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1 It is illegal to park behind a tax inspector's car
2 If a tarantula cuts its leg, the best way to treat the wound is with icing sugar
3 When police arrest football hooligans at the World Cup etc, there is always one who is a postman from Leicester
4 Mature students are often seen carrying 'Sussex Stationers' carrier bags

2007-05-24 05:33:43 · 20 answers · asked by The Global Geezer 7 in Education & Reference Trivia

20 answers

The Gulf of Mexico end of the Panama Canal is farther west than the Pacific Ocean end.

Colombia , SC is farther west than the southern west coast of South America.

2007-05-24 09:38:29 · answer #1 · answered by Cowboy 2 · 1 0

I'm 31. I left home right before I turned 14 and haven't been back since. I really am a ship's captain and I make my living mostly doing marine salvage, which is basically finding wrecked or abandoned vessels and taking anything that's worth money off and selling it. I've found some pretty stunning sh*t out there. Let me think, what else? I'm 6'7 and I wear a size 15 or 16 shoe. Most people think that's fairly strange. I can't really think of much else that wouldn't bore you, tho.

2016-05-17 04:23:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1.Seahorses and pipefishes are the only species in which males become pregnant.
2.The Greek Parthenon was built in the 5th century BC (and it's still there!)
3.The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle.
4.Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
5.Sherlock Holmes never said, "Elementary, my dear Watson."
6. The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from public libraries.
7. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history:Spades - King David,Hearts - Charlemagne,Clubs -Alexander the Great,Diamonds - Julius Caesar
8.The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
9.A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate.

2007-05-26 06:31:16 · answer #3 · answered by Madrepora 3 · 1 0

1. Statistically speaking, 47% of all deaths occuring in the home happen in the bathroom.
2. When whales fart, the bubbles rise to the surface of the ocean.
3. The attention span of a goldfish is 3 seconds.
4. The average life span of a housefly is 4 days.
5. I know surprisingly few interesting facts.

2007-05-24 06:13:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The foreskins of babys circumsised in hospitals are used to treat people with burns. The human brain is 98% fat. The majority of American models are skinnier than 98% of American women. The female pill is causing lower sperm counts in men ( the oestrogen and progesterone in the pill leave the female through her urine and enter drinking water because they cannot be filtered out. Interestingly enough these hormones are also feminising fish). Men sweat more than women. Left handed people are more likely to mave fatal accidents, become insane, become a genius, of had/ have an identical twin. Chocolate releases more endorphins than kissing, so chocolate is better than kissing! It is not possible to tickle yourself. The cerebellum, a part of the brain, warns the rest of the brain that you are about to tickle yourself. Since your brain knows this, it ignores the resulting sensation.

2007-05-25 07:30:14 · answer #5 · answered by mad_doctor_9 3 · 0 0

Roger Williamson, F1 driver, did not die in the fiery crash of his car in 1973 due to burns (suit was flame-resistant), but because his throttle was stuck wide open and he inhaled the hot vapors.

A very, very sad story, considering the fire marshals and other drivers, had they had the foresight to help David Purley in his attempts to put out the flames and turn Roger's car over, may have been able to save Roger. He was only 25 years old.

Interestingly enough, one of the drivers David Purley tried to flag down was Francois Cevert, who did not stop, but continued in the race----and Cevert died less than 3 months later when he wrecked his car.

2007-05-24 06:57:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

* The word sinister means left or left hand. In pantomimes, the "baddie" always enters from the left hand side because of this.

* An Ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.

* In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice-cream in your back pocket.

* Iguana's have 2 penises.

* Frog's prefer the colour blue.

And finally:

* The Statue of Liberty is a lighthouse.

2007-05-24 11:32:56 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

The Dunlop DDH golf ball was so called because the dimples on the golf ball are arranged in a series of :-
Duo Deca Hedrons!!!
Bet you will sleep tonight after knowing that!

2007-05-24 08:29:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

crocodiles can not move their tongues from side to side
rain drops fall at 7 mph
a ducks quack can not echo
panda bears aren't really bears
your nails grow faster in warmer climates
your armpit hair grows 50% faster then leg hair
there you go facts allamode

2007-05-24 07:17:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Nylon stockings gets deoderant off shirts

2007-05-24 05:43:17 · answer #10 · answered by sweets 1 · 1 0

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