Females are different from males in several ways:
1. skin texture
2. posture
3. walk
4. voice.
Getting rid of facial hair is the obvious first step. Don't forget armpits and legs. Instead of shaving, use removal creams, wax or laser (be careful, laser is permanent). Shaving leaves stubbly skin which is a dead giveaway.
Get a big mirror and practice walking like a girl in front of it. Watch videos of girls walking to help you.
Practice sitting down like a girl. I dressed up a boyfriend as a woman for Halloween once, and the whole bar 'bought' it - until he sat down: with his legs wide open like a guy, the skirt riding up his thighs. It was hilarious!
The voice can be quite a difficult obstacle to overcome. Begin by softening your voice to sound more feminine.
Don't overdo the makeup. Most crossers put it on with a trowel.
Don't overfrill the clothes. Try to dress like 'natural' girl.
2007-05-28 06:33:19
answer #1
answered by flywho 5
You'd better not. Remember Gwen Arraho? He got beat to death when he flirted with a guy as a girl and the straight guy found out. Its a threat to straight guys to be attracted to a guy made up like a chick. Its also false advertising and just plain sux. Be who you are until you can pass for a female *completely*. It might just save your life.
2007-05-28 13:19:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I wouldn't recommend it because society doesn't know how to handle that yet, and it's reaction to you doing that will more than likely be not so good.
But to answer your question:
- grow long hair (curls, ribbons, bangs, etc.)
- wear earrings
- wear makeup (mascara, lipstick, etc.)
- wear perfume
- get your eyebrows arched in a feminine way (not thick, matted, and bushy)
- wear dresses, skirts, etc.
- get acrylic nails, manicure, pedicure (bright pinks, neon colors, pastels, etc.)
- if you're muscular, get a little fat so it can tone down the muscles, unless you wanna look like a bulky girl...
- get kinda thin
- wear breast pads
- talk like a girl
2007-05-28 13:55:32
answer #3
answered by BlackBeauty91 2
I'm a transgirl living in functional stealth. I have found that passing is maybe a third looks and two thirds behavior. As far as looks go, it depends what your body type and face are like. But here are some general tips:
(1) Don't dress overly femme...Most male bodied people don't have a feminine enough build and face to look like a really femme woman. If they dress really femme the contrast will show, even if dressed somewhat less femininely, but still as a woman, they would look a lot like many women on the street. Look at the women around you. Pay special attention to women who are around your height, weight, and have a similar build. Look at how they dress. Emulate that.
(2) Dress appropriately for your age, location, and social setting...beginning transgirls often get clocked because they dress in clothing like their grandmother wore or conversely in clothes made for much younger women. They also often get clocked because they dress innappropriately for the occassion, usually wearing clubbing clothes in daily life.
(3) It's the quality not quantity of make-up. Unless you have great facial structure and no facial hair you will probably need make-up. However, if you cake on the slap you will look like a drag queen or a crossdresser. Don't take your make-up cues from either. Look at how women your age do their make-up. You want to look like them. However, due to likely male gender cues in your face you need to do some things a little differently. You should hide the fact that your mouth is probably wider than most natal women's by using a light lipliner and taking it not quite out to the edges and tapering just slightly. This takes practice. You should also use blush and foundation to gently draw attention away from masculine features. Get a tutorial from a make-up artist about what to do for your particular facial features. I spent about $50 on this and it helped me pass greatly!
(4) Walking. For heaven's sake do not walk like you are on a runway the way lots of drag queens and cross dressers do. You will just scream guy. At the same time you cannot walk the way you probably do/did when living as a guy. The key is to take shorter steps, step more lightly, and step more from the hip and less from the knees. Once again watch how women about your height and weight walk, then emulate them. I used to practice at home with a full length mirror.
(5) Voice...Even if you look perfect your voice can easily get you clocked. The best way to get your voice passable is to: (1) speak softly; (2) raise your pitch (you can best learn to raise it to the right place by doing scales at home until you reach your falsetto pitch, then gradually try to lower it until you get to a point right below breaking; now use this point when you talk, if you use your falsetto point your voice will have no cadence as you cannot go up and down as tyou talk), (3) tenor and temper...stereotypically men tend to speak more abruptly, have harsher diction, and keep their voices more monotone when speaking. Women tend to speak more slowly, have softer consonants, and have a lilt in their voice, especially near the beginning and end of sentences.
(6) Grooming...Let's say, for example, you have long hair. If you brush, condition, shampoo, and style your hair you are far more likely to pass then if you just run a comb through it, as women's hair is expected to be neat, while men tend to just let it go. There are exceptions. And I am not saying we should all be stereotypes. But as a general rule if you want to pass you have to overcome male cues by giving off distinctly female ones. So take care of your hair!
(7) Get breast forms...When women walk, even in a tight bra, their breasts move somewhat. If you stuff your "breasts" will not move. The lack of any, even slight movement is a cue that you are stuffing. The fact that you are stuffing may help get you clocked. A good quality breast form will move somewhat naturally. Also, if anybody does bump into you it will feel real.
(8) Obviously if you are a transgirl then more permanent stuff might be in order like electrolysis to remove that male facial hair for good and hormones. Six months on hormones can make some great differences. If you can afford it, you can augment these differences with Facial Feminization Surgery. I had FFS and it took me from marginal to passing easily.
Anyway, I hope this helped. Best of luck.
2007-05-29 22:22:44
answer #4
answered by Rachel 1
Remember cross your legs
Learn to walk like a lady and act like a lady
Do not over do makeup use mascara and eye shadow
Yes wax your legs no hairy legs
voice will be hardest and a dead giveaway
And stay away from straight males and you will have
issues with bathroom?
2007-05-28 13:47:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Be careful! Don't get caught by a hetero or they might get super mad! The most important thing, don't try to over do it. If you try to hard to look like a girly girl no one will believe it. Also, work on your voice, it's the hardest part. Have fun!
2007-05-28 13:54:37
answer #6
answered by shadowofu_love29 3
Don't listen to spost826…
It's OK to dress up, just make sure you present yourself where you know you'll be accepted...(Gay/Tranny Bar/Club).
Don't come on to a "Straight" male without expecting fallout when he finds your not as advertised! (spost826 is right on that account)
Go to where the men LOVE girls like you.
You'll never have so many new friends.
I myself think Trannys (Pre-ops, Post-ops, Cross-dressers etc.) are Great!
I love just plain good looking men too.
2007-05-28 13:30:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The only thing FlyWho missed was CONFIDENCE if your acting scared or nervous people naturally will start looking at you.
You gotta believe it your self Girl!
2007-05-28 13:51:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Actually I wouldn't mind knowing myself, I know of Gwen and it's horrible to think what happened to her, I'd hate to see that happen to you, me or anyone else so at least try to be careful and think about what you're doing, sorry I can't be of much help
2007-05-28 13:27:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Try a bar where this is the norm before you go out in public!Also look as fem as you can!
2007-05-29 18:24:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous