I have this 25yr old friend and she got married about 2 months ago, but when we go out clubbing she still tries to flirt with guys. She says that she's just having a bit of fun and that she would never cheat on her husband.
And then after no guys seemed to be interested in her, she said that it's either she gone ugly or it's the weddng ring that puts the guys off, because , according to her, 'when she was single she used to pull all the time'!
And when we were out with her new husband, I could tell that she was trying her very hardest not to look around at guys!
Is it normal to flirt even when you're married.
Both my friend and I are 25yrs old.
15 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Marriage & Divorce
Once she took those vows promising to be faithful and loyal to her husband, she should only be flirting with her husband and not looking at all the other guys. Thankfully some of the guys see the ring and have enough respect for her husband to leave her alone ~ now if only SHE had respect for her husband.
She needs some counseling to get over her low self esteem or big ego, whichever she has trouble with. She needs to grow up and should never have married if she wasn't ready to settle down.
And what is she doing out clubbing with the girls when she's married? Her life is at home and the only going out she should be doing is with her husband until she learns to control herself. She's headed for divorce court if she keeps this up. How would she like it if her husband was out with his friends and flirting with other girls?
2007-05-27 23:58:00
answer #1
answered by KittyKat 6
Innocent flirting is ok, but going to clubs without your spouse and flirting there isn't. Clubs are "meat markets" geared to hooking up...women try to say they go for a "good time or dancing" but I worked in a club and those types of girls rarely come into clubs. Nine times out of ten, people will hookup at a club wether they go there with the intention of doing so or not.
Plus she is leading guys on and that could lead to problems if the guy is drunk and doesn't want to take no for an answer...and plus it isn't fair to them when they could be hooking up with a single girl...instead of being teased by your friend.
2007-05-27 23:28:12
answer #2
answered by swtlilblonde31 5
Married people who are still flirting with others are sending out unfair signals to those who are unaware of their married status. If your friend gets her kicks out of "pretending", she must not have been ready to be married. I bet she would not feel it was okay and harmless if it was her husband doing all the flirting with others. She is playing a harmful game with her marriage whether or not she "cheats". Loss of trust is something that is very hard, if not impossible, to regain once lost. She needs to sit and reevaluate why she feels the need to do this. Her husband's attention and approval should be the only thing she requires, not other men's.
2007-05-27 23:29:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Flirting is what you do when you are warming someone up in order to ask them out ,or get to know them better . It's destructive for a committed or married person to use the energy that should be going into their relationship ,to woo other people. The thrill that a person gets from flirting should be kept alive in marriage and that can only happen with effort .To divide your attention means that you are only offering your spouse a portion of yourself ,when they are entitled to all of your attention .
2007-05-27 23:28:38
answer #4
answered by opinionated 4
Flirting is a form of art. It takes a lot of experience to flirt right, maybe she just doesn't have the experience yet. I've been married for fifty years and my wife says I'm very good. All the girls at Wal-Mart think I'm great at it and in fact one told me. if they had a contest, I would win.
I, of course am happy at home. I flirt because, well, it's there I guess, like a mountain to climb, it's there. There's no harm in it. My wife thinks, or waits for something new to happen but, it never does.
2007-05-27 23:27:36
answer #5
answered by cowboydoc 7
As the saying goes, you can look but you cant touch. Any you look at the menu, but you have to eat at home. I dont think flirting is bad, but depends on why you are doing it, I am guessing maybe she doesnt get something that she needs from her husband, or she just enjoys knowing men still find her attractive.
2007-05-27 23:43:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It does sound like she is not toally happy. I think married people flirt a little- all in fun, but it sounds like sh goes over board.
2007-05-28 02:31:34
answer #7
answered by ? 3
Your friend should not be concerned about what other guys may think of her. She needs to stay focused on her husband.
2007-05-28 00:25:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Absolutely not! Most of it may be innocent, but there can be that one time where it goes too far. It may not be planned, but that won't fix it once it happens. She needs to stop.
2007-05-28 01:22:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No. If still want to flirt, dont get married.
2007-05-28 00:00:45
answer #10
answered by Anonymous