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My husband and I have been trying for 7 months with no luck. We have sex on every other day for the whole month and I've been doing he temp. thing for the last 2 months. I was just wondering if anyone was going through the same thing. I know you have to wait a year to get fertility tested and we are only 25. Give me a little hope I guess. Thanks

2007-05-23 06:48:54 · 29 answers · asked by hotcakes14 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

29 answers

It took me 3 1/2 yrs with my first, I had been on the pill for a long time, I have always had heavy long periods, so they used the pill to control the bleeding.
My doctor kept telling me just be patient, and fertility testing can be expensive. We finally were thinking about it and I did get pregnant, we did not check temp etc. we just went about it like we always had (sex wise I mean).
My husband switched to boxers (supposedly better for the sperm) a few months before I got pregnant, I have no idea if that really did it, but its worth a shot if he wears jockey.
Also, after my first daughter was born, our first try at unprotected sex produced my second daughter, so if you have a hard time the first time, it does not mean you will the next time. Good luck to you.

2007-05-23 06:57:49 · answer #1 · answered by Miss Coffee 6 · 1 0

The first time, 3 months, but I ended up having a miscarriage. The second time, 9 months. The third time, 8 months. I conceived all 3 pregnancies on Clomid because I do not ovulate regularly on my own. I also often ovulate too late during my cycle. After my miscarriage, my doctor also learned that my uterus doesn't get thick enough to sustain a pregnancy, so I started taking Prometrium, which is progesterone, to help thicken my lining.

Hopefully you have saved your bbt (basal body temperature) charts for the last 2 months. They are good tools for your doctor to use to help diagnose certain problems. I would advise making an appointment with your OBGYN to discuss your options. Even though you are under 30, there is no reason to wait a year before going to the doctor. I would rather have them rule out easy problems first, rather than getting depressed month after month when you don't conceive. Best of luck to you!

2007-05-23 14:09:15 · answer #2 · answered by Melissa B 5 · 0 0

I thought I would never get pregnant. My husband and I tried for 2 1/2 years and I got pregnant but I lost the baby at 5 weeks. It wasn't until 13 months later I got pregnant again. I am now 10 weeks pregnant! My due date is Dec. 27th. Carry on a normal life don't let conceiving become your life. It will happen when you least expect it. We were not even trying when I found out we were having a baby.

Good Luck, Best Wishes, and Don't Give Up!

2007-05-23 14:20:13 · answer #3 · answered by jakesbell87 3 · 0 0

My husband and I started trying on our honeymoon, and on the third cycle, I got pregnant! The first two months we just had sex every other day, that was it, the third month we got serious: did the temperature thing, regulated mucus, did all the tips online (ate baby carrots and drank grapefruit juice), but we think the thing that helped the most was getting the ovulation strips. We were able to pin down the two days that I was most likely to get pregnant, and it worked!
Good luck with getting pregnant, remember, it can take a normal, healthly couple up to a year to get pregnant. Don't lose faith, and it will be even more exciting when you find out you are pregnant!

2007-05-23 14:53:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm 29 with a 6 month old. It took my husband and I almost a year to concieve. This is very normal and it could take up to a year. You may be trying too hard - my advice is to try without trying - have sex when you want and not when you think you are ovluating, the pressure/stress can sometimes not help. my husband and I tried for a long time and got really upset over it. Finally we decided to not try anymore and about three months later, to our surprise, I was pregnant. When you don't think about it, is when it will most likely happen. Also, if you were on the pill, that can sometimes take a while for your body to bounce back to normal. I had a girlfriend that took a good year to get pregnant after she went off the pill. She didn't get her period for months after being on the pill too. Just give it time and don't stress about it.

2007-05-23 13:55:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You don't have to wait a year. Most doctors just request that you try for longer then 6 mo. before coming to them. I actually went to the doctor before we started ttc. My doctor recommended this root. Which is good. We found out that I don't ovulate and would have had problems conceiveing. We started fertility pills on Valentines Day. Still No Luck. I wish you much Luck.Why waste time?
I think you should call you doctor.

2007-05-23 14:07:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It took me 7 months with my husband, and before that, we tried on and off for a few years. It took so long I began to think I cold not have children, but you just have to get the timing right. DOnt lose faith, I knew a woman it took her 4 years. Just keep trying and good luck.

I noticed that I conceived during a non stressful time, all the other times I was totally stressed out, so try to relax if you arent. Good Luck

2007-05-23 13:56:53 · answer #7 · answered by Betrayed and Insane 5 · 1 0

I conceived after I had my first period off the pill. I was 35 and he was 34.
After sex, I would stay on my back with a pillow under my rear for about 30 minutes. Don't pee immediately after sex. Make sure hubby is taking his vitamins and wearing boxers. Neither of you should go running or exercise too vigorously.
Good luck. Try to relax.

2007-05-23 13:59:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Went off the pill and it took 9 mos before i got pregnant. Then I couldnt conceive for 7 yrs. I totally believe my body wouldnt allow me to have another baby with that jack@ss. I didnt ovulate that whole time. The first month after I left him, I became normal. I then met my current husband, and we had a son. I was off the patch for 3 months when we became pregnant with my daughter.

2007-05-23 14:00:13 · answer #9 · answered by Mary D 5 · 3 0

The first time. We guessed when I was ovulating and had sex every other day around that time. Werent really expecting anything to happen. I think it had alot to do with having an orgasm before sex.

Best idea we ever had. Shes due in 4 weeks.

I wish you the best and just dont give up sweetie.

2007-05-23 15:44:54 · answer #10 · answered by MommyTwice-TwiceTheLove 4 · 0 0

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