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Lawsuit Cites Plane Trips for Clintons
Saturday, May 26, 2007 2:32 PM EDT
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — A longtime Clinton benefactor used corporate jets to fly the former president and Hillary Rodham Clinton on business, personal and campaign trips that a lawsuit brands as wasteful company spending.

The supporter, Vinod Gupta, also secured contracts worth more than $3 million for Bill Clinton to provide consulting services to Gupta's Nebraska-based company, infoUSA, from 2003 through 2008, according to the suit.


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2007-05-27 04:28:40 · 16 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

and Democrats think they are all saints?!


2007-05-27 04:32:40 · answer #1 · answered by Boomer 4 · 4 3

Ahhhh. A page out of the Bob Dole playbook . ( Relax, I like him.) So the answer to "Is our politicians learning?" is "Yes." ;D
Haven't read all of the press on it , but seems more a "Gupta Scandal" than a "Clinton Scandal" . Gupta is the one accused of misusing company funds . " .... a law suit alledges ....." Not time for the hangin' party yet . A lot of lawsuits alledge a lot of things;- doesn't mean much. We won't know the full extent of this until it gets going (if ever) , and some rats start jumping ship. Stay tuned Hillary-haters , you may get your wish , just not yet .

( Point of diclaimer , before you assume anything , I voted for Mark Duneau (farmer from Hancock ) the first time , and did a write-in for Art Bradley ( guy up the road, true blue conservative , very much to the right , nice guy, and intellectually honest ) the second time. He turned it down, so Hillary is in .;D)

2007-05-27 04:50:59 · answer #2 · answered by mikeinportc 5 · 0 1

Just one more Clinton scandal to throw onto the manure heap. 1 out of many thousands will have little impact.

But this guy sounds like the typical Clinton "friend". Wonder how long before he turns up dead somewhere.

"Gupta has been a major donor to Democrats over the years and especially prominent as a Clinton fundraiser. He was rewarded with a night in the White House's Lincoln bedroom during Clinton's presidency. He also donated at least $1 million to Bill Clinton's presidential library in Little Rock., Ark.

According to FEC records, Gupta-controlled entities provided jets for Hillary Clinton at least seven times since 2002. Clinton's campaigns or other political committees paid the equivalent of first-class air fare for those trips, a fee required by law but a significant discount compared with the actual cost of charter jet service.

It is unclear whether Gupta provided jets for Hillary Clinton during her presidential campaign."

2007-05-27 04:40:59 · answer #3 · answered by gorgeous george III 3 · 2 2

As scandals go I would prefer to see mine with the people you are talking about (the Clintons) actually involved in it.
They aren't the ones involved in the lawsuit, and their trips on the private plane were reported and paid for at a rate that is acceptable by law.
The man is being sued by someone who wanted a position on the board, he has a grudge and its taking it to court.
Please check you facts before diving with glee on yet another "Get the Clintons" smear job

2007-05-27 04:35:48 · answer #4 · answered by justa 7 · 3 4

This sounds like a typical frivolous lawsuit.

I thought conservatives were against such lawsuits.

If there were illegal actions involved, it would be a criminal trial, not a lawsuit.

2007-05-27 11:51:11 · answer #5 · answered by Darth Vader 6 · 0 1

Sounds like it's this Gupta's fault, not the Clintons. He was the one spending the money of the shareholders, setting these flights up for them. How were the Clintons to know that is wasn't legit? There are two sides to the story, I have feeling this story was planted to bring down the gaining momentum Hilary is getting for her campaign. As usual it's all about politics.

2007-05-27 04:32:54 · answer #6 · answered by daff73 5 · 4 6

The media will help them bury it, you will hear about it for a day or two and then it will be gone.

2007-05-27 09:36:23 · answer #7 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 1 0

I heard about infoUSA on the radio the other day and they are the ones who have been calling and scamming the elderly, those who are so easy to take advantage of.

Be prepared to hear a lot more about this situation in the near future.

2007-05-27 04:39:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Profile of a right wing sheep;
1.Calls everyone liberals or commies if they dont agree with them.
2.Listens to everything the noecons say and never think for themselves.
3.Repeat what the neocons say without question.
4.Apologise for their warmongering leaders on every public forum they can.
5.Believe that Larry Silverstein was made up by lefty kooks and commies.
6.Have never watched 911 mysteries yet feel compelled to rubbish it all over the internet.
7.Are not aware that 3 skyscrapers fell in New York on 911.
8.Big business criminals;
9.Draft dodgers hell-bent on sending your kids to war.
10.Fundy Christians fruitloops who swear God speaks to them.
11.Pro war (because war makes their arms dealer buddies filthy rich)
12. Are tooth and claw corporate criminals.
13.Spread race hatred as a means of creating more wars.
14.Blame Muslims for everything evil.
15.Apologists-for the most hated president who ever set foot in history.
16. Drunken moronic rich kid punks.
17.Hate Free Speech and seek to pass illegal wiretaps and other restrictions on peoples freedoms.
18.Anti-sharing, anti socialst / hate poor folks even though it was their grandfathers who ripped off all the poor families grandparents 70 years ago.
19.Create enemies using the CIA, so they can have another excuse to invade some more oil rich countries.
20.Wave flags as a way to use patriotism (so they can start more wars)
21.Taxation vampires
22.Destroy forests for profit
23.Cares more about population reduction than stopping corporate criminals interfering with the human food chain.
24.Never give their own money to charity; and embezzle hundreds of billions from tax payers who pay for their wars.
25.Basic degenerates.

2007-05-27 04:35:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

It depends on what the definition of "using company funds to shuttle the Clintons around" is.

2007-05-27 04:34:43 · answer #10 · answered by RP McMurphy 4 · 2 3

The Clintons are the most corrupt politicians of today, so it doesn't surprise me.

2007-05-27 04:40:01 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

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