I will because woman are just as smart as men. If they have the education, and the political clout, why shouldn't they be president? It's the religious politicians I don't trust. Look what they gave us the last time they voted. A woman may handle things much more peacefully and get some countries to be our freinds again. We sure could use some freinds now, before this whole world goes to war. I am afraid of what lies ahead and I trust Hillary who "is honest as the day is long" to run this country "for the good of the people" not the chosen few rich people. She will clean up our air, and hopefully try to reverse or at least prevent the Global Warming from getting any worse. Many people will die from this warming, and they are so unconcerned it seems to me. What happened in Greensburg Kansas was enough for me to see. We don't need this to happen anymore, but I'm afraid it will in the not too distant future. God help us, and put a woman in office. A peace loving woman. "GO HILLARY"
22 answers
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no argument there a woman was elected in sakatchewan during the 1930's in Canada. another was first woman to be electd in The YUKON. there are many First Nations women who have been elected as well in other elections . different place but i am sure this has happened in U.S. as well with first women as senators and the like . so yes i would if she would place electric cars in the streets look at the impact the shortage of oil will have on the capacity of the armed forces, and have a slogan like this''if we can put an astronaut on the moon how hard is it to put an electric car at each intersection or to use oil to build the materials of solar power arrays and use wind power and electricity instead.'' next i would like her to speak at the UN about the UN and the government joining in a program to get this going and propose the un set up alternitive sources in Canada , the U.S. A., and other countries. maybe this seems silly but something needs to be done and the UN can can it not
2007-05-23 16:04:11
answer #1
answered by darren m 7
Do we really want someone in office who will make decisions based on emotions rather than rationality? I honestly believe a woman is too emotionally unstable to hold that high of public office. and Hillary is too EVIL and emotionally unstable. Way to dangerous a combination.
And this Global Warming fallacy? You give waay too much credit to Al Gore. You do know he's the same person who claims to have invented the Internet? He's a joke. Everyone knows it.
This clip proves that Hilary Clinton is a lair and will say anything to get elected, and that she does not deserve to lead this country as Commander in Chief. The only thing Hilary and her fellow Democraps want is to pull out, lose the war on terror, and blame the Republicans, so they can try and regain power. That's all it is about. Not the war, not any other issue. They just want the power back, and they will stoop to anything necessary to get it.
This woman WILL be the death of america if she is elected.
2007-05-23 16:26:40
answer #2
answered by saq428 6
Never Hillary "WE'VE GOT TOO MUCH FREE SPEECH Clinton - "A peace loving woman"? WHO ? Hillary Clinton is so volatile ; White House employees were forbidden to look her in the eye ..that went for secret Service . Vote for a tyrant ? Indeed not . Condeleeza Rice is a peace loving woman . What makes people think George W. isn't peace loving ? When the nation is threatened and attacked - we finally got a man in office who does something about it - unlike the Clinton's who were in the White House when Osama bin Laden threatened to kill Americans all over the world ..and ignored his warning ..and ignored the offer of his capture from the Sudanese . It's unthinkable that Bill Clinton was offered- but REFUSED CAPTURE of the man who vowed to kill Americans all over the world..and Hillary -who likes to run things-went along with it .
2007-05-23 16:33:06
answer #3
answered by missmayzie 7
I would hope that no one would vote for a person based on their gender.
As for Mrs. Clinton, I don't share your belief in her honesty.
Your other points have some validity except for your ignorance of what happened in Greensburg, Kansas. Tornadoes have been a weather phenomenon since before we began to dirty our atmosphere. And oh yes, 25 years ago when Mt. Saint Helen's erupted, it has since then spewed more particulates into the air than all the industries combined in the state of Washington. How can you think that any one policy or person can control what is clearly an evolution of Mother Nature.
2007-05-23 16:08:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I would certainly vote for a woman if I felt she was the best qualified for the job. Hillary Clinton is NOT that woman! She is a power hungry, very angry person. If you will check on the things she's said in the past, you will find that she changes her answers more often than she changes her underwear. We need someone who is steady, trustworthy, who has good anger management skills and who has the background to know what they're doing. She is not even close to being in that category. You're concerned about why she stayed with her husband. That's simple. She's a person who puts power far above love and loyalty. He was her ticket to more power and more fame than she could hope for if she split. Peace loving??? You must be confused with another woman named Hillary.
2007-05-23 15:44:04
answer #5
answered by missingora 7
Nice little rant disguised as a question. There are many women I would like to see as president, but Hillary is NOT one of them.
1: Jeanne Kirkpatrick
2: Elizabeth Dole
3: Nancy Kassebaum
4: Margaret Thatcher [yeah yeah I know]
5: Sandra Day OConnor
I'm not a huge Bush fan at this point, but Hillary back in the White House will be the end of this country.
2007-05-23 15:33:47
answer #6
answered by The Grey Piper 2
What a macaroon! I understand Condy won't run. I won't be voting for any woman.
You put up a Conservative woman in the same class with Lady Thatcher and I will give it great thought.
You put up someone like Noisy Pelosi I will change parties to vote against her. Can you believe that moron is third in line, right now, to be president if something happened to the President and Vice president?
2007-05-23 15:38:21
answer #7
answered by jube 4
I would love to see a female president, and if hillary won the democratic nomination- i would vote for her- i like Hillary- really i do-but... the GOP has been writting books and gearing up to beat the crap outta her come election time for years now...the armd and ready for this- and it won't be pretty.
I will be voting for Barack Obama in the democractic primary- he brings tears to my eyes when he speaks and is fresh and exactly what this country needs- he has my vote 100% over Hillary- all in all i think it would just be quite a big deal for America for the first time in history to have somebody other then a rich, white, male running this country- Obama's the perfect person right now- and is above of Hill is some polls...like i said i'm not Hill bashing...
2007-05-23 18:00:10
answer #8
answered by amylou 4
well before you are sure of your politician best better check out their past record beginning in ARK where they did not leave many fans - the main ones are the ones who were glad to see them go
ALL politicians have some kind of hidden agenda .... ALL of them - none of them are perfect for they are all humans
there has long time been a plan for this earth and certain people or things will not change that plan
man has long time had freedom of choice and now we are dealing with the results of many of those choices --- people tend to forget that when you decide to do something, most times you are not the only one affected
mans' opinion does not change history nor the Word
2007-05-23 15:34:27
answer #9
answered by Marsha 6
Now, wait a minute and think about this; remember how we women feel when a certain time of the month comes around; well, i dont think i want a woman president in charge of the (Nuclear Button) when she has PMS! or when she gets mad at someone in the US or abroad. I would just as soon have a man at the helm when it comes to running this country!!
2007-05-24 13:44:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous