I am "Grandpa" to my daugter's son, and will be to my son's son when he can talk, I suspect. We are a blended family, though, and my second (current) wife doesn't want to take anything away from my first. So the grandkids on my side call her "Grammie Julie" and her son's children just call her "Grammie." And to them I am "Grampie."
And isn't it great that we can just love these kids to death and spoil them rotton, then send them home to their parents? We tell our kids it's called poetic justice... :)
2007-05-27 19:40:37
answer #1
answered by Don P 5
Hi I am not a grandmother yet not by a long shot I hope because my eldest is only 12 but when he was a baby he was the first grandchild on my side and used to call my mother nan-nan and my father Dada. All the other kids followed his lead and Dad is still Dada but my mother is now Nana to most of the grandchildren (soon to be 11) but my children often call my mother mum because that's what I call her and they call me Mummy or Mam or Mom the later influenced by American tv I'm sure.
2007-05-28 17:06:18
answer #2
answered by Brenda B 3
It depends on their age, but I'm Nanna, Nanny or Nan, the other grandparents are called Grandma, because she didn't want to be referred to an old goat! (so that's what she thinks of me) and Grandpa. To my great grandchildren I am Nonna, - I thought Great was going a bit too far, and not so easy to say so we all agreed.
2007-05-28 02:50:48
answer #3
answered by Florence-Anna 5
My daughter had a problem with me wanting him to be able to say like I can "Well, my ole Grandaddy used to tell me..." and she had called me pop 'most all of her life.
My maternal grandmother was Nanny because I couldn't say Granny... Only nanny would come out and she chose not to change it as I grew older and mastered speech.
2007-05-27 23:48:31
answer #4
answered by Chaplain John 4
My grands are all infants and toddlers, but I am gramma; my hubby is grandpa; their other grandmother is Nana ( in both families, interestingly); my parents, the childrens great grandparents, are grammy and papa.
This helps them tell us all apart, as we all have different monikers.
(P.S. I am under 50, and look 10 years younger than I am)
2007-05-28 23:27:45
answer #5
answered by Pichi 7
My only grandchild calls me Nene (pronounced neh neh), and that's fine by me. I grew up with the tradition that the Grandmother on your mother's side was called 'Nana' and Grandmother on your father's side was called 'Grandma.
2007-05-30 13:34:01
answer #6
answered by cymry3jones 7
I am Nana to my gransons. I didn't want to be referred to as Grandma, because it made me feel too old.
When my Mum and Dad were still alive, they were called GG (for great grandma) and Grumpy (because he WAS).
I am looking forward to becoming a GG myself 20 years or so down the line.
2007-05-28 12:37:38
answer #7
answered by Susie Q 7
"G P", short for grandpa, my 1st granddaughter came up w/ that when she was three (now 16). The other two, now 12 & 9 followed suit.
2007-05-28 09:54:00
answer #8
answered by Shy Guy 4
2007-05-28 02:45:57
answer #9
answered by gabeymac♥ 5
2007-05-28 11:00:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous