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Electing sociolist left wingers who increase the size of govt. and taking away and/or limiting our freedoms.

2007-05-26 19:10:41 · 24 answers · asked by mak86nra 2 in Politics & Government Politics

People are not willing to work to for what they want. They have govt. give them money which raises taxes on the already heavely taxed hard working upper class. Then complain they dont have enough.

2007-05-26 19:55:41 · update #1

Ron Paul is NOT the answer!

2007-05-26 19:58:17 · update #2

I do feel safer these past six years. No help from the democrat party in "control" of congress even though they have done nothing but undermine the the troops and try to raise taxes.

2007-05-26 20:36:50 · update #3

24 answers

The current administration is doing just fine making government bigger and more intrusive without any help from left wingers. Bush just adds a czar and another level of inept beauracracy whenever he needs to shift the blame.

Pretty nifty feat!!

2007-05-26 19:15:25 · answer #1 · answered by KERMIT M 6 · 3 4

Thanks for asking, all appreciate a good and important question! I personally think the answer is the dumbing down and indoctrination programs that have been on going and getting more aggressive for many years. This includes our totally managed news with its fear mongering talking heads, globalist scum all of them! Most Americans will turn on the tube and watch the latest game. What can you expect when the vast majority isn’t even aware of a problem?
Our “job one” is waking up these couch potatoes! Things would happen rather quickly if the entire population was aware of things like the pending “immigration reform” bill in congress. People this is not only total amnesty it also allows all these illegals to bring in their entire families. This could amount to 100 million! What do you think this will do to our country? How about running gun battles in the streets so Dub-ya can declare himself dictator and take care of this problem. Is this what we want? You better get educated and get active. Wake up all you know right now, time is very short. Impeach Cheney then support Dr. Ron Paul for president! All this might happen before the election so Dub-ya can stay in saying no elections during the emergency. Even so Ron Paul in the public eye is extremely important.

2007-05-26 19:51:06 · answer #2 · answered by sx881663 4 · 1 1

According to Hobbes in Leviathan, man is willing to surrender some of his freedoms in exchange for security. He noted this tendency several hundred years ago. Do you feel secure over the last six-plus years?

I don't understand why you mention the left--typically associated with the Democrats--when over the last six years, the Bush Administration has generated some $3.5 trillion in new debt, which potentially hostile foreign powers hold, i.e. China, and failed to devise an adequate means for which to pay this debt. In effect, Mr. Bush and company have inflicted upon us a tax which is not yet seen. This leaves it up to the current Democratic Congress.

The actions of GW, et al., is much like teenage kids who throw a party while their parents are away and then become angry when the parents tell the kids they must help clean up the mess!

You write about the left taking away or limiting our freedoms, yet the Republican Administration currently in power brought us the Patriot Act and other limitations. I'm fairly well versed in political science, but did, by chance, GW and Co. suddenly get labelled "Left?"

Are you being facetious with your additional information, or is this a serious question? I noted sarcasm dripping all over my keyboard.

2007-05-26 19:43:42 · answer #3 · answered by James S 4 · 0 1

Fear. The current administration has succeeded in using fear tactics to bully the population into going along with decisions and policies that, without those ploys, they wouldn't stand a chance of getting past the American public.

Not sure what you mean by "sociolist [sic] left wingers" but the size of the federal government (and national debt, btw)has grown more during the Bush presidency than at any time in our history.

2007-05-26 19:22:50 · answer #4 · answered by MidwestWally 3 · 1 2

I don't understand. It seems to be, most folks want to be given things, rather than earn them. It breaks my heart, that my child who is only nine, will probably only learn hard working values from me, his mother. Even the schools are so socialist now. In Little League Baseball, there are no 3 strikes you're out anymore. "It's okay, kids, 30 minutes are up, let the other team hit the ball."
I learned as a child, you work, learn, and achieve. You get more when you work for it. When you sit on your butt, you get nothing!
Where did that go? Where did we go? Where did Freedom go? Where did inspiration, desire to be better than what you're given, celebration for a job well done, ambition, go? My son WILL have those things, even if I have to die for it!

2007-05-26 19:21:29 · answer #5 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 4 0

In Sweden there are high taxes, it is true. But it also has the best rated quality of life throughout its whole society as compared to the U.S. The elderly are taken care of, and everyone has health care. The needs of all are considered, and not those of special interest as in the U.S. The social structure in the U.S is loosing the middle class. Also the top 5% have 95 percent of the nations wealth. The U.S government influences the media, and presents smoke we can't see clearly through. If your in the top 5% you Lucky, but what the rest of us is just the scraps of leftovers.

2007-05-26 19:29:37 · answer #6 · answered by Christopher 1 · 0 2

For a long time now--------ever since WWII ended----Americans have grown complacent. Preferring to let television keep us entertained and being seduced my the left wing liberal news media.
It is beginning to appear this amnesty thing may have been just what the doctor ordered to bring a new awakening----that we pull our heads or what ever else is buried out of the sand and get involved------ask questions------learn------click links-----find out how your senators and house reps have been voting--------demand they change their wicked ways and do what is right for this country----------demand a higher level of accountability from Washington------ together we can make a difference-----but not unless we put forth great effort to nudge everyone we know to wake up-------and get involved---------our future depends on it.

2007-05-27 03:51:54 · answer #7 · answered by EZMZ 7 · 2 0

Because the alternative is to vote for Right wing nutters who decrease the size of government, increase the strength of the bosses, who take away our freedoms.

Government in a democracy is responsible to the people. So in fact the more government we have, the more power we have. When we lose government business takes over, and while competition is around, we may have more freedom, but if one company dominates, we have less freedom.

If you are truly interested in freedom, you should send me your address...I would be happy to break your windows, steal your tv, computer and **** on your bed....but as you are freedom loving you are not allowed to call the police.

When it comes down to it, there is a balance. Government has a job to do, and without it we won't have police, road laws, or any rights.

I agree with you, we don't need a government to do too much, but what freedoms are you worried about losing? The right to smoke in other people's faces, the right for the corportate bosses to lie and cheat (ie Enron), the right to own guns, and the right for people who want to kill you to own guns?

The argument about government is always about the balance between control and the free market. Assuming you don't want to disband the police forces, you must believe in some government.

If we can debate these issues with intelligence then through that debate we may be able to come up with the truth (as Plato believed we can)

2007-05-26 19:21:58 · answer #8 · answered by flingebunt 7 · 0 5

Because, apparently, what we have in America today are a bunch of wussies who are so afraid of the Dish-Towel heads that they will give up anything to be protected. Me, I stand with the New Hampshire State slogan; "Live Free Or DIE!!!!!!!

2007-05-26 19:29:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

First, to get this over with, I am neither Dem or Rep. I am an interested observer in another country whose leader sleeps with your leader. What goes on with you effects my life too.

It is much harder to be free than it is to be taken care of. The thing is. If one gives up freedoms to be taken care of or protected, they deserve neither according Ben Franklin.

2007-05-26 20:06:50 · answer #10 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 3 0

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