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We have real enemies and real dictators in the world that oppose us, yet they consider republicans the enemy and call a duly elected president a dictator.

2007-05-25 23:54:34 · 18 answers · asked by ? 6 in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

these people have lived a soft life, they have not fought for freedom and do not appreciate it, they do not believe what they are doing is wrong and hurtful to the country, they are the blind being led by leaders who only want power and control

they are the "useful idiots"

at some point this will all come to a head, and then they will no longer live a soft life, they will live like the Israelis do always fearful of attack, they will still not believe they are responsible for our civil war as they are never responsible, the congress told them that, and they will continue to live as "useful idiots" as people in America die in the fight for freedom.

Armageddon is coming, and it is coming fast, the citizens have fiddled and are now the subjects, freedoms are grinding to a halt, the revolution is near. Should there be no sweeping swing of the pendulum in congress it will happen in our lifetime, and it will be ugly. The citizens who will protect and defend our constitution will not stand for long a tyrannical congress.

And if the time and the day is right
The revolution will begin this saturday night

Dip, dive, socialize
Get ready for the saturday night

2007-05-26 01:45:20 · answer #1 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 1 3

26% of the People agree with the President's handling of the War on Terror. Certainly if you examine the percentages of the President's (Dis)approval rating, the 76% who disapprove are not all Democrats. The Democaratic Party does not hold that big a majority. Many of the 76% are Republicans. Therefore, "half" is an exageration, by all standards!

Perhaps, if President Bush were to act for the desires of the 74% against, he would not be thought of as a dictator. Within his Inaugural Oath he swore to uphold the "Will of the People." He has ordained himself the "decider." "Dictators" make an impose decisions without consideration of and against the will of the majority.

From Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Main Entry: dic·ta·tor
Pronunciation: 'dik-"tA-t&r, dik-'
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from dictare
1 (a) : a person granted absolute emergency power; especially : one appointed by the senate of ancient Rome (b) : one holding complete autocratic control (c) : one ruling absolutely and often oppressively

America grants no President absolute authority; his mandate in our Democracy is to yield to will of the majority, which includes the majority in the House and Senate whose mandate it is to act for the majority and the "Will of the People" as well. In times of War, the House and Senate may, as in this case, approve the "War Powers Act" which gives the President the right to wage War. It has been proven the original criteria for invading Iraq was and is unfounded and misleading. With the new understanding of the bad intelligience, most Americans, Senators, and Representatives believe losing our beloved young to a false motive should be stopped. Additionally, most believe, and history supports, insurgencies have never been defeated; they simply last ten or fifteen years and subside on their own.

Neither Party is the "enemy", as you put it; They are unfortunately, divided; more so than at any time in our history.

Without reservation, every American including every Senator and Representative is, within their own agenda, supportive of our men and women at war; dedicated to protecting America and its citizenry; bent on solving the immigration crisis, healthcare, social security, and more. Although many of us disagree wholey or in part with some of their result, it is un-American to call either Party the "enemy."

"God bless America"

2007-05-26 00:39:47 · answer #2 · answered by Arnie Sherr 2 · 2 2

Anyone who opposes the concept of suborning the US Constitution to the UN Charter IS an enemy of the Democrat Party.

2007-05-26 00:01:57 · answer #3 · answered by rumplesnitz 5 · 4 2

Thomas Jefferson was a liberal minded man and considered ignorance and irrational fervor to be the enemy of a representative democracy.

2007-05-26 01:09:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Read all the Posts Truth is they hate being exposed for
what they are. See who their Icon,s are and you understand them. They are still Mourning the Loss of their Favourite
Idol Porky O Donnell

2007-05-26 15:03:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you know I'm a republican to the core but i do wish that there was some way to get us to work together.all this in fighting is getting absolutely nothing done also if we keep putting the same tired old people in,we keep getting the same results,i haven't been to this web site personally but I've been told its worth looking at. unity08

2007-05-26 00:03:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

They fear being assimilated! LOL

They let their anger get self inflated by fabricating multiple conspiracies and assumptions based on anger and frustrations.

At a certain point they become impervious to logic and reason. It eventually consumes them into a dark little world where "the boogieman" is always out to get them. At this point, as the disease progresses, rarely will they be able to rationalize a logical and/or well thought out solution. It closely resembles the later stages of alcoholism in it's advanced stages.

Sounds silly but its true

2007-05-26 00:00:10 · answer #7 · answered by Angry EX-DEM 3 · 5 2

I don't think they are the enemy. I think they are too stubborn to admit that George Bush has made this country less safe than it was before he took office.

2007-05-27 14:52:46 · answer #8 · answered by Kinetic Nebula 6 · 0 1

I am more for the U.S. then a party ... could it be anyone for a party over country is the true enemy?

2007-05-26 00:30:24 · answer #9 · answered by friendlyflyr 5 · 2 0

First of all name calling is their national past time, secondly it shifts the focus off of their own corruption via pork barrel projects, and lastly since they favor high taxes, big government and surrender when faced with an enemy it fits their platform

2007-05-26 02:43:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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