harassment and creating a hostile environment for publishing political satire. Despite explicitly promising to protect controversial and offensive expression in its policies, the Tufts Committee on Student Life decided yesterday to punish the student publication The Primary Source (TPS) for printing two articles that offended African-American and Muslim students on campus.

And then there is this:
The Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) has placed a professor on forced administrative leave and has recommended that he be terminated for e-mailing a Thanksgiving message to his colleagues last November. On the day before Thanksgiving, Professor Walter Kehowski sent out the text of George Washington’s “Thanksgiving Day Proclamation of 1789” and a link to the webpage where he’d found it—on Pat Buchanan’s web log. After several recipients complained of being offended by the e-mail, MCCCD found Kehowski guilty of violating the district’s Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policy and technology usage standards. Kehowski then contacted FIRE for help. Kehowski has appealed the chancellor’s decision and will defend himself at an appeal hearing on June 5.

Then maybe you consider this OK:
November 23, 2006
Associated Press

Leaders of a conservative Christian student fellowship suspended from using campus resources at Brown University are wondering whether they were singled out for their beliefs.
They’re pressing school officials to explain the punishment. Brown University has not publicly explained why it suspended the Reformed University Fellowship, which is allied with the conservative Presbyterian Church in America.
A Brown spokesman says the group failed to follow university guidelines -- but he didn’t say which ones. In an e-mail sent to students, one Brown chaplain complained the group’s leaders were contemptuous, dishonest and generally wasted administrators’ time, patience and energy.
The fellowship subscribes to a denomination that believes in Calvinism, opposes ordaining women and holds the Bible as the inerrant word of God. The student group claims roughly 100 members at Brown.

But it may ger you this:
PROVIDENCE, R.I., February 1, 2007—Brown University has finally lifted its semester-long suspension of the Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) student group. As of last week, the RUF has been restored to its previous status as a recognized student group and held its first on-campus meeting of the school year on Sunday. Brown’s decision to reinstate the group came after months of public pressure from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).
“Religious liberty and fair procedures are essential at any university that claims to respect its students’ rights. Unfortunately, ignoring those rights is a frequent occurrence on many campuses,” FIRE’s Shibley said. “We hope that next time Brown will think twice before so haphazardly suspending a student group.”

ADD: Recommend that you go to the website and read the "rest of the story".

2007-05-28 17:13:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

I know the one youre talking about.

Her affiliation as a fool and jerk overrides her affiliation as a conservative just like it would for a similiar liberal. :) Thank you for not making an insulting statement against all conservatives for this.

Your answer though: Lack of free thought. The poor girl just cant think for herself. When youre taught your whole life to be a parrot you tend to attack when something you dont understand or cant refuge challenges your worldview. I feel sorry for her.

2007-05-28 17:10:09 · answer #9 · answered by Showtunes 6 · 2 4

There's a very good chance the person you're referring
to, in your additional details was 8, when Bush took office.

2007-05-28 17:14:37 · answer #10 · answered by Calee 6 · 4 2

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