I personally do not beleive in any thing supernatural
I only believe what i can see proof of. This is why i beleive in science. Even if it is not perfect it is a lot closer than religion and faith.
2007-05-25 04:48:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
All your problems with astrology come down to this: that knowledge is still not standardised.
1) hot mammas try to learn astrology, do their best to understand it, and then call themselves astrologers
2) the same hot mammas, when thriving for attention, add irrational bits to that fundamental knowledge base so it looks more exciting
3) normal people consult these hot mammas and are then unable to tell the fat from the bloody meat, because no undisputed standard is available for them to compare and judge the different consultations.
But how efficient is astrology anyway, if we exclude from it the "hot mammas"? Can even the BEST astrologers be wrong?
Well, we should try first to find the best astrologers.
For now, we can take an average astrologer like Mark Lerner from yahoo astrology and ask him. So, if Mark was not right, could his business roll anyway? This man was contracted by Yahoo for doing horoscopes. If he had only a weak shot, he would not have been hired and no one would continue to read them anyway.
That is important. People obviously read horoscopes because they like what they see in them. Maybe thus Mark Lerner is just an illusionist giving a show. But even doesn't mean he's a total loser with no knowledge base to support his ideas.
In fact, any accurate gambler must use a sort of science that has to be real in order to make predictions. Such a knowledge may be primarly related to demography and sociology, or astronomy.
Likewise, a guitarist can play the music he wants and look good, because he knows that, if his fingers are put on a precise fret, a precise tone will be heard. He can be wrong however, if his guitar is not tuned or if he just feels tired to play and does it anyway to fullfill another individual's expectations.
And even an engineer's work can break our expectations. For example, if you happen to roll into a lake with a Toyota car, it will perhaps not work as expected. You have left the system it was made to work in, and an exception occured.
Many other sciences are in fact not bullet proof. Doctors can be wrong when we go to consult them. Chemists can be wrong in thinking that just by adding some substance to food or one gene to a plant species, that will only make it taste better. And these kinds of scientists don't even deal with equation systems half as big as those of the astrologers.
My question from there is: "why, if mythology, astronomy, sociology, theology and genealogy are valid sciences in spite of being subsets of a more ancient and fundamental knowledge known as astrology, why isn't astrology considered as a science?"
One answer any scientist can give to this is: "no one knows what astrology really is".
Therefore, astrologic standards have to be set by todays' champions astrologers. We have to summon the chinese Masters, the Vedic masters and every top class astrologer and sit them around a breakfast table. Add to that three general scientists, so that we can distribute a paper that says: "here's what is accepted as valid astrology and science". And another that says: "popular sciences are now united with astrology".
Just imagine. That event could simply be called: "The astro brawl" and be broadcasted live on tv. It would make everything crumble from top to bottom.
2007-05-25 19:39:54
answer #2
answered by Roy Nicolas 5
Let's see..............there are planets, there are births, there's physics and astronomy, there's people........what more proof do you need? Since you might think these are just a list of nouns consider this: Nobody has to defend a belief in anything. Nobody needs to excuse, explain or defend or justify to anybody why they believe in the stars, Satan or the surge in Iraq. With the exception of the Iraq war, nobody needs to prove anything.
2007-05-25 12:59:53
answer #3
answered by ? 6
God has given us different personalities according to when we are born but most of us dont believe the predictions
2007-05-25 11:44:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think you made a mistake in your question text, this is actually really good and therefore should be referred to as a MASTER-baiting question!
2007-05-25 11:44:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous