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omg, my iPod died!!!
first it wouldnt switch off, so my friend told me to let it run out, and then charge it back up again, so i did, and it aws working, and it was switching off and everything, and then i switched it off and it wont switch back on, and it doesnt respond to anything, like usb thingy, or charger or anything :(

is it dead? or is there anyway i can fix it? coz i cant live without my music. and i cant get a new one either, till i speak to my dad, but i dont know where he is for like month or so....

someone help meeeeeeee!!!!

thanks for reading this question anyways!


2007-05-27 21:32:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Consumer Electronics Music & Music Players

9 answers

Mine did the exact same thing. It's now a $300 paperweight. I had to buy a new one.

2007-05-27 21:34:53 · answer #1 · answered by Mickey Mouse Spears 7 · 0 0

right there could be 4 things for you to consider trying.
first plug into your pc, you didn't mention whether or not your pc recognises your ipod anymore, does itunes come on when you plug it in?if it does it's either run down too much and needs a few mins charge before it will come on (like a mobile)you can then try restoring factory settings.(it is in the first screen that comes up when u plug in. you will have to reload your library after this is done also the language and clock etc. you could also try (if you have 2nd gen nano) flick the hold switch on and off a few times (i do 4) and hold the play and select (top of the click wheel, and middle button) untill you see the apple logo. if the reset works you don't have to redo the clock or library etc,

otherwise if its still under warrenty, get it replaced. plus side you will get a new shiny baby, if its after the warrenty unlucky, it will be cheaper to buy a new one than to have it fixed. sorry.

hope the links below aide you in your search for a solution, my friend, i couldn't live without my pod....

2007-05-27 23:52:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try holding down the play button 4 a hell of a long time. If that doesnt work try to do it with the iPod plugged into ur computer. Or hold the play and the select button 4 a while.

2007-05-27 21:36:19 · answer #3 · answered by LAnce14 2 · 0 0

hope this helps......................

we had the same problem with an ipod nano 2nd generation.

i don't know what model yours is but on the top of ours there is a button that says hold (it has an orange bit underneath). push this over to hold and leave it for around a minute. then push it back, hold down the bottom button and if it's not broken then it should start up again.

good luck. x x

2007-05-27 22:09:26 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Right i think if it wont turn off u have to hold menu and play for 5 seconds. It resets it with out losing all your music.... good luck

2007-05-27 21:44:52 · answer #5 · answered by jono 2 · 0 0

Restore it to it's factory settings using Itunes Ver &.1 also update the ipod software. all music will be wiped from it but will still be in itunes on PC so you can re-sync it

2007-05-31 10:23:01 · answer #6 · answered by theunknownstuntman 4 · 0 0

poor you - i know the pain brother
the first time this happened to me, i took to an ipod shop and they fixed it for me, although the second time the guy couldn't be bothered but its fixed now, sometimes they just need time. anyway, here's the link to the shops, you need to make an appointment via the website on the day that you want to go.
good luck

2007-05-27 21:51:32 · answer #7 · answered by Faith 4 · 0 0

That'll teach you to pay loads of hard-earned cash for a label. I could feed a small village in Africa for a decade for the price of one of those. And I would have greater satisfaction.

2007-05-27 21:47:09 · answer #8 · answered by Raging Tranny 7 · 0 1

you should check out this site where you can get it for free

2007-05-28 00:51:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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