A rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles. It does not matter what are the length of sides. You just have to have four 90º inside the rectangle.
Good luck.
2007-05-26 17:35:34
answer #1
answered by ¼ + ½ = ¾ 3
Mostly, it is taken that length is the larger side. But in truth, length only means the horizontal side.
You do get math problems like : "If the length is 3 m less than breadth, then ... "
In diagrams, the horizontal side is often depicted longer. Take it as it is. Lenght is often longer, but not always.
2007-05-26 17:37:25
answer #2
answered by Akilesh - Internet Undertaker 7
It is usually length and width. Length is traditionally longer than width, but that is not necessary, and you will find that in practice there is no hard rule. The definition of which dimension is called length and which width (or height, or breadth) is arbitrary.
2007-05-26 17:36:47
answer #3
answered by singlepun 3
i also wonder the samething. But most of the time, we consider the length is greater the width
2007-05-26 17:33:43
answer #4
answered by 7