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It seems to be not worth the lives of our soldiers. I'm not seeing the good in all of this. This is not to offend our soldiers in the military as I have family currently enlisted. Thank you.

2007-05-23 05:54:22 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Bright-Pump your brakes a bit (and Princess too). I'm asking a question. I didn't provide a page long rant on why I think the war is wrong etc. So stop acting like i'm doing that. I merely asked a question to get some understanding because, TO ME, it doesn't seem like we're accomplishing anything that's worth all the deaths of our soldiers. I'm trying, believe me, to find something positive in all this. But all I see is chaos without end. That's my personal opinion. I'm sorry if you don't like it. But i'm not closeminded to learning which is why I asked for some explanations from people who may feel differently. The sarcasm wasn't appreciated. I would have benefited more from a thoughtful response. Thank you.

2007-05-23 07:48:53 · update #1

32 answers

aw well lets tell that to the Kurds and the millions of pounds we were spending on keeping a no fly zone over Kurdistan because Saddam was such a kind thoughtful man and a great leader how mean it was of us to get rid of him , i mean its not like her tortured people with acid or gassed villages.

isn't it nice to be sitting in your nice safe home , in front of your £500 + worth of computer equipment in a nice democratic country .

well as long as its not your friends or family being persecuted isn't it?

2007-05-23 06:47:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The Iraq War is a mess from so many levels. Off the top of my head, economic, political, trust, morally, etc. I'm a Vietnam veteran twice over and I see the same mistakes but on a much larger scale. Vietnam was a big mistake. This is 10x's, 100x's bigger than Vietnam. George Bush should be ashamed of himself. His legacy has yet to be written. American loss of lives is pointless if we cannot win on foreign soil. Think of all that wasted money and what it could have done if it was spent here at home. We need to fight the 'anti infidels' from more of a defensive position here and not so much offense there. I strongly support the loyal troops coming home. Remember, we cannot change the will or control the minds of those people with force. There has to be another way. This is just not working. Let's regroup and rethink a new strategy...at home.

2007-05-23 06:08:14 · answer #2 · answered by Harley3000 2 · 2 0

In a country where expressing an opinion could get you killed, the Iraqi people have held 5 succesful elections since we ousted Saddam! They have a consitution! They are in the early stages of creating a true representaive republic. Schools are open, people are starting to buy and sell goods. 50 million people have tasted freedom for the first time in their lives! Sure, it's difficult, particularly when lunatics are blowing things up and killing people every day (I know, some will say I'm describing American soldiers.....not funny). America was not created over night. Iraq will take time. And yes, it's sad, tragic even, that soldiers are dying. But look at murder statistics for most major cities in America.....more people dying here from crime than there from the war. And auto accidents...more deaths than from war.
I know it's hard to see the progress when our media focuses on counting the dead, reporting the mayhem, etc. But there is good being done, and the goal is not without virtue. Remember this, people were created to be free. The only thing governments can do is take freedoms away, including our own. By removing oppresive governments and replacing them with freedom, people will govern themselves effectively for teh betterment of all. Yes, it takes time. Yes, people will die. People have died for freedom throughout history. But the goal, freedom, is worth it.
Try this: Imagine a truly free Middle East. Really do it. You'll see people striving for excellence, producing things like better medicine, better means to protect the environment, the list goes on. Most important, you'll see people free to learn and grow as God intended.

2007-05-23 16:59:48 · answer #3 · answered by JustAskin 4 · 1 1

The good. We took down Saddam Hussein, his sons, and his party. We have not been attacked at home by the Islamic Jihadists partly because our troops are in Iraq.

The bad. We have put our troops in harms way where they are an easy target for our enemies. We are caught in a civil war and we keep switching sides. Our president has no exit strategy, and will leave the Iraq mess for the next president to solve.

The ugly. We have killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis which is sure to cause blowback. We have angered more Muslims all over the world when we had their sympathy after 9/11. This has caused more Muslims to join radical groups.

2007-05-23 06:08:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yep. We have proven again that we do not have the right leadership to win ANY wars ever again. We have forgottten that war is hell, and to unleash it upon our enemies when we must. We dont usually rush to war, but if we must fight, I want every single resource at our disposal including fear and outright misery to be inflicted upon our enemy until they surrender utterly. Here is why. There are no "fair fights". The fiar fight is the one you win. I hold nothing back when i am attacked by an enemy. I knmow that person means me harm, and so I must assume the worst. I want my Govt to do the same with Iran, Syria, and anyone else who wants to engage in this roadside diplomacy. Nancy Pelosi in head scarf and Harry Reid declaring the war is over and we have lost...pathetic and simpering cowards and weaklings. Both of them are exactly why we have such a soft america. How can we be considered strong when we cannot abosr a few thousand soldiers dying and we gnash our teeth every single day? Freedom costs blood and souls, yet we wont bear the cost. We havent proven anything except we are weak.

In the rest of the world America is seen as both a bully and a coward. Both assertions are true. We try to push our way around, and truthfully could get what we wanted if we were strong enough to apply real pressure, but we are also interested in being popular, and what others think of us, regardless of whether or not they have any moral high ground over us. When push comes to shove, Mahmoud Ahmadinajead has more courage than Bush. I wish he were in the cross hairs of an American Sniper rifle, but I have to admit he has us all beat, and when the nukes start hitting America, you will know where they came from. Iran. They are manufacturing the roadside bombs, and training the iraqi insurgents to kill the us soldiers and nancy meets with Assad while Dianne Sawyer sucks up to Mahmoud (madman in a dinner jacket-easier to say) for what purpose I cannot tell you. Americans watch Rosie O Donnell and believe her line of reasoning too, so go figure.

We attempt these things with the best of intentions, but our war colleges have tought wars are fought for hearts and minds. Nonsense. You win hearts and minds after the battles are OVER and finished, and all are on board. Rome understood this. We do not. We deserve to lose this thing. Not because we are bad. But because we are consistently nothing but cowardly weaklings in the face of our most able enemies, and we blinked first. Too late to save face now. We cannot leave, but staying isnt any good either. Whoever inherits this mess I feel sorry for them, unless Hillary gets it. She deserves this mess. Her and Bill made it freaking happen by missing Bin Laden no less than 10 times, and not once being willing to actually pull the trigger on him. Hillary ought to be even less effective than Bill was!

2007-05-23 06:19:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

No, through fact their became no indication that Al Queda wa there previous to 9/11 or the "conflict" in Iraq, and Saddam might've rooted them out in the event that they have been there through fact they might've been a probability to his very own government

2016-10-13 05:06:23 · answer #6 · answered by hiller 4 · 0 0

Many military deaths, civilian deaths, deployments, increased racism, fear, and hostility.

But I give George Bush credit for at least trying to do the right thing after the amount of lives lost and shattered from 911.

Our world, our lives, our futures will never be the same no matter the outcome.

I commend all the military in Iraq fighting for our Country.
Thank you!

2007-05-23 06:02:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

We have made it possible to wage a global war on terror by enraging Islamists all around teh world who wouldn't have been terrorists but for our invasion, inspiring them to get trained, and come to Iraq to fight us. That way, we can keep attention off of the Draft Hydrocarbons Law that is the real reason we went in there, that reverses Saddamn's 1973 nationalization of Iraq's petroleum industry, and places transnational oil co execs in permanent seats on Iraq's new Oil Council.

2007-05-23 06:07:07 · answer #8 · answered by oimwoomwio 7 · 4 1

We accomplished two good goals: 1. Verified there were no WMDs. 2. Got rid of Saddam. Goal number 3 is to establish a stable democratic government. Goal number 4 is to weed out and destroy the terrorists. I believe that goal number 3 and 4 are largely unobtainable and could theoretically keep us there forever, as our soldiers continue to be killed ever day. Therefore, my feeling is we should declare "mission accomplished," even if not completely true, and get the heck out, especially since this is apparently what the large majority of Iraqis want.

2007-05-23 06:02:06 · answer #9 · answered by Stephen L 6 · 7 3

Let's begin by stating that we have responded to an unsolicited attack orchestrated by terrorist cells who have connections to Iraq. We have deposed the world of one of history's most ruthless dictators and his henchmen who were responsible for genocide. We have stopped the progress of Iran from over running Iraq, which would pose a threat to Israel and we are attempting to democratize a region of the world that desperately needs it.

2007-05-23 07:27:05 · answer #10 · answered by Leapers610 3 · 2 2

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