i am a mentally & physically disabled man, i only have my siamese cat anna belle, she is my theraputic compannion, i just lost all my benefits my housing ,meds ,and med treatment, i need survile gear,a tent, foul weather gear etc. or any help i can get. i also need a strong mentor willing to work with me to turn this situation around. i have sought help from the church, state and feds, and have been told that since anna belle is my only friend and family i stand alone in this world. i know i can survive if i had the tools to work with. so how do i connect with people who would be willing to work with me here.? there are no services here in valdez, and services in alaska are almost non-existent. please remember anna belle & i in your prayers each day for it will be by the mercy of god that we survive. please someone---be a friend!
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