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3 answers

The world has gotten smaller because of the advancements in technology in communications and transportation. When something happens in one part of the world it's instantly news in every other part of the world. Because of radio, television, telephones, and now the Internet and cell phones we are living in "One World".
Once we felt safe because of our oceans. What happened in other lands was no concern of ours. Now that is no longer the case. What hasn't changed is human nature. What we need to do is to become more tolerant of each other. This especially means being tolerant of people who look, act, and think different than we do. It's more crucial than ever that we all get along.

2007-05-26 08:15:33 · answer #1 · answered by harveymac1336 6 · 0 0

How can we really learn to share, seems to be the hidden meaning in this question. That is the hardest quest for the human race because from the very beginning, the sharing part was what caused the first murder and first form of violent act. First, we should stop thinking that we are limited individuals, that is our number one fault, that feeling of being limited, not as good as another being. In truth we are all related, all equal, not better than the other, or not better than the other creatures on this earth. Again, we are not limited in resources, we do have individuals trying to horde resources though and make it demanding for others to fight to get them, and that is wrong. Once communities form that have a willingness to change these things, then sharing will be a common commodity, those who try to horde will be told to leave. It will take living in small communities that grow larger and larger until everyone there are in this same agreeing mentality. It means giving up what you are now use to doing, but it isn't a far-fetched idea because there are communities such as these now forming. The individuals gave up their "common lifestyles" sold their homes, car, and closets filled with wants, took what clothes and wares were needed and joined a community. The idea is catching on, and you will see and hear more of this soon, because statistically they are working really well, especially now that cost of living is not obtainable to the average families. The Amish have done so for all these years, now there is others following their idea, and some are even non-denominational in religious beliefs.

2007-05-26 17:55:12 · answer #2 · answered by amberwolf_for_art 3 · 0 0

so sorry, I do not understand your question.
we humans can coexist, with compassion.

2007-05-25 20:03:05 · answer #3 · answered by mrsmom 2 · 0 0

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