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Ever since the election, many Conservative Republicans have been telling you that the Democrats were misleading you and they would never prematurely withdraw the troops from Iraq (although some of the Democrats really meant it, the majority never had any intention) .

Non-binding resolution after non-binding resolution, we kept saying that you were being misled .

Now, truth be told, there won't be any premature withdrawal from Iraq . They used it to fool you .
Same goes for the charlatan's trick of making people believe that the Democrats were gonna impeach President Bush . Never gonna happen . But it sure got a bunch of votes, now didn't it !!

My question to you is this. . . . . .Since a major portion of the Democrats platform was to withdraw our troops from Iraq , and some even ran on a platform of impeaching President Bush , have you taken any time at all to reflect.. . . . and perhaps be just a little more open-minded with what some of us have been saying all along ?

2007-05-23 04:01:27 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Maria , Maria - LMAO at that last line !!

2007-05-23 04:08:47 · update #1

rmagedon - I love to ask straight-up questions with no wiggle room !!

2007-05-23 04:10:09 · update #2

Brian - That's a valid point, but I didn't call you guys names . In fact I've often chastised those who do !! But I think you're avoiding giving a direct intelligent answer to my questions .

2007-05-23 04:12:13 · update #3

TS - No, I didn't give you your first thumbs-down. . . I gave you your second one . Because you seem to be hellbent on thinking that we weren't trying to make things better until the Democrats came to town . And that's borderline hateful and definitely twisted . It's based on the premise that President Bush doesn't want anything good to come of this . How in the world did so many of you become so hateful that you just simply refuse to believe that he'd do anything for good ?

2007-05-23 04:52:42 · update #4

CVQ - Thank you for correctly recognizing that I was not gloating . I carefully worded this question to be sure that no one took it that way . I'm not perfect, but I certainly tried everything within my abilities to make it a fair and honest question .

2007-05-23 04:55:32 · update #5

TO ALL DEMOCRATS - Do you have short memories ? Nancy Pelosi had to make a public statement regarding impeachment AFTER the elections . WHY ? Well, only because it was cleverly mentioned and floated BEFORE the elections BY THE DEMOCRATS . Please . .. .Denial will get us nowhere !!

2007-05-23 04:58:21 · update #6

nana - That's a great answer . Both fair and honest . You have my respect . Thank you .

2007-05-23 05:01:27 · update #7

30 answers

I consider myself an Intelligent person and indeed a Democrat. But I will not and never have voted for someone based on the fact that they say they will get us out of Iraq. That country is in such a turmoil that we can not leave until they are able to stand on their own two feet and they can fight their own battles.

Anyone who just says that they are going to get us out of there and has no viable plan for getting the country stable, is just fooling themselves and misleading the American Public.
When I hear a plan to help the country stand alone and get us out of there, then I will decide who to vote for.

2007-05-23 04:23:16 · answer #1 · answered by nana4dakids 7 · 8 1

I'm not sure I understand the question, and as I am a conservative/Republican I suppose it was not addressed to me.

I guess a Democrat would answer that the Demorcats are better on this issue than the Republicans, even if only marginally. I dunno.

I asked my own question about this - I am worried that too many people here (I don't mean you) are "gloating" over the Democrats' backing down. Thank God they did! Gloating does not help the troops, which is all I care about.

All the best!

2007-05-23 04:22:26 · answer #2 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 8 0

As a democrat I have to agree with you. I think everybody knows how I feel about a non-binding resolution. I think that is the equivalent of generic Charmin. Actions speak louder than words. I'm a doer not a talker, and it makes me ill that my party is represented by those who will use whatever means necessary to ensure they still receive their paychecks by selling out the rest of society. Atleast the Republicans are open about intentions, lol. I don't believe the President should be impeached, technically he has done nothing impeachable. Those who believe he has don't understand the meaning of impeachment or the laws behind it.
I also believe in the war in Iraq. But I do think things should have been handled differently. I believe war should be war. Not some meeting of popular opinion. You can't tie a soldiers hands then complain that he can't get a job done.
Regardless of Political party, I am an American Army Wife first.

2007-05-23 04:15:49 · answer #3 · answered by Chrissy 7 · 13 1

I think you underestimate most Democrats in this country.

I can speak only for myself, of course, but this is how I see it: I never once believed that the Democrats would be able to get Bush to sign a bill pulling the troops out of Iraq immediately. Nor did I believe that they would impeach him (I actually never heard any prominent Democrat make this promise) - NOR did I support the notion of impeaching him at this late date.

I voted Democrat in the last election because I saw a lot of things happening in our legislative process that I didn't like. A Republican-controlled Congress was allowing a Republican President to do whatever he wanted, not challenging ANYTHING that he did, even to the detriment of our own country.

This is not to say that Republicans are a bunch of sheep who will do anything the President says - I understand that many are not. Unfortunately, it seemed that those controlling Congress WERE.

I voted Democrat to stop that trend. I knew a Democrat-controlled Congress would challenge some of the President's more questionable policies. And that challenge is what I was looking for.

Similarly, I knew the troops would be funded - it was a matter of who was more willing to be flexible in order for it to happen. As I suspected, that ended up having to be Congress, fearing that an inflexible President (who falsely claimed to want "compromise") would hinder funding to the troops.

So the short answer to your question is, I've gotten what I've expected. I don't believe ANY politicians or their campaign promises.

2007-05-23 04:12:42 · answer #4 · answered by Bush Invented the Google 6 · 11 4

I've asked and responded to this question many times. Not as eloquent as you, but nonetheless I've tried to get Democrats to answer this.

They did vote enthusiastically for Democrats to get our troops out of Iraq. They celebrated in November knowing Congress would force the president to withdraw our troops. And I'm not fooled by Democrats saying they just have the safety of our soldiers as their motivation. B.S. They hate this president and would like nothing more than to see him fail in Iraq. I love seeing this backpedaling.

Democrats are also being disingenuous about impeachment. There certainly were leading Democrats talking about impeachment during last years election cycle. Pelosi and Boxer to name two. There were more. It was typically phrased in such a way as to "hint" as to their "might" be enough to impeach the president. Then they would back away from their statements. The Left Wing Bloggers were full blown for impeachment and were cited as a major factor in helping to elect Democrats in the last election cycle! So to say, I don't remember impeachment as being an issue, is classic Hillaryish.

You Democrats got duped and you can't admit it. Your leaders ran on a hate Bush tactic and it worked. You won. And what did you get. This Congress has given you NOTHING. You got a Surge. Your 100 day legislation was a flop. Your leaders got their bu**s kicked.

2007-05-23 05:12:18 · answer #5 · answered by Matt 5 · 7 4

i'm going to spend my very final day in this earth finding decrease back on my existence and wishing that issues have been diverse; i'm going to additionally start up wishing i could desire to bypass decrease back in time and alter each and every thing so as that my existence could desire to be repaired and so as that i could desire to start making up for this 365 days, final 365 days and all of the previous years i've got lost. once I start up finding decrease back on my existence i'm going to easily replace into much extra depressed than I already am on the 2d through fact i'm going to easily be reminded of the actuality that no longer something solid has happened in my existence yet that i've got only had undesirable issues ensue to me, and that i'll only be reminded of ways plenty i've got suffered; i'm going to additionally be relieved that my existence is finally coming to an end through fact then i'm going to no longer be depressing or depressed as i'm going to be rid of each and every of the misery and melancholy. after i'm achieved being depressing and depressed with reference to the fairly unhappy existence i've got lived, i'm going to write a suicide observe to my kinfolk and different better half and teenagers formerly finally leaping precise in front of an oncoming prepare!

2016-10-31 04:31:11 · answer #6 · answered by cabaniss 4 · 0 0

Earnest ... You took the words right out of my mouth. We had that very same conversation in the office, today. When will the Democrats end the war as they promised??? As you so aptly pointed out, they merely wanted to exploit some of the military misfortunes, but the intelligent legislators among them know full-well that Iraq cannot be abandoned ... Not unless they're willing to accept responsibility for the instability the region will suffer from ... and the $100 price tag for a barrel of oil ... and the economic recession that will ensue ... and the gas rationing and unemployment. Yes, they surely know better, but those who voted for Dems to get out of Iraq are now learning how it goes, I hope. When will they ever learn?

Oh, I forgot ... YOU'RE the one with the questions; I'm supposed to be answering. Thanks for another good one.

2007-05-23 10:55:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I'm too tired to get into this debate right now. But I did read all the posts so far. Every single one that I read that had "chicken hawk" "busheep" or any other derogatory statement that the libs love so much, I gave them a thumbs down, without reading the entire post.

I swear I think they don't realize they use these terms because to hear them talk they never do. But they sure can type them.

2007-05-23 06:38:57 · answer #8 · answered by scottdman2003 5 · 6 2

Truth BE told, not as many Democrats are as dismayed as you would have us believe in your post. 16 votes away from overriding a veto, not too shabby. Come September, Bush's strategy had better be working, and the Iraqi government better be helping. I followed the November elections pretty closely & do not recall anyone promising to impeach Bush.

2007-05-23 04:20:44 · answer #9 · answered by T S 5 · 4 4

Before they were elected, Democrats did not know they would not have enough votes to override Bush's veto. There is no deception, if they had a sufficent majority, the troops would be slated for withdrawal and the Iraq parliament would be busy enacting the laws necessary to keep their country together instead of taking a two month vacation.

Democratic leadership decided long before November 2006 that the Democrats would not try to impeach Bush, but would try to end the war and begin congressional oversight of wasteful spending, abuse within the DOJ, and the way the Patriot Act was being applied. They have begun work on all of this, and it is now clear that solution to the Iraq war is to elect more Democrats to Congress and to elect a Democrat to the White House.

2007-05-23 04:23:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 9

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