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My boyfriend and I are both light skinned whites. We walked into a convenience store the other night to buy a couple of sodas. I saw a group of black men standing near the door and didn't think anything of it because up to that point I had nothing against black people. I walked out to my car to grab something from my car and as I walked out one of the black guys said (very loudly) " Man...What da hell is up wit all dese crackas in here?" For those who may not know, cracker is an insulting word for a white person. Another of the black men was walking out of the store as I was walking back in and didn't hold the door for me. Don't these blacks have any manners? I thought they were against racism?! I would never have said something like " Man what the hell is up with these *iggers in here?" I am not like that and I did not deserve to be treated this way. These black people need to practice what they preach. I am outraged!!!!

2007-05-23 09:45:50 · 40 answers · asked by Rainy Days 4 Ever 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

Ignorant person with ignorant question huh? Is that all you can think to say?

2007-05-23 09:57:37 · update #1

I wouldn't take the time to make a question about this if I were going to lie about what happened. If you can't believe this story then don't blame me, it's quite unbelievable to me as well but believe it because it happened. And no I didn't say anything rude to the black men. I just walked away in disbelief.

2007-05-23 09:59:53 · update #2

True Alaina, they may have resented that but I didn't do that to them. I was minding my own business and I had nothing against any race until after that happened. They were being racist to me, not the other way around. Stop trying to turn this on me.

2007-05-23 10:04:15 · update #3

I am not worth any further response? Stop your insults and find something intelligent to say, really.

2007-05-23 10:06:50 · update #4

Just to clear something up...the only reason I said "light skinned white" is because I am so light skinned that people have called me a cracker before because my skin is so white. Therefore I feel that those black men in the store judged me because I am extremely white.

2007-05-23 10:33:02 · update #5

40 answers

I am not a racist (korean/black raised by an all white family), but i can honestly say that if you constantly beat your kid you can't then wonder why your kid beats his kids. You got yelled at and i am sorry for that but that was what, once in how many years? Black people get it every day. I look indian (from India) and have doors slammed in my face daily. I have even had white people run in front of me just so they could close the door in my face to make a statement. We deal with it in the work place, we deal with it on TV, we deal with it when we go out to eat( how many times have you gone to an almost empty dine in spot and found yourself in the worst seat in the house), we get over charged for houses and cars, we get followed around stores, and the list goes on and on. I was adopted by whites and have been told by my mother that my son had too much black in him. what is too much black? You deal with that generation after generation and your gonna find you hate the people that are doing this to you. The only reason i'm not is because i had cool white friends that let me know that my family is not how everyone acts but not all black people are going to have the same enteractions that i have had. Just like some white people enjoy their styereotypes and refuse to meet intelligent black people becuase they have decided we are all the same.

I can honestly say that as long as some white people hate black people some black people are going to hate white people. When black people start getting treated as equals they won't have anything to complain about and now that the economy is bad don't expect it to get any better any time soon. in the black community, i don't know if it's becaue of katrina or what but they most of use feel racism against us is on the rise not getting better.I'm sorry that you had that experiance but now you see how we feel every day. I hope you take it as a lesson on how not to treat people and don't become as negative as the people that you ran into.

2007-05-23 10:24:48 · answer #1 · answered by kaluah96 3 · 2 1

There right all people aren't the same but alot of black people do try to over power white people its just in the nature even if you are friends are not its always been this way for some reason its a dominant thing.my best friend is Dominican she doesn't even claim she's black. But you just got to except our past ****** up so back this is the outcome of it. Not our fault though. **** 💩 happens love ❤ everyone and they'll love ❤ u the same way back

2014-09-22 05:38:01 · answer #2 · answered by Jenny 1 · 0 0

It turns out to me that any race can think hostility closer to a further. It's no longer simply blacks and whites...it is everybody. I have an understanding of what you are announcing however I suppose it unsuitable to not do not forget the entire snapshot. The factors for racism might not be justifiable. It perhaps there in view that of what a individual discovered in lifestyles. There are 1 factors. I'm no longer a racist and I have peers of all races. I experience speakme approximately topics akin to this in view that I think I can study a satisfactory deal approximately different cultures. My peers agree and we now have a few lengthy-out conversations approximately this. We all turn out to be studying some thing. EMT

2016-09-05 09:04:20 · answer #3 · answered by fowler 4 · 0 0

"Why are blacks this? Why are whites that?"

How often can people ask the same tiresome question?

You know full well that there are racists in every group. Does that really surprise you?

If you don't want to be regarded as a racist because of what other whites do, then don't try to characterize "blacks" just because you had a bad experience with some individuals.

Be outraged because they refused to see you as an individual and said some ugly things, not because they were black and did so.

2007-05-23 09:57:47 · answer #4 · answered by Rob B 4 · 12 2

So two black guys speak for the rest of Blacks Americans?

What are your statistics to back your claims? Everyone else seems to have us under a microscope and quote what they think they know about Blacks. Were they dark skin blacks or light skinned, Are skinny blacks more racist over fat black people? Was one of them rich the other poor? Did the tall one make the comment or the short. How many languages do they speak. How had the best education or earns the most money?

I am asking usless questions the same way you posted a useless question, comment or whatever this is suppose to be. If you need to vent, next time say so.

2007-05-23 10:05:43 · answer #5 · answered by BionicNahlege 5 · 6 4

You can't hold an entire race responsible for the actions of a few people.

We are not all racist.

We do not all use the word cracker, honkie or whitey.

We do not all have no manners and most of us, depending on our raising do hold doors open for people, regardless of gender. Feel free to be outraged, but don't make it a race thing. They might just be stupid, ignorant, and rude.

And anyway, they might have been feeling a little bit of resentment because they think that you and your boyfriend represent the ruling of the free world, and all of the disadvantages they faced because of what their parents had to face and what they still face today because of some other completely independent situations. They might have made that rude remark because they felt like you were entering their own private territory (however public it was) and they just wanted you to leave. Don't take it personally because one small group of people made a stupid mistake. I've dealt with racism more than once and I don't blame your whole race for it.

2007-05-23 09:59:08 · answer #6 · answered by thatsalovelypainting 2 · 7 3

There have been hundreds of years of whites hating blacks. We're talking slavery, beatings, lynchings, church bombings etc. As a white culture we have been taught over and over that all men are created equal and to treat everyone the same.
For our brothers and sisters they have been raised differently. Their schools and neighborhoods have been poor, and they are always being told how much better we have it. Self appointed black leaders like Rev. Al Sharpton makes his living taking down racist whites (Don Imus) but won't apologize for the Duke Lacrosse team accusations. This is the leadership our neighbors are being given, and so they do have a skewed perception. Black leaders need to start preaching "all men are created equal" and be the solution not the problem. You can't blame the next generation when the last one are teaching them hate.

2007-05-23 09:57:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

It has nothing to do with race (and I'm white with a lot of black friends). There are stupid people anywhere you go. Prejudice is everywhere I'm sure you have looked at someone with the attitude of I would not live your life. As far as the door goes that alone does not make him racist just not very hospitable. I wish the world would stop making it a black white issue and start just understanding ignorance happens as I'm sure from your comments you will never look at black people the same if you indeed had zero problems before. Oh and what the heck is so offensive about the term crackers?

2007-05-23 09:57:40 · answer #8 · answered by lb_kj 3 · 2 6

your fine with your opinion and your right most blacks have no respect for whites and if you find your self in there run down neiborhoods you see just how much youll be lucky if your car is still there when you go out black and white dont mix even though black men seem to be after our white woman maybe they think by ruining these dumb white girls lives with mixed babies its just another way of getting there game on they like us if there selling us something namely drugs,rap music basketball,football

2014-02-24 13:38:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I know white people who are racist against black people...but I would NEVER make the statement that ALL white people are this way because I know for a FACT that it's not true...

And those black men may have made remarks and been overt with their racism...but what about the white people (and maybe even you, included) that exhibit racism covertly?...yeah, it's not as rude, but it's racism nonetheless...

Why not acknowledge the fact that there are white racists also?....but then again, it's common not to notice something that you never have to deal with...you're not a victim of racism from whites, therefore you may feel it's not a big deal...
But now that you've experienced racism from blacks, all of a sudden racism is a problem and you have something against us now.."...up to that point I had nothing against black people..."


2007-05-23 10:19:26 · answer #10 · answered by Prima_Donnassassin! 4 · 3 7

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