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i am a mentally & physically disabled man, i only have my siamese cat anna belle, she is my theraputic compannion, i just lost all my benefits my housing ,meds ,and med treatment, i need survile gear,a tent, foul weather gear etc. or any help i can get. i also need a strong mentor willing to work with me to turn this situation around. i have sought help from the church, state and feds, and have been told that since anna belle is my only friend and family i stand alone in this world. i know i can survive if i had the tools to work with. so how do i connect with people who would be willing to work with me here.? there are no services here in valdez, and services in alaska are almost non-existent. please remember anna belle & i in your prayers each day for it will be by the mercy of god that we survive. please someone---be a friend!

2007-05-26 17:30:19 · 5 answers · asked by diamondback9901 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

You will be in my prayers. If I could do more, I would. Unfortunately, I'm in no postion to offer direct help.

I also have physical and mental disabilities. I'm able to support myself but that's all. I thank God that I'm able to get a little help from the county and state where I live but I know from experience that help is not always available...especially for a single man.

If you've been to the church(es) as well as the state and county for help already, I don't know what to tell you. The federal government leaves this kind of stuff up to local governments so you won't get help from them.

It really doesn't surprise me that the church(es) won't help. If they would bother reading the scriptures and following them instead of using the congregation's money to pay for their BMWs this world would be a much better place.

While I'm here, I'd like to leave a comment to Gen. Patton. My opinion is that you are an ignorant, cold hearted SOB. There are many types of mental disabilities that don't always show. Personally, I suffer from Clinical Depression, Panic Disorder, ADD and sleeping disorders...none of which keeps me from writing a coherent paragraph. You know nothing about this man yet you've labeled him as lazy and a con artist...but that doesn't surprise me after reading the answers you've given to other questions.

Diamondback, How were you able to get benefits before and why did they stop? Have you appealed the decision to turn you down? If you can't get any other help, go to the nearest emergency room...They're not allowed to turn you away and they can provide you with at least some temporary help.

I wish you well and will keep you in my prayers. May God bless you and keep you safe.

2007-05-27 09:25:26 · answer #1 · answered by Dakota 5 · 0 0

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2007-05-27 00:37:29 · answer #2 · answered by newyorkgal71 7 · 0 0

i think you're a con man. why don't you admit,you're just too damn lazy to fend for yourself,and you want others to give you everything you want and can't buy. if you look at your own question,does that look like a mentally disabled person? i can't believe every single person in valdez is so cold hearted,they wouldn't help a person that you claim to be. i think you're a bullshiter,and hope no one falls for your scam.

2007-05-27 01:06:51 · answer #3 · answered by gen. patton 4 · 0 1

first of all if you are gonna be homeless do it somewhere warm..

i suggest you buy a rifle so you can hunt, as for shelter just build a lean to. you dont want to live in a tent for long periods of time,..

2007-05-27 00:39:13 · answer #4 · answered by g f 3 · 0 0

i will keep you in my prayers but living in a cave could get a litte scary an you could freeze to death i would not sugest living in a cave all by your self. their is other place's you could consider living somewere else like Gods love or homless shelter, no offence..

2007-05-27 00:39:15 · answer #5 · answered by rock this world 1 · 0 0

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