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Being serious here. almost every1 on these boards is full of bs so why would u answer so many espec this thread. this board is good 2 find out songs & other stuff, but otherwise its garbage. i found stuff like how to stich a shirt shorter & a facial cream. it helped w/psych that i studied in class this yr, but 90% of the stuff is bs. u realize these people r all bs, people go on to just screw around. ive posted the same thing about 8 times in a row while waiting for a reply to music & stuff or if nothing else to do. u people answer q's think its legit but its not. if ur gonna bs ask a q & c how many people go nuts over. ive posted on espn, mlb, msn racist & psychotic stuff just 2 c the response. this post espec. I really think any1 who thinks there a schizo or somethin just needs 2 look in the mirror & suck it up, cause that works I think. i come on here & just repost the same stuff & just exaggerate 2 get attention. the more outrageous u make it the more u people will respond.i studid

2007-05-23 12:43:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

pysch in school & exaggerated on stuff on here & other boards to the c responses & its all bs when ive got nothin to do. everything has a reason. i dont regret anything tho, as i got pissed just cause i missed a tryout for soccer after playing all summer & was pissed cause i didnot give a sh*t sr yr, but when i think no one cared @ all this yr its just a yr off basic to do nothing. no 1 could care less about soccer anyway, & cause every1 knew on the team i was good since i played indoor & wouldve made it, plus every1 else i know thinks i played vars jr yr & quit, then just missed tryouts this yr. still, i wasnt as enthusiastic as jr yr, but noone else was, & really i was still more joking & immature than most people despite that. although i learned about how people act diff in diff areas in psych, im kinda the same @ home as school this yr, in most classes @ least i didnt do much, but w kids i never stopped talking. but a kid i know who does not shut the f up @ scool is wicked

2007-05-23 12:44:18 · update #1

quiet around his family&On phone, & I like him so its nothing really. All the stuff in psych tho I don’t really get like the def of healthy relationships. I don’t really talk much w my family, but wheni think my dad doesn’t say much or make eye contact when in a room, its just his personality. I tried to be too much like my dad & my brother, cause theyre basciaclly the same person. They r tougher than I am, cause while they can sit @ home & do week & be real serious, im always bored & come on places like here. Its addicting when u get started buts only interesting when u ask crazy q’s. I think im more like my mom who is much crazier, yet I admit I don’t really want to talk much anyway, esp this yr. I don’t think psych is correct there cause they r fine.

2007-05-23 12:45:02 · update #2

Although im more of a kid than them I think a part of me is kinda like them, & not being on a team this yr made me more that way, realistic, I was surprised how many people respected me tho, as they can respect some1 who isn’t stuck up in their sports. Even the people I disliked were upset when I ignored them, & my worst enemy even sucked up to me. I almost won for most memorable for some reason, prob cause of the stuff I said. The only thing in pysch I agree is that u r remembered 2 ways: the first time people saw u & the last. The rest is just bs on the way. Also pysch is right that u cant see things till its over, but looking back I think its better than I thought. I thought about being less of a pest to my brother, maybe If I had my own room to have privacy, but he did the same & so do all siblings. Besides, what teen hasn’t seen porn? I think hes the same harderworker but I don’t think I affected him much in the end since hes like my dad anyway.

2007-05-23 12:45:34 · update #3

I feel I left a good impression on every1, esp the last month as I ended well & I think people found me more interesting than I did myself since I didn’t care this yr. I feel like i don’t need 2 be as tuf as my brother, as girls liked me humble anyway, yet most guys knew I was still tuf for my size. Basically my history class turned into psych 2nd sem & ive posted bs on here to see what they say, & I have no respect for psych other than its kinda interesting, but I had nothing else to do 2nd sem but reflect, & its better than I thought. I am 1 of the more popular kids, w/o sucking up 2 anyone, & could have been more pop if I didn’t hate so many people, but I don’t really regret that cause now I know exactly what I want to do

2007-05-23 12:45:52 · update #4

& where I want 2 be, which is relax now cause everything went perfect, & my brother is much better & funner now. I can go to a party school for 2 yrs while having something 2 work for as I need to transfer to a good scool in boston. i know a ton of underclassmen 2 who look up to me, so I can leave an impression in the school. ive had everything I wanted & more, & I am still really young & cute, & ill work out this summer too These boards can get addicting, especially mlb.com, but I had nothing to do from march to may, but now its summer & I realized everythings good & I can have fun. I only use these boards now for songs & sports & stuff now, but its still addicting when ur bored. As for psych just chill out man who cares go get a hobby & stop answering these people who r screwing around anyway.

2007-05-23 12:46:08 · update #5

16 answers

This is a long question.

I did not read it all.

I will say that Yahoos like points.


One question is two points, a best answer is TEN!!!!!!!

BS sometimes wins.

2007-05-23 12:47:35 · answer #1 · answered by Daynegerros 4 · 1 0

WOW!! For someone who is SUPPOSED to be a psych student...you know f u c k all. Your probably a dumba@@ kid who sits at home all day because you don't feel like going to HIGH school and facing your grade 11 english teacher. So you think of the craziest s h i t to say, and then you blabber on about soccer and by the time we get there to read about it, WE DON'T GIVE A S H I T ABOUT ANYTHING THAT YOU ARE RANTING ABOUT!!!

Or maybe you are grounded and you couldn't go to the school dance or some stupid thing like that. Kids with time on their hands=b.s.

And for someone to say that if someone was schizo that they should just suck it up? You have not been around anyone with that illness, nor do you have any respect for that illness. Hopefully you will never get it. If you do, I hope someone you know sees the post that you wrote, prints it off, saves it for when you get something that will give you ill-health when you are older, and then tells you to look in the mirror and suck it up. All about getting attention, you are wrong and maybe you need to go and get some updated textbooks.

It is ashame that there are people like you out there. Ya know the kind, I know everything and the rest of you are stupid....buddy...you will just be a worm at the end of my fishing rod, and when I attach you as the bait, you will be forever swallowed up and forgotten about. Just like your post.....

2007-05-23 13:05:05 · answer #2 · answered by jesterthemutt2006 3 · 0 0

ok way to much to read but i see the thing you said about "sucking it up works"

sucking it up doesnt work, thats how u push ur emotions into a little ball until they become rage or depression or some other unhealthy extreme of a release.

I think a lot of time people like to discuss things here because of the protection of a keyboard, not being in front of something.

If you understand psychology you will understand most middle of the road emotional problems simply require discussion with sympathetic people, forging an understanding that you are not alone and that you can deal with your problems.

While a lot of the backyard approach is not text book correct it is helpful just to talk.

A lot of people just want attention which is not really that bad. bad and good is subjective. you dont like it so dont participate but you have no higher authority to tell other people its not good.

Its like drinking, some people can and some people shouldnt but yes, no one should do it to excess.

If someone has a serious problem then they really need to seek professional help but for most of us simply having a chat will suffice.

It sounds like you need to speak to someone, you seem to be confronted by what you cannot understand in others. We arent all the same and if you cant tollerate people being different from you then that is a personal problem.

2007-05-23 13:47:10 · answer #3 · answered by delprofundo 3 · 0 0

Why are you asking questions like this, ranting on and on about nothing. If one person gets help it's worth the time to answer a question. I think you may need some help since this is how you get off when you have nothing better to do. I just don't get it. Besides, why does it bother you that I spend my time answering
"stupid", "bogus" questions? I am not interfering in your life at all so live and let live. Hope you get a good laugh at some of my answers that you say are BS.

2007-05-23 13:53:25 · answer #4 · answered by vanhammer 7 · 0 0

First of all, you could have asked your question a lot easier, without ranting on like you did. But it is a good question.

Yes, there are a lot of insignifcant questions on here that are easy to answer. But it's not all BS, like you said.

I only answer questions that I know the true answer to, and usually give a source. It's interesting to see what people will ask, and how other people answer.

Incidentally, if you don't care for Yahoo! Questions and Answers, why are you still here?

2007-05-23 12:50:28 · answer #5 · answered by midjrsy 3 · 1 0

Most people believe their answers are genuine, and they're not just bs'ing. For those that are, they're just looking for a high by stirring up trouble and annoying people. They're pretty much harmless anyway, don't let them get to you.

Use Yahoo! Answers beneficially so you gain, and hopefully in return, give a little too.

2007-05-23 12:52:07 · answer #6 · answered by Link 4 · 0 0

Fave T.V teach- Gossip female Fave vogue style- Hollister Fave Singer- Band- All time low Fave action picture- the living house bunny Fave shade- crimson Fave Animal- My poodle yorkie combination Fave e book-Gossip female Fave college subject- Math Fave meals- Pho

2016-11-26 21:23:07 · answer #7 · answered by pass 3 · 0 0

Congratulations! You just took up the space of someone else who could be asking a question that needs answering.

And you're wasting our time. If you don't like Y!A, then why are you even here?

2007-05-23 12:58:51 · answer #8 · answered by Honesty 5 · 1 0

I will tell you one thing..watch how you say things,Some of these--people gets very mad and gets even ,NOW every time you on..Thumb you down,you lose points. now you will see you losing points.Just trying be a friend. good luck.

2007-05-23 13:16:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i wish i lived in your perfect world. dum *** this is for entertaiment only and if you knew that you would be better off.

2007-05-23 12:48:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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