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IF you want to see what it really means to children who are adopted by Gays, take a look at this video I just recieved from another user here...it says it all! After viewing, can you honestly say that kids are better off in an orphanage...?


2007-05-23 09:04:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

This was originally posted by Wayne..but he recieved only nasty homophobic rantings to the posting. he was nice enough to send it to me, and I thought it was wonderful. I raised two sons with my lover, both are straight and happy...we are all very close to this day, and my kids did not catch any flake in HS...no one dared to try it with them, we taught them how to defend themselves!

2007-05-24 15:50:43 · update #1

16 answers

Thank you. !!!!!

2007-05-23 19:06:54 · answer #1 · answered by .*. 6 · 2 0

Because sick ignorant microcephallic neanderthals for some reason thing that being LGBT is wrong or can be learned.

Did you see the turmoil from the religious right when a state tried to pass a law making it illegal for parents to beat children with sticks? These are the sort who think they know how to raise children.

If they were doing such a great job of inculcating family values, why do half of their marriages end up tossed away as used rags?

The religious reich doesn't know squat about raising families. They only know how to strive militantly for the status quo. It took over 100 years for the Southern Baptist Convention to acknowledge their support and the wrongness of slavery. Do you really think the likes of these, the producers of Chick Tracts and the Westboro Baptists Church will ever stop preaching hatred? I don't think so.

The obvious is this: Evolution works slower among the religious reich. That's why they are so hate-filled and backward.

2007-05-23 11:09:58 · answer #2 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 2 0

Great video.

I always find those anti-adoption people utterly silly. We have adoption boards who are perfectly capable of matching kids with parents. I fully trust those boards, and I think they know best what's good for a child. If they match a kid with a gay couple, who on earth should judge that?

I am not gay, but my two best gay friends are married and have adopted two kids. It works out great. I also volunteer in an orphanage, and I think it's safe to say that every kid is better off being raised in a family. Any type of family.

2007-05-23 09:48:59 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 4 0

well even though i found the video a little cheesey to say the least, i totally agree with you.
the only thing that bothers about gay adoption is the fact that the kids are likely to get bullied but if we go with that then do we stop fat people having kids? what about really ugly people? disabled people? people of different races? etc. etc. these are all things that bullies pick up on. the fact is that kids get bullied for all sorts of reasons and for all sorts of parents. i know one kid who got bullied because his mum worked in his school as a dinner lady. so even though i'd hate to see a kid bullied because his/her parents are gay, it's society that needs to change and for this kind of family to be seen as normal.

2007-05-23 10:12:21 · answer #4 · answered by AJ 5 · 2 0

i am a straight man who was raised by a gay man when my "real father" thought i was only good for a punching bag.
he taught me how to be a caring, compassionate, and loving person.
all the things a "real" man should be.
now i am a father and husband who has never raised an angry hand to his kids or wife.
i am a good man and i owe it all to the "gay" man i am proud to call my dad.
all these orphan kids want is to be loved and i don't care if your straight or gay or what ever floats your boat if you can give these kids the love that they need and so desperately want then i say .... well who cares what i or anyone else says..... just go for it.

2007-05-23 16:40:23 · answer #5 · answered by bgdadyp 5 · 4 0

Thank you for sharing that wonderful video. There has been recent scientific study that shows that what is most important is to having loving parents and it doesn't matter if they are straight or gay. Thankfully so many states still allow gay parents to foster and adopt children. And there is what is now called the "gayby boom". I have many friends that have had their own biological children through annonymous sperm donors and those children are thriving. My own daughter is in Jr. High which is everyone's nightmare when you're different. All her friends know she has 2 moms. And she says no one harrasses her about it. She used to be embarrassed by it a little, but recently she's added the fact to her my-space, which I monitor frequently. I was pleasantly surprised to see a "straight but not narrow" banner on there too. She's a straight - A student, honor society, MESA, Band, girl scouts and basketball. I couldn't be more proud of her. Not bad for 2 moms. I think in the future you'll see more studies that show that kids of gay parents actually do better than average kids. One reason being that their parent's have to really want them and go out of their way to have them. There are no unwanted or surprise children in gay families.

EDIT: I just knew I was going to see comments on here about gays being pedophiles. This is a miscoception that is born out of ignorance. In fact, contrary to media-propagated myths, most of them had not been sexually abused in childhood and the vast majority of pedophiles are also drawn to adults of the opposite sex (***are heterosexuals***). Only a few belong to the exclusive type - the ones who are tempted solely by kids. Nine tenths of all pedophiles are male. They are fascinated by preteen females, teenage males, or (more rarely) both.

Orphanages aren’t overflowing, because in the US we have foster care instead. Foster care is meant to be temporary, but in many, many cases it is not. And most people who look to other countries for adoption do so because they want a healthy infant. They don’t want older children with medical issues or emotional issues or of different races. Gay couples tend to take on kids of all kinds and often overlook the obstacles. Look at the Lofton-Croteau family; two gay men, one of them a nurse, that took on 5 foster kids with AIDS. They wanted to adopt them, but unfortunately they lived in Florida, where gay adoption is illegal. Of the approximately 650,000 children who have been separated from their birth parents and placed in foster care, about 126,000 can never return to their original home and are waiting for adoption.

2007-05-23 09:35:38 · answer #6 · answered by momaab 4 · 6 0

united statesa. became advantageous in the process the Vietnam conflict? It became advantageous during segregation? Prohibition? The melancholy? The Indian Wars? The Trinity attempt? precise. each and every thing became sunshine and lollys formerly Stonewall, eh?

2016-10-13 05:51:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because of homophobes like the two above

LBGT aren't peados

LBGT can make excellent parents to kids as kids need parents - not just the straight ones but anyone willing

Edit: I dunno why people obsess over straights being the best parents as lots of straights are abusive, as long as the parents are decent then what does it matter if they are straight, gay, lesbian, bi or stuff? There are loads of kids who need decent parents but religious and other homophobes prefer to place thier homophobia over what the kids need. I recall a story where a priest who is gay helped turn a kids life around and yet Rown Williams still preferred to place homophobia over what kids need, the churches use kids to blackmail people

2007-05-23 09:18:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

It disgusts me how so may well off, good to do gay people can't adopt.

There are well over 2 million children in the U.S alone without parents.

Why don't they have a say?

2007-05-25 04:41:06 · answer #9 · answered by Bleed Like Me..... 3 · 1 0

I don't need to see anything to know that gay parents would make great parents, but anyone with half a brain would know that. There's just no hope for the ones who don't

2007-05-23 10:26:59 · answer #10 · answered by gitsliveon24 5 · 3 0

Thanks for that friend. Of course, anyone with any sense could never have honestly said kids would be better off not being in a loving home.

2007-05-23 09:22:08 · answer #11 · answered by toff 6 · 5 0

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