He's an idiot. People are no longer buying the 911 mantra.
Oh, and Ron Paul proved he doesn't read.
2007-05-27 19:34:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1st.,he's not against abortion. 2nd,he's from NY.Combine those and people think he's too liberal regardless of his pro stance on the war.For some reason many think that abortion is more important than than the war.As for me, I'm confused.
Right to life; does that include all the soldiers and Iraq's killed along with those who have been killed by abortion?
I digress.Rudy is an east coast guy.The rest of the nation doesn't know him despite his being on the cover of Time magazine for the way he supposedly led the city during 9/11; and now there is criticism saying he didn't do well at all
Ah, politics. You can go to church or temple,mosque faithfully on your sabbath and somebody will challenge your beliefs because your not there every hour you are awake
2007-05-27 23:05:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Rudy Giuliani is slipping on the polls due to immorality issues because of her many wives and the growing unpopular support for the Iraq war.
VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.
2007-05-28 04:43:14
answer #3
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7
His shining moment turned into his Waterloo.
By claiming he had not heard of any theories that American Policy was a reason given for 9/11, he opened himself up to many attacks.
Since his security stance was his supposedly #1 seller and it turns out he either understood nothing of foreign relations or was willing to lie about it to score points, his main strength became his biggest weakness.
Then people looked at governer of New York (Democrat stronghold), abortion and his history as a prosecutor and got turned off.
2007-05-27 22:21:30
answer #4
answered by Ethaniel 2
Gee, I don't know. He must be three times more knowledgeable on family values because he's been married three times.
Also, he campaigned against a Republican New York governor ; he's pro gay marriages, against the death penalty, for gun control and abortion, for amnesty for illegals. All this should make him popular with his fellow Democrats.
Oh, wait a minute, that's right, he's running as a Republican.
2007-05-27 22:40:58
answer #5
answered by Edward Carson 3
I'd say that because the truth is out that he's a one issue politician, 9/11.
2007-05-27 22:36:50
answer #6
answered by supressdesires 4
Probably because the American people have finally realized that the man is a mere opportunist, nothing more.
2007-05-27 22:14:12
answer #7
answered by Brotherhood 7
Because he's a democrat running for a Republican nomination.
2007-05-28 07:55:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Doesn't matter. Hillary will be our next president. It just makes sense.
2007-05-27 23:57:55
answer #9
answered by Monte B 3
Because he sucks.
2007-05-27 22:20:07
answer #10
answered by Dash 4