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If you read any of the questions on Pro-Life/Pro-Choice or talk to people about their views on the topic, you see that most people are not completely Pro-Life or Pro-Choice. People will say I am against abortion, because it kills innocent life, while you can then ask them if they are for the War, and they will say yes. Or you can talk to someone who is "Pro-Choice", that will say they are for Abortion but against the War.

I think that people need to pick a side and stick with it, if they are against abortion, they should also be against the war(Granted I am for the War only because I feel that if we run away from it, we will suffer more civilian casualties at home in the future.) Or if people are for killing unborn children, they should be for the War.

So why do people feel like they can take the "Best of both Worlds", and how can they justify being for both killing(Abortions or War), and saving life(Abortions or War)?(Respectively for "Pro-Life/Pro-Choice")

2007-05-23 09:56:07 · 32 answers · asked by Bballoakie 3 in Politics & Government Politics

Also, why do you feel we call them "Pro-Life/Pro-Choice" when they really disguise the true intent/meaning? And do you think it is fair that we blend both Abortions and the War for both of these issues? Would it be more fair to be able to say I am Pro-Choice for abortions, but Pro-Life for the war(or vise-versa)?

Please realize that I have tried to use as Neutral Point of View possible.

Thanks for any thought out answers!

2007-05-23 09:59:24 · update #1

DKStinger24, A ball of cells is not life, but Stem cells are the base of life, they can turn into anything, I have heard people that are Pro-Choice, and for Stem Cell research say that we could use Stem Cells for so many things.

A "child in the womb" is a ball of Stem Cells, so therefore, in my opinion, it is life. Because Stem Cells are life.

(a=b b=c so therefore a=c)

2007-05-23 10:03:37 · update #2


I agree that both sides do not call themselves what they really are.

I do agree myself that we should not blend both topics, but this is often done. I personally think that we should separate both topics and expand on the names of the "views" associated with them, i.e:

Pro-Abortion, Pro-Choice, Anti-Abortion, Anti-Choice.

Pro-War, Anti-War

2007-05-23 10:09:09 · update #3

I tried to write in a NPOV, off of what I have heard and what I have discussed with others. I do not think it is too horrible that a Woman have an abortion to protect her life. I would just like to see People think a little bit more before they have sex. The point of sex isn't for pleasure, it is to reproduce, though people use it for pleasure. Now don't take this as me being against people "pleasuring" themselves, but when they do, they need to consider all the consequences of their actions. If I go have sex with someone, and I get them pregnant, it is a consequence of our actions. And it feels to me like Abortion, is just a way to escape that consequence.
We were all taught when we were younger that our actions have consequences, and now as adults, we feel we can avoid them. I personally do not think that is right.

2007-05-23 10:17:07 · update #4

32 answers

Just like right now, I read some of what you have to say, and agree. Then, I read other parts and disagree. Having differing opinions don't automatically make people hypocrites.

Part of our system is the open discussion over issues, and ultimately deciding which person, or group made the most sense.

Besides, hypocrisy means: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense

A hypocrite would be say, someone who speaks out against homosexuality, but has relations with persons of their own gender.

I believe you are right about abortion having to do with responsibility, and accountability of actions.

2007-05-23 19:24:25 · answer #1 · answered by Moneta_Lucina 4 · 1 0

Sorry but you are wrong about conservatives who are pro-life and pro-war. The reasons for war are very plain and clear, self-preservation. If we do not eliminate terrorists and terrorist countries, then how many of us will die in their attacks?

What makes you think they would not attack again like 9-11, the USS Cole, and the many US embassies?

The only question about abortion is the beginning of life. I believe that the life of a child is a most precious thing and it begins when 2 living things come together. Sometimes that is in a loving environment and sometimes it is not. Those times that it is not, we need to be mature and responsible enough to care for and nurture the child as best we can.

Oh and btw, if abortion was legal in 1963, you might not have gotten such a clear accurate answer.

2007-05-23 10:04:35 · answer #2 · answered by Michael H 5 · 0 0

Err, why? Why can't someone be pro-life when it comes to abortion because killing babies is wrong and support our troops because it's patriotic at the same time? Or pro-choice because they don't think they should impose their beliefs on someone else and also be in favor of bringing the troops home from a war that shouldn't have been started?

I hate to break it to you, but the world is not divided into two camps of homogenous people who feel exactly the same on every issue. Similarly, the world is not divided into black and white, right and wrong on every issue, some are more complex. One person can say child labor is wrong, while another says that the family of that child relies on their income to purchase food to survive. Who is right?

2007-05-23 10:06:07 · answer #3 · answered by 006 6 · 3 0

The good thing about the US is that it is a free country, people can say anything they want (kind of).
Many people like to stay in the middle, it is the "safest" way.
War and Abortion are not compelety the same...
War is a sin (and I don't believe in god, so that is saying something), war is dying for your own country, but does the prime mister, president, king, dictator go to the front? it is always the "innocent" that are dying, you would think after ww1,ww1, cold war, vitem war, ect people would be smarter.
Abortion is killing too, the difference is that it is "not killing a person", which is where the argeement comes in, is a cell a person? it is life, but is it a human?
another example of best of both worlds
the us is the "protector" of democracy, I don't see them protecting Iraq very well.....I don't see them attacking China.....I don't see them reconizing Taiwan as Republic of China......
I tend to be in the middle of most things too, I'm against war, but I don't really care about abortion (but would rather say no), I think the reason is because one affects one, but not the other. People in the war say no, but say yes to abortion because they need abortion for some reason. People say yes to war because they might make money and because of nationalism. and just so you know, it is not just Americans :), I'm not :)

2007-05-23 10:07:49 · answer #4 · answered by Mike 4 · 1 1

Not hypocritical, just being american with freedom of choice to think and feel what you want to feel. I think it's pretty un-american of you to force us to choose one way or the other. Forgive me if I'm wrong but that sounds like a dictatorship. I don't like labels like pro-life or pro-choice. I hate the thought of abortion but I also could not tell a man that his wife will die because they cannot abort a fetus. Who wins either way??? I don't know anyone that is "for" war. Sometimes it's unavoidable as in world war II. To sum up there is no "best" to either of those worlds. This is america where we are free to feel how we feel.

2007-05-23 10:07:31 · answer #5 · answered by World Peace Now 3 · 0 0

Both pro-life and pro-choice are misnomers.

But everyone knows what they are designed to mean, so it's convenient shorthand.

I know of virtually of no one who opposes killing in EVERY instance. Self-defense is the most common exception.

I favor "killing" when some other factor outweighs the interest in preserving human life. Again, we all apply the same test, whether we know it or not. We just make different value judgements - we weigh the factors differently, be it in war, abortion, death penalty, euthanasia, etc.

I don't know if I made my point clearly enough, but it's been a long day. :)

2007-05-23 10:04:29 · answer #6 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 1 0

I support the war, because it just might result in those people being free, for the first time in history. For me, the war is about giving those people in Iraq and Afghanistan the chance to be free. What they do with it is up to them.
As far as abortion, I disagree with it for the same reason. The unborn child doesn't get the opportunity to be free, or to live. The mother (and father) made their choices when the child was conceived. There are plenty of options available to anyone in this country to avoid an unwanted pregnancy before it begins, all one has to do is choose one.

2007-05-23 10:03:10 · answer #7 · answered by Ben H 5 · 3 0

It's a difference in perspective. People who are pro-choice are just that - pro CHOICE, not "pro-abortion". They support the right to choose, not the act of aborting children.

For those who are pro-life, innocence is the key to their argument. They may be pro-war and pro-death penalty because it's the difference between killing an innocent and killing someone for the sake of punishment.

2007-05-23 10:02:31 · answer #8 · answered by Athena 3 · 4 0

Abortion and war are two different topics and don't compare to each other. So your logic is flawed. That is like saying a apple and grapefruit are the same thing.

Wars are fought because of an injustice caused by another cannot be solved in a civil manner.

Abortions are individuals killing future children for selfish reasons.

2007-05-23 10:05:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The war and abortion debates are unrelated. Pro-life use the "murder" argument to rally support for their cause. Is it really killing an innocent child? Maybe. Each side skews the argument to benefit them. But think about it. The fetus has no choice. It will either be aborted, or not. It cannot defend itself, cannot think...

A soldier can think, act, and fight for himself. He chose to join the military, as we have an all-volunteer military. If he didn't want to risk going to war, he should have stayed home. That's what he does to repay the government for sending him to college.

2007-05-23 10:03:02 · answer #10 · answered by Cthon 2 · 1 0

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