I feel as though the US has lost steam in keeping ahead, when it used to be the EU took on step the US took two, and China took half. But now it seems that the US didnt make any steps forward in the last few years and that the EU is almost on par with the US...and China is still a distant third. Is this the era where the US loses its dominance over the world and sinks into a kind of UK role of being powerful but not the most powerful?
Just seems like everyone is telling the US to blow off and US has little leverage any more.
24 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ International Organizations
though i should add this much, i grew up in the Reagan Clinton era so my experiences influence my question and this could quite possible just be a bump in the road like 60's and late 70's were
06:42:59 ·
update #1
i dont think China will ever become the superpower, it has enough trouble governing its own nation without trying to dominate the world. Though it is definately undercutting alot of US trade agreements.
06:44:39 ·
update #2
TUBA what the H E double hockey sticks are u talking about??
06:56:31 ·
update #3
We started "losing steam" a long time ago, at the end of the Cold War towards the tail-end of the Reagan years. After the Cold War ended and without a suitable rival, the world shifted from the "US vs. USSR" to a world where the U.S. became the singular economic and political global dominant force. And it stayed that way for a while. Without anyone to else in the world even remotely close to being able to stand up to us, the U.S. didn't really have any reason to stay lean and sharp like in the Cold War years. So we got fat, dumb and lazy.
Since Sept. 11, the new world order has shifted, and we now have a rival. But this rival isn't a "real" ideological enemy like the Soviets/Communists were. They're just guys that charge us too much for oil. With the Soviets at least we were in a very stimulating and productive, ideological and technological competition, which kept us lean and sharp throughout the era. Our current Arab/Islamist/petroleum rivalry is having quite the opposite effect that the Cold War/Space Race had. Instead, our current situation has only succeeded in taking our attention off the mark. While we're not paying attention to our economy, domestic stability, and ability to compete globally, China and India have prime opportunity to make their move into global dominance. China and North Korea are steadily shaping their million-man armies. China and India are building stronger and more resilient economies. The US is losing more and more popularity around the world, causing the world's other big players to stand against us. In the last 6 years since we've been putting 1,000% of our attention and resources on Iraq (as well we should-support the troops), we've let our economy, international position and domestic priorities slide. As a high school Geography teacher, I see it on a daily basis. My 9th graders can't find China on a map. As much as I try to tell my students that they should at least know who they will some day be working for, or losing their jobs to, they don't much seem to care. They'd rather listen to the ipod.
It's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN the American Empire of global economic and political dominance will end. Put simply, within one or two more generations, we will no longer be able to compete in a much tougher global arena. We're currently in the decline phase of our culture. If you do a search for "societal collapse" or "fall of the Roman Empire" you'll see a lot of parallels to what is going on with us right now. Our time will be over soon, and it will be time for the next world power to emerge. Don't get me wrong, I love America and all that it stands for. But this place doesn't much resemble what America used to stand for anymore.
But what do I know. I'm just a high school social studies teacher.
2007-05-29 16:07:10
answer #1
answered by arlynmartinez 1
No. You have to keep in mind that the US was not a world power before WWII. We were like 20th. But two things happened...one was WWII. Most of the industrialized world was in ruins only the US was intact and we already had one of the best economic systems and after the war it just got better. The "Marshall Plan" rebuilt Europe and we prospered, MacArthur rebuilt and reorganized Japan and we prospered even more.
Two: We were the first with Nuclear Weapons and we shared our Nuclear Umbrella with our friends (for a price). We were 2% of the worlds population but owned 90 some % of the worlds wealth. Now 65 years later the rest of the world wants their share so now we're still about 2% of the worlds population but we "only" control about 45% of the wealth. We fell from the very top of the ladder but we're still higher up than anyone else. We need to keep our eyes on our military and economic opponents but we're still in good shape.
2007-05-24 14:11:13
answer #2
answered by teddy4050 2
there have been many political analysts reviewing the past decade in hopes of revealing the exact year or the specific event that made USA into a relatively meek and docile nation (economically speaking) that it appears to be right now. the theory of american hegemony has come to an end. this is due to the fact that the rest of the world has grown tired watching USA beat the hell out of every young nation that it can just to prove that they are still the undisputed world leader. while USA is proving their might, other countries just occupied themselves with sound economic policies and viable social camaraderie.
well, come to think of it. maybe the reason why a lot of nations appeared to have overtaken the position that america once held is because of the fact that they did not have to worry about their international face value more than what they ought to have minded.
2007-05-26 03:12:26
answer #3
answered by fairy.elf 2
America was tied with the Iraq war while China, EU and Russia are concentrating on the economy. USA is not indebted to many countries and this scenario could drag down its economy and become militarily weak due to lack of funds.
2007-05-25 21:18:19
answer #4
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7
We're not "dominating" anyone! Our whole character as a country is to 'live free or die". Why do you think we got so many refugees flocking to our shores to live and work? Nobody ever said we were perfect. Nor is the world for that matter.
Where else can I live and write to people likeyou in this fashion without a repressive government kicking in my door and smashing my computer or taking me away to a prison or burying me alive in a desert?
Where are you from?
2007-05-25 12:48:45
answer #5
answered by racingdiego@sbcglobal.net 5
The fat cat politicians wont lose anything and the US will probably remain the dominant military power in the world. The middle class is severely eroding and we will probably resemble Europe as far as having the rich and the poor only. Most of the US middle class has already become sharecroppers not having clear title to their homes,cars or anything else. I think that the US will continue to have world dominance. On the home front more Americans will be saying "Welcome to WalMart ," or "Would you like cheese with that?".
2007-05-23 20:20:31
answer #6
answered by pelone 2
I agree with you. We are where the English were 100 plus years ago. They spent more and more money (like the US) on defense and less on infrastructure, education and health care. Look at the Chinese, they have invested massive amounts in infrastructure and thus have many modern and 21st century industries in place. Our industries are steadily falling behind. The Chinese are even making deals for natural gas with Canada, trying to plan for their future energy demands. Military might does go a long way, but once a nation falls too far behind economically, it's only a matter of time before other nations become dominant. China is on its way. At some point, I think we will have to have a war with them. Its unfortunate. But that's society for you.
2007-05-23 06:45:51
answer #7
answered by michael s 2
The "Super Power" desription came to play only after the collapse of the USSR. Remember we are a country that killed eachother during the civil war mainly regarding the slavery of the african americans.
Now, we are looking at a bigger picture as (hopefully) more compassionate people, taking action to save and protect the entire planet, as concerned individuals wanting a better and more peaceful planet to live in. Also, the younger generations are more aware and proud of their heritage, be they may european-american, asian-american, african-american, or hard to find native-american. People take trips to countries where their great-grand parents came from, these days. I think being globalized and having compassion for the entire planet is not a negative thing, it is a beautiful thing, since we are the melting pot of all these nations that we are trying to feel like we dominate.
I mean that we americans are the world that we are trying to dominate. We are the world, my friend, we are the world.
2007-05-23 06:47:27
answer #8
answered by ROSE 5
We have lost steam, but we are no where near losing our dominance in the world. We still have the biggest market and the strongest military. We will continue to lead this world even though our economics are going through a rough era.
2007-05-23 06:37:36
answer #9
answered by Beesonbuck 2
N O!! If the USA was to stop all foreign aid to all
the countries in in the world, then the EU will go
bankrupt because most of their money is tied up
in the New York Stock Exchange and then we will
see how much influence the USA has in the world.
The USA dominance will never end!!!
GOD BLESS The United States of America and
MAY GOD BLESS The United States Armed Forces!!
2007-05-24 07:13:31
answer #10
answered by Vagabond5879 7