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Ok so I'm kinda young and have twins due in September.I'm really scared on what to do!!! Should I get the needle in my back? My boyfriend (the daddy) and I are moving in together and every thing and I think he actually cares but for right now he can't really be here so can I get some tips on this whole thing please

2007-05-23 10:08:53 · 19 answers · asked by babygrl7737 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

19 answers

Okay I have 6 kids so I will give you some of the benifit of what I have learned..Always go for the epidural..you will be a lot less exhausted after delievery and be able to enjoy your babies a lot more..I 've done it both ways..that is my experience. Don't buy a lot of newborn clothes because they will be out of them before you blink...take help when offered...nap when they do, you won't get much sleep otherwise..If you breast feed, pump so your boyfriend can help with late night feeding, give them lots of love. The best thing that I can tell you is that you have a natural mothering instinct and it will kick in once you see those precious babies for the first time. If you need someone to talk to when you are felling anxious I am always and e-mail away. Good luck and enjoy your babies.

2007-05-23 10:22:58 · answer #1 · answered by HeatherC-P 2 · 0 0

The needle in your back is called an epidural and it delivers spinal anesthesia. I had one with my first baby and I loved it! It sounds like you are in need of some support though. You should try contacting a community health nurse that deals with pregnant mothers. You can reach them through the county health department I am sure. Also if you dont have a good relationship with your mother, talk with friends mothers or the father-to-be's mother about the birthing experience. Also make sure that you are getting good prenatal care. I can only imagine how scary it is to have twins at a young age. Don't do it alone and make sure you create a support system because you will need it. I know I need my support system and I am 26 and only had one baby.

2007-05-23 17:19:06 · answer #2 · answered by EmK 3 · 0 0

I say epidural...but its just me.
I tried for 12 hours w/out, it wasn't horrifying, but I certainly wouldn't want to have to deal with that pain for longer considering I went another 15 hours before my daughter was born. And then ended up with a 4th degree tear which means I tore all the way through the rectum (painful, but not as bad as it seems). Some say you can feel anything so it makes it harder to push, but after 27 hours of labor I pushed that big munchkin out of me in 45 minutes...so you can feel the progress of your pushing, or atleast I could.
With twins you may end up with a c-section anyway...so they'll do the epidural.
Don't be scared....we've all been there...no matter what horror stories you hear, every momma will say its all worth it and they'll do it again in a heartbeat. I started thinking about another baby within weeks of my girl being born.

2007-05-23 17:17:16 · answer #3 · answered by gypsy g 7 · 0 0

Wow, you do seem young, well, I guess now's the fruits of your decisions - but if you're talking about the epidural, most people get it and their babies have come out fine - you'll hear both, but it should help with the pain. As far as for the future - that's nice that he plans on being there, but remember to always look out for you & your baby. Keep separate accounts even when living together and do up a cohabitation agreement so that there's no confussion. The thought of that stuff might seem laughable, but believe me, it just steers out some of the drama.

2007-05-23 17:15:43 · answer #4 · answered by HappilyEverAfter 4 · 0 0

Try not to worry about that know....just start thinking about your options. I did all four of mine naturally..but I have a very high pain tolerance...I walked around with a broken back for a week before I knew it. I walked around on a broken ankle so long that they had to rebreak it to fix it. My best friend had an epidural (the thing in your back) and she said it was absolutely wonderful!! Putting it in hurt a little, but she love the control it gave her, and she could still tell when she had to push because it takes away the pain, but not the pressure.

Good Luck

2007-05-23 17:15:27 · answer #5 · answered by Momma P 5 · 0 0

I know that most people would call me crazy...but try and go with out the drugs. You can have the option there for you if it becomes too much...but it is so much better for the babies and yourself if you do not have any drugs. I had one child at home withoout any of that garbadge that the hospital has. It was my best one yet. It really made a special bond between my child and I. Also make sure you do plenty of walking to lessen the pain. It also helps you loose the weight later. I hope that this was helpful.

2007-05-23 17:15:49 · answer #6 · answered by Sandra G 2 · 1 0

Well I can only tell you my personal preference from experience. I had an epidural with my first child, NOTHING with my second.. and I so plan on having an epidural again when I give birth this time around!! I don't tolerate pain well, and I loved the epidural. I was still able to feel and push the baby out fine, but there was no pain. It was wonderful!

2007-05-23 17:13:38 · answer #7 · answered by Blondie13 2 · 0 0

I'm all for an epidural! It depends on how well you can or want to tolerate the pain. Do you want a painful labor and delivery or a practically pain free one? Some people say the epidural has effects on the baby, I have never had this experience so I can't tell you about that.

2007-05-23 17:13:38 · answer #8 · answered by windyca 2 · 0 0

I've had a baby with and epidural and one without. The one without was definitely harder but I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I experienced a natural birth.

I would have a talk with your doctor. Because you're having twins, this whole issue may be a moot point. Because of the risk of litigation, many doctors will no longer deliver multiples nvaginally and require you to have a c-section. Check with your doctor to see what his policy is.

2007-05-23 17:33:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Getting an epidural is up to you. I did with my first and it worked out fine for me. I was going to try natural with my second but had to have a c-section. Get support from anyone you want or can. If your mom is around she will be the biggest help. Close friends or relatives can also be a big help. Good luck, you should be fine.

2007-05-23 17:20:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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