2007-05-25 07:16:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I love this stuff and have a personal collection. I've won the Irish lottery and the British lottery twice. Also have long lost relatives in Africa dying of something that would like to leave their fortunes to charity and I keep half if I can just handle the details but of course first there are certain bank fees and it just goes on and on. So, have a giggle. Maybe save them for a future book. Don't ever respond.
2007-05-29 14:22:45
answer #2
answered by ZORCH 6
Look up the Australian lottery and ask them.
I get that stuff, often several a day from various places, then I click the "spam" button which, hopefully, puts them on an abuse watchlist a little higher up on the food chain.
Sometimes, I contact the company directly and offer to forward the email to the security or customer service people at the company referenced, and they often are happy to get them in hopes that there will be something new or additional for their pursuit and prosecution of frauds done in their name. Recently, because of a line like "we appreciate our business with you in the past" that may be used to implicate me, I found some places on (for Americans, of course) where I could report internet fraud. I wouldn't want the government to have me on the participant list of some of that nonsense.
The side effect of this proactive work? I used to get over 2 thousand pieces of spam a day (I started it one Monday when my inbox had 4,000 new items), now I just get a couple hundred. Well, now you have one to report. Good luck.
Oh, and I also used to click the "unsubscribe" link, but discovered that when I went to the page to unsubscribe, they slapped a worm on my machine, so I rarely do that anymore.
2007-05-25 15:29:34
answer #3
answered by Rabbit 7
No it's not true. When did you do the South Australian Lottery?
2007-05-25 14:16:07
answer #4
answered by andy in greece 6
This is a scam... Delete the email immediately... they will tell you that you have to send them money for travel, or taxes, or something crazy in order to collect, then you won't be able to find them...
Did you buy a South Austrailian Lottery ticket? I didn't think so.
2007-05-25 14:17:35
answer #5
answered by Here2Help 3
Yes but only if your birthday is 2-30-1985
2007-05-25 14:16:55
answer #6
answered by PJ 5
NO! Absolutley not! DID YOU ENTER THE LOTTERY IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA? I didn't think so....
2007-05-25 14:16:07
answer #7
answered by veronica 2
No. Seriously, do you really think such things will just appear in your inbox and not be spam?
2007-05-25 14:16:05
answer #8
answered by Zasu 5
Sounds like a scam.
if it's too good to be true, it isn't true. ESPECIALLY when emails are involved.
2007-05-25 14:16:55
answer #9
answered by harvomatic7 2
do you think if you really have won something that big the only notification you get is an lousy email?
think again!
2007-05-25 14:16:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
No, all they want is money from you. Don't fall for it.
2007-05-25 14:16:54
answer #11
answered by wickedwillow 2