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Here we are almost into June about 40% through the 2007 year & yet what has been done by this congress? Absolutely nothing but wasting tax payer money on party politics. You won because Republicans dropped the ball on many fronts like Iraq yet you haven't passed any bills. All we hear & see is testimony about this from this staffer about this party issue or that but really just looking for dirt on the republicans. You haven't passed one bill let alone one of remote importants & yet always claim you were given a mandate to reverse the republicans. Talk about pork & waste your party hasn't done a thing & yet made all sorts of promises that got democrats elected & yet accomplished nothing. Claim to support our troops but take vaction for easter while our troops can't instead of debating the Iraq funding bill which they may or may not have needed. So again tell me what have the democrats done lately of remote benefit to this country? Democrat or Republican its party over country still.

2007-05-23 04:21:55 · 17 answers · asked by bpeter3196 5 in Politics & Government Politics

LOL vetoing a bill with pork, unneccary spending, & demanding to tell our enemy our plans & even suggest leaving our allies. That's just retarded to say that would benefit anyone. Also how that doesn't call into question support for our troops or belief in their ability & what their doing even if you don't believe in the reason. Like I said what has your party done lately?

2007-05-23 04:57:17 · update #1

17 answers

If you are a democrat, you should know this is the way they work. They are all empty and have no substance. Empty Promises.

Oh, and higher taxes

2007-05-23 04:25:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

ok. so maybe i'm just being an arrogant little highschoo kid. but isn't it true that the democrats can't pass anything because they only have a slight majority? Meaning even when they pass bills and the president vetoes, congress most likely won't be able to bet enough votes to override the veto????????? stop being full of yourself. republicans are bad. democrats are bad. people are just bad. don't think you're any better.

2007-05-23 04:39:23 · answer #2 · answered by fcukriot 3 · 3 0

You have correctly repeated your Republican talking point, however the fact of the matter is, House Democrats have enacted their entire six bill agenda. The bills have not become law because the Senate must also approve them. The Senate moves slower than the House, and it's dragging its heels because Democrats hold only a one vote majority there and Republicans are doing their best to obstruct the legislation. Why? So grass roots Republicans like you can endlessly assert that Congress is doing nothing.

2007-05-23 04:32:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Is this supposed to be an implicit argument for a return to Republican rule, to rule that has abundantly proven itself to be incompetent and reckless?

If Idiot Boy wasn't there to veto what the Democrats pass without a veto-proof majority, things will happen. This is merely an argument for a Democratic President in '08. In the meantime, however, little will get done.

2007-05-23 04:27:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

IT does not suprise me....for one, the Reps are not willing to say, opps we screwed up, what can we do to fix it, and the Dems are not willing to do anything but the complete opposite of what the Reps want, so that means no compromise which means veto by the pres.....Both major parties are just as quilty as the other of putting party of what needs to be done....I am a rep, but I am glad that the dems took congress....and they do not have enough to override a veto...that means inorder to get anything done, the parties are going to have to compromise....so things might start getting done...you can already see it.....the parties push the buttons of the other....for example Bush said anything with a time line would be vetoed, not to mention all the pork that was attached to that bill, and he them dems set one anyway, bush followed through on his threat....now, you see more and more people working together....not as much as we need but its a start. Its like two brothers fighting....they had to throw a few punches when the dems first took over, now they can get to work....I just wish it wouldn't have taken so long.....

What really makes me mad is the Dems talk like their party is perfect and so do the Reps but both parties are full of corrupt politians, and both parties are just as guilty of just going along party lines and not whats best.....so my idea...always keep them split....on partin the the white house the other in control of congress....with just enough of a margin to win, but not override a veto...that forses the to work together or nothing gets done.

2007-05-23 04:35:29 · answer #5 · answered by yetti 5 · 0 2

The democrats are overseeing 240 investigations against people in the Bush administration which have led to no less than 8 Bush appointees from resigning since Nov. Mostly due to improprieties (some criminal in nature) regarding the way they abused their power.

The Dem congress is finally doing what the GOP congress didn't do.......

Provide oversight on the Executive Branch.

2007-05-23 04:28:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Uh...you conveniently left out the fact that the Republicans in Congress are blocking legislation from passing. In September, they will start distancing themselves from Bush and Congress will be able to override Bush's vetoes....what did the Republican Congress do in the country's best interest in their 6 years of having control of Congress AND having control of the presidency?

2007-05-23 04:27:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

WOW. You make it sound like the democrats are sitting on golden thrones and Nancy pelosi is wielding a scepter.
give the democrats a significant majority and then you can go about blaming them for whatever you think is wrong with our country.

2007-05-23 04:33:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

The president has made it clear he will veto the congressional efforts to stop the war. Their hands are tied.
If you want to gripe about vacations, perhaps you should look into mr. bush's time off. He's certainly not adverse to taking time off either.
How is it ok for mr. bush to drag this war out for 4 1/2 years but you expect congress to clean up his mess in less than 7 months?

2007-05-23 04:27:36 · answer #9 · answered by katydid 7 · 6 1

Wow, aren't you mad at President Bush for vetoing all the hard work that the Good, Honest, Decent, Patriotic Democrats have done?

2007-05-23 04:25:05 · answer #10 · answered by Darth Vader 6 · 5 1

There isn't any thing that hasn't been said in response to your question.

" A veto is a vote for our troops? "

2007-05-23 04:57:47 · answer #11 · answered by Global warming ain't cool 6 · 1 0

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