Las Vegas is very diverse and very open-minded. People go there from all over the world and all walks of life. I assure you, you have nothing to worry about. The people that come to Vegas in your age group come to party and have fun. There are even some gay bars if you want to check them out.
Besides that the Bellagio is one of the most beautiful hotels in the world. You will have a blast!
2007-05-23 09:10:48
answer #1
answered by jitterbug 4
Las Vegas is kind to everyone. You are staying in a very nice hotel, one of the nicest in Las Vegas, the security there is great. So you should have no problems in the hotel. My husband and I have wandered up and down the strip at all hours of the day and night and never had any problems, except you do get these weird looking guys handing you flyers all of the time for nude shows and the prostitution houses outside of Clark County. Just walk by them, they are not supposed to accost or harass you. Stay on the main street, if you wander behind the casinos, you could have some problems. As long as you don't go off the "beaten" path so to speak, meaning you go to all the common places that other tourists go, you will have a great time. The nightclubs in all of the big casinos are great and a lot of fun. Go up to Fremont Street and enjoy the light show in the evening. Fremont Street is where all the old original casinos are located. Enjoy yourselves.
2007-05-23 09:08:05
answer #2
answered by ? 7
Las Vegas is pretty open, nothing to worry about. You will undoubtedly be around other tourist doing the same thing you are. I would suggest a fridge in your room. You are staying at an upscale hotel and will be taken care of nicely. You will have a great time, for sure. I live in Nevada and frequent Las Vegas and Reno often. Night life is great too, lots of lights, walking down the strip will amaze you. Visit Fremont street in the downtown area for the light show and old part of town. I'm a musician and play in the brothels regularly.. Good luck and have fun.
2007-05-23 09:09:03
answer #3
answered by ? 3
Las Vegas is cooler than anywhere in California. Does your bro walk around with a sign on his forehead that says, "I'm gay." Even if that's the case, Vegas is fine and you'll have fun.
The Bellagio has a great buffet dinner. Eat there.
Gamble on Freemont street.
2007-05-23 08:54:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No one will care that your brother is gay, it won't make a difference.
Expect that everyone at the Bellagio has a lot of money, because most of them do. Everything will be expensive by LV standards. It's also a wonderful place to stay and you will have a great time.
2007-05-23 08:57:42
answer #5
answered by Just a friend. 6
Vegas is very diverse. The Bellagio is a very good choice. If you go to the night clubs you might want to buy bottle service. You'll have a better time. People here mesh with everyone.
2007-05-23 08:54:37
answer #6
answered by Jason 2
Ok i live in England and i've been to Las Vegas so this is what i think.
Its a good place, if you're alrite with lights, noise and lots of things going on. If you just wanted a peaceful time its not great. There are loads of things to do, and see there, like all the hotels on the strip, the casinos and all the theme parks! Really good food there too!
I ejoyed my time there.
If you want more info just e-mail me @
hope this helped
2007-05-23 08:55:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Vegas was fun i went there right after my 21st
it probably wont be as much fun as it looks on tv..and there really are not as many lights as what you see on tv..lots of lights just scattered about
as far as being gay..veags is probably the capital of that
the people that youll see will probably more tourists then anything and they tend to keep to themselves but we ran into some ppl that grabbed my *** sisters hair..and sister in laws boob
youll see some FREAKY stuff..we seen 2 people pratically dead from exhaustion or summin ..lots of people asking for money..and the strip is REALLY REALLY dirty..i dont recommend wearing sandals or open toed shoes if you plan on walking cuz your feet will be super black
drinks are expensive..but most of the time..worth it..since its your birthday you should go to coyote ugly and dance some on the bar..itll get you pretty drunk for free..and it was lots of fun..
and they have fat tuesdays..omg yummy that was like an "O" in a drink
neway vegas is fun
stay with the crowd
and be safe!
2007-05-23 10:34:09
answer #8
answered by hi_iduntcyber_doyou 5
Everyone pretty much covered it all. People there are really open minded. Oh! Make sure you watch the water show outside your hotel though. The Bellagio water show is great! Have fun!
2007-05-23 09:02:29
answer #9
answered by AmyC. 2
Money $$$$$$$$$$$$
watch out there is a guy on the streets that has a 3 card game and makes you bet $100. I go to Vegas every week he scans many people. He has a trick. The card you think it is. Is the opposite card.
2007-05-23 15:42:06
answer #10
answered by giancv53 1