okay, so I'm 15 (almost 16) and I've never had a boyfriend before. I'm currently a sophomore in HS. In middle school, I was picked on a lot because I was ugly(big nose, ugly face). I'm Alot prettier now( but still have the big nose), and I go to a new school in a new state now. I'm terribly shy(when it comes to guys) , and a little reserved. I have Alot more friends now, and a little more open. I also try to stay positive as possible. Is this just a "phase" or what?
20 answers
asked by
jenn = ]
Beauty & Style
➔ Other - Beauty & Style
WOW, guys thanx so much for the inspiring feedback!!!!
10:34:13 ·
update #1
My heart goes out to you. It is unfortunate that others will be cruel because of somebody's differences. It is important to learn to accept yourself as you are and try to love yourself as you are. I'm glad for you that you have a lot more friends now and I know it is hard to be alone, to be lonely but try to be patient.
Try not to think about your loneliness so much; do what you can to have fun, learn new things and be the best person you can be. I'm sure that some guy out there will come to appreciate the person you are.
I wish you all the best!
2007-05-27 12:18:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Don't sweat it. You will have plenty of boyfriends in time, especially if you go on to college. Get involved in school activities. Focus on your friends because that's what matters. Guys in high school do not make good boyfriends. There are exceptions of course. Do you have any guys that are friends? I would focus on friendship. Guy friends are great. Who knows things could take a turn towards boyfriend and what better way to start then with someone that you feel comfortable with without the pressure. No one is perfect looking so really don't sweat it. Worry, if you're going to, on the things you can change such as hairstyle, makeup, clothes, etc. And forget the rest.
2007-06-03 18:29:11
answer #2
answered by Unsub29 7
Ok dont worry about!! I'm 17 and i have never had a boyfriend either. Besides its not like your planning on marrying anybody right now anyway. So if you think about most people who have boyfriends before that actually ready to make that commitment just end up getting hurt! Im sure there is that special someone out there for you!!Dont let that get you down now, don't worry your only almost 16 you have the rest of your life!
2007-05-27 19:09:34
answer #3
answered by Sarah 2
oh girl I feel ur pain!! I was teased as well I never had a boyfriend until my junior year of high school. I'm dealing with issues about self image too!! I'm still very shy around people I don't know. Don't rush the boyfriend thing it will come when the time is right. Try to focus on more positive things like hanging out with ya girls, getting good grades in school and enjoying your teenage years.
2007-05-27 19:57:47
answer #4
answered by foxxiehottie 3
I'm 14, almost 15, and I've never had a boyfriend either. I've been asked out a few times, but mostly by guys that I wasn't interested in. Just because you haven't had a boyfriend doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you. Don't compare yourself to other girls, and don't try to be like them either. My friend asked a guy who asked me out why he liked me so much. He said it was because I was different than all of the other girls, and that I was pretty and smart and funny. I didn't think I was pretty, but he did. You see yourself differently than other people. I have really big blue eyes, and I used to get made fun of. But now everyone's always telling me how beautiful they are. Don't worry about your "big nose". Just be yourself around guys. I act the same around guys as I do around girls. I used to be shy around them, but I asked myself WHY I was so shy around them, and I couldn't even give myself an answer. It's a lot easier to let go of all your insecurities and just be yourself.
2007-05-27 19:21:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I was the exact same way, but I didn't get pretty until I was 17. Its totally normal for girls to not have boyfriends later in life. I actually didn't have my first boyfriend until I was seventeen and I turned out just fine. Maybe if you don't look for it, it will come. Like, just focus on living and having fun, and eventually the right guy will find you and you can make your move from there. Its safe to say, its just a phase, and it'll pass!
2007-06-03 19:20:31
answer #6
answered by sarahbear72688 1
It is, you will become more confident as you develop other qualities.
Sure beauty is important but up to a point, you will realize that in a few years.
Hang out with nice people and yes, stay positive.
Have you ever seen Shallow Hal? The ugly duck theory? The best girls are the ones that were not as pretty when they are young because they develop other qualities pretty girls dont. And eventually they become pretty and they become the "great catch"
Good luck
2007-05-27 19:10:55
answer #7
answered by B 2
Ms. Lonely, just because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean you're ugly. People who go through surgeries to make themselves look better end up having health problems as they age. Don't worry about your nose either, it doesn't make you less of a person. Just be yourself, enjoy the company of your friends, have fun, someday, someone might eventually take notice. Remember, nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.
2007-06-03 22:29:53
answer #8
answered by mt1681 2
16 is very young....just worry about school and growing up without boys for a while. The right one will come around when the time is right. A lady usually doesn't even know what she wants until she is older. Make some best friends, make some memories. It matters what you are like on the inside.
2007-05-27 19:08:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Always remember you are just as good as anybody else, and we see flaws in ourselves that other people usually don't even see or care about..Every morning when you wake up tell yourself your beautiful and look at yourself in the face, when you feel good about yourself or confident it shows and that has to be the best makeup or accessory you could ever have..And don't be scared to talk to people, I use to be lol now you can't shut me up :-) Anyways start with making yourself looking people in the eye as you walk by and say a simple hello. Nobody would ever see anything wrong in that right?!
2007-06-03 22:06:08
answer #10
answered by sunkissed525 2