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It is clear that Dems one Congress because the American people want an end to the war. It is also clear that Bush is the most unpopular President in history. She and the Democrats GIVE Bush 100B with no time table to pull out.. They essentially gave him what he wanted...by caving to Bush's demands they failed the very people who voted for them to take congress. Democrats are too consumed by fear to lead...the Republicans are to out of touch and corrupt to lead effectively. The American people have lost representation in government..now what?!

2007-05-23 06:14:23 · 18 answers · asked by the man 1 in Politics & Government Politics

Dont look at it in terms of time. Look at it in terms of lives and resources lost. This is what we know..we lose 80 soldiers per month and spend 4 billion per month..they shoudlnt say 4 more months...they should say lets kill 320 US service men and burn 16 Billion more dollars..once that money is gone and those men and women are dead...then we will pull out of Iraq.

2007-05-23 07:02:24 · update #1

18 answers

In two weeks, she won't even matter.

2007-05-23 06:21:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

You need to dig a lot deeper on this one. Nancy Pelosi is extremely strong, she's one of the few people who is not afraid of Bush or his cohorts. Regardless, gender doesn't have a thing to do with being weak or strong.

What just happened with Congress and Bush was the end goal from the beginning. When negotiating you start way above where you intend to end up in the end, that's the way it works. Congress knew that Bush would NEVER sign the first bill and they knew they couldn't override his veto on it too. Now they have what they want - real benchmarks with real consequences if the Iraq government doesn't get it's shyt together. Bush has been giving them benchmarks for a long time. But none of them ever had any teeth in them - no consequences for not meeting them. This bill has consequences. No action from the Iraqi government, no more reconstruction money. It's a big step forward, and a welcome compromise between Bush and Congress. If you recall Bush claimed he would never accept benchmarks either - but he has, which means both he and Congress compromised on this. I think that's a good thing, and too long in coming.

2007-05-23 13:22:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

As much as I dislike George it's his problem.

If the American people wanted to end this so much they would have given the lady enough of a majority that she could really do something.

But think about it, if they set a time table, they will be the scape goat for the disaster that this thing is turning into. You can't have 600 people micro managing a war (I know if it's George you can't have 1 either).

There are NO good answers now, George has wasted the time to do this right if there was ever a right way to do it other than complete the job in Afghanistan and stay the f... out of Iraq. Oops , to late for the correct option.

2007-05-23 13:23:16 · answer #3 · answered by madjer21755 5 · 3 1

For the last time, people; DON'T LISTEN TO FOX NEWS!!!!

Didn't give him a time line with the $100 billion??? What're you talking about? The $100 billion IS the time line. When he runs out, he'll have no choice but to pull out. And this also came in agreement with 17 benchmarks for Iraq, and withdraws starting as soon as next year if they don't meet those benchmarks.

But Nancy Pelosi and this 110th Congress is getting more done than the 109th. The 109th Congress only worked 3 days a week doing NOTHING!!! Now, they're working everyday, and not just giving Bush what he wants when he wants it.

Wake up people. These FOX News lies and propaganda is what's destroying America.

2007-05-23 13:24:21 · answer #4 · answered by Jeremiah 5 · 2 2

The Dems WON congress because Bush hasn't won the war.
The american people want out of Iraq with a win. Pelosi doesn't understand the mandate.

The Democratic party is a party of consensus. Consensus is the absence of leadership. When the Democrats decide to do what is right instead of what is popular, then they can lead the country.

You are right about the corruption around Bush. That will be his long term legacy.

2007-05-23 13:27:01 · answer #5 · answered by mjmayer188 7 · 1 2

She's perfectly strong enough, and smart enough. She knew when to stop beating her head against a wall. This bill will be on the table again in September. If Bush's Troop Surge is not showing any signs of success by then, how hard will it be to get the 16 votes needed to override the Presidents veto? Think about it.

2007-05-23 13:27:08 · answer #6 · answered by T S 5 · 2 1

Oh my lord.

Some of you want to fry Dems because they won't fund the bill.

Now you want to fry Dems and Pelosi because they gave needed money to troops?

NOBODY wants the troops to be w/o all the necessary equipment to fight a war. If they have to be over there (and they do cause Bush would veto any provision to bring them home) then we owe them AT LEAST everything they need to do their job.

Some people boggle my mind. How did the sperm that ultimately made you EVER find its way to the egg?!?#T^?6248

2007-05-23 13:23:41 · answer #7 · answered by Josh 4 · 3 1

and here's the political rub.

for weeks and weeks, con shills like asker of this question have been calling the dems unpatriotic and unamerican because they want president bush to start to be accountable for his ghastly decisions.

now that they have settled with our two year old acting president they are now being called weak for giving him what they all 'say' they wanted in the first place.

the lesson for me is to NEVER vote republican ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever again.

these guys simply can't be trusted with power - we need adults like the dems running things...

by the way, please run on that blatantly sexist comment about women - i think that's a winner...

2007-05-23 13:22:15 · answer #8 · answered by nostradamus02012 7 · 4 1

I do think she is strong enough.. I do not think any man would have done different.., but the fact remains I am disappointed in the Dems at this stage.

2007-05-23 13:18:54 · answer #9 · answered by Debra H 7 · 6 1

Bush won that argument a long time ago with his amnesty pledge to the Mexican Govt.

2007-05-23 13:23:01 · answer #10 · answered by bettercockster1 4 · 0 3

With an attitude like that, if you're still single, you're going to stay that way! Gender has nothing to do with it.

2007-05-23 13:20:24 · answer #11 · answered by tangerine 7 · 8 0

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