The only people who are 'drinking the Kool Aid' are those lemmings who refuse to even consider how and why our government might LIE to us. These 'ditto heads' have been brainwashed by a conservative-biased media to believe anything the government tells them. So, when anyone so much as raises a 'red flag', these followers of the Pied Piper become very defensive, and get terribly offensive.
They fail to consider that:
a) The U.S. government LIED about U-2 spyplanes flying over the U.S.S.R. until Krushchev shot one down and displayed it for the whole world to see;
b) Witnesses to the incident in Roswell, New Mexico still have not been fully satisfied with explanations given by the U.S. government as to the events of 1947;
c) The Warren Commission has sealed all documents pertaining to the Kennedy assassination until 2038, when most of us who witnessed that tragedy will be dead and gone, and unable to challenge the 'facts';
d) The U.S. government claimed our battleships were attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin, which led to our military involvement in the Vietnam War;
e) Military 'experts' LIED about the effects Agent Orange might have on Vietnam veterans;
f) Until two enterprising reporters dug out the truth and caused the resignation of a U.S. President, the Oval Office LIED about a third-rate burglary in the Watergate Hotel;
g) The U.S. government LIED about 'weapons of mass destruction' whihc gave the Bush administration 'reason' to unconstitutionally and illegally attack another sovereign nation that in no way threatened, provoked or attacked the United States;
h) The CIA failed to acknowledge the presence of 'secret' prisons all over the world;
i) Our Commander-In-Chief condoned the abuse and torture of 'detainees', in direct violation of rules of the Geneva Convention;
j) The Attorney General of the U.S.A. has apparently LIED about his reasons for firing other federal prosecutors;
k) The scandal-infested Bush administration has 'covered' for many of its top-echelon associates.
A healthy dose of skepticism and doubt is exactly what "we the People" need right now, especially since the conservative-dominated media refuses maintain its role as the 'fourth estate'. The media is now 'big business', and finds it more convenient and cost-effective to simply read the government press releases verbatim instead of going to the trouble and expense of investigating, questioning, and expressing its concerns as to the 'truth'. It is our Constitutional right - and duty - to hold the government's feet to the fire and it accountable for its actions. Without such activity, we will one day wake up and find ourselves under the rule of a dictatorship. -RKO- 05/23/07
2007-05-23 10:09:47
answer #1
answered by -RKO- 7
Being a conspiracy theorist certainly doesn't mean you're a "kook". History does show that the government has been involved in many covert plots against it's people. It just takes many years or decades for the truth to come out.
While I don't subscribe to most of the current conspiracy theories, I'm amazed at the venom and hatred spewed at people who are willing to consider them and bring them to the public's' attention i.e. Micheal Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Charlie Sheen.
Our constitution and bill of rights was written by our forefathers to protect us FROM the government. I think those that stand idly by and believe everything the government tells us are the ones who have really drank the Kool-Aid.
2007-05-23 16:39:47
answer #2
answered by Todd O 1
The American sheeple are in for a BIG surprise and the FEMA camps are only a small part. They already are enslaved with debt and a completely controlled media/propaganda machine. Life will change suddenly very soon and they will all just go along for the ride while begging the very government that created the situation to "save" them.
AND Guess what? THEY DESERVE IT...I mean the majority of them endorse torture...virtually ALL of them were pounding the war drums in 2003 prior to the Iraq invasion and virtually ALL of them are in favor of "doing something" about the imaginary problem with Iran.
The citizens of the Whore of Babylon are completely lost and only God's mercy can save them now. I have it on good authority He's not too interested in bailing them out.
2007-05-23 16:20:43
answer #3
answered by Perry L 5
To claim that Pearl harbor was false is to dishonor the men and women who died there and everywhere in WWII. You may be many things but wise you are not
2007-05-23 19:11:20
answer #4
answered by Thomas G 6
I don't know what the hell you are talkin about??????WIERDO?? But I'm a black man who gets terrorized by the U.S. all the time. I call them the police. Last week I was arrested while I was riding my red scooter through a rich neighborhood with a red shirt & cap charge with impersonating a pizza hut delivery boy!
2007-05-23 16:23:25
answer #5
answered by Lexus Luthor 3
"And Yes I drank the Kool Aid while wearing my tin foil hat and I am a conspiracy kook."
Ummm... You left out "Village Idiot"
2007-05-23 16:25:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It is hard because we think the government is here for "us". We think we can rely on the government. The government has a history of doing things that are outside the boundary of helping the citizens. We have grown to think we are safe and for the government to hurt us is like saying your friend is backstabbing you. It is because we refuse to believe.
2007-05-23 16:19:36
answer #7
answered by Simpleofmind 4
They have and they do . Bush created fear to get Congress to let him go to war in Iraq and continues causing fear today to keep us there .
Also the American people have a natural fear , that is not pressed by the Government , of open borders .
So are we really safe here at home from terrorist ?
2007-05-23 16:20:28
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Hey, I was wondering if you might be in the market for a nice shiny bridge. I have one with a nice coastal view in Arizona. I'll let it go fairly cheap. And BTW that was not kool aid, it was your meds.
2007-05-23 16:12:36
answer #9
answered by JAY O 5
Will the aliens come before or after that?
Sssshhh... better watch out. They'll take your name down and shank ya in the FEMA prison camp.
2007-05-23 16:11:41
answer #10
answered by nom de paix 4