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how can you call yourself a Christian and turn around and vote for Democrats

consider what Scripture says about homosexuals, killing babies, stealing, bearing false witness and its persecution of Christianity, removal of prayer and God from the schools you and I pay for, and the removal of religious symbols from our public places, not to mention now telling folks they can’t even say ‘Merry Christmas” because it might offend someone, how can you support such a party? Furthermore, can’t you see that all of this has been and continues to be the Communist agenda? You can’t have Communism and God both existing in the same country, when Communism is atheist and cannot tolerate competition.”


2007-05-23 04:00:31 · 18 answers · asked by rmagedon 6 in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

How can you people say in one breath that the government is corrupt and can't be trusted and that they bilk the people, then turn around and insist that the government should have all our money to work with in order to provide for "all"?

That's insane!

gerafalo: James 2:20 and 2:26 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Qwyrx: Love is the foundation of Christianity. Love is not the role of government. We PEOPLE must love, and be compassionate, and care for the widows and fatherless. Passing this off to the government doesn't earn you any points. I don't believe in "every man for himself." I believe we are responsible for ourselves. Giving help and comfort to my fellow man is MY duty . . . my BLESSING. Why would you insist on taking that away from us? Communism does NOT take care of everyone, but the upper echelon of governmental power. Have you listened to any stories from the former USSR? Do you have one iota of the poverty these people endured.

Isaac: DUDE! Helping the poor is your job, personally. Each of us, working to help the man up on his feet, and if he can't ever stand, then it's our job to care for him.

TS: I don't want my kids learning their religion in school. But I think it is very sorry of the Free Speech criers to take away my child's right to his/her free speech if it includes God.

Ricky dear: You are right for the most part. The trouble is, that those who advocate "no religion" wish to supplant the lack with "no morals." Look at the news today, kids attending a lecture on STD and drug abuse were encouraged to engage in sex and use drugs!

I don't want to live in a country that tells me what my belief is, and how I practice it . . . I don't think anyone else does either . . . A'rmy is merely pointing out the conflict between the two systems. And maybe asking you to consider which you hold in higher regard????

2007-05-23 17:46:07 · answer #1 · answered by Moneta_Lucina 4 · 1 1

In truth, you will have to help applicants that you just such a lot believe. That might imply vote casting directly price ticket Republican, Democrat, or any combination. No celebration has a monopoly at the reality. But judging from the models primary to you equivalent to being professional-option and towards homosexual marriage, you'll be able to believe extra cozy as a Republican customarily (there could also be the a few Democrats you prefer). Ask/study your applicants role at the disorders close and costly on your middle and vote for this reason.

2016-09-05 08:47:47 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

As a matter of fact, a Christian should be a Democrat. A Christian's first responsibility is love, which includes hospitality, caring, and concern for others. Republicans beleive in some sort of everyone for themselves attitude, the notion that we are only responsible to our own family. They believe in a strong military, in pre-emptive wars, in taking away God's right to judge and giving it to the courts and police officers. If you have a chance, read _Home Grown Democrat_, by Garrison Keiler. He's a very good writer, and he talks about how Christians have been tricked into believing that God wants us to be on the side of hate, individuality, war, and free-market capitalism. And lastly, if you look at the early Christian Church, it would today be labeled a communist organization--each contributed according to his ability, and each took according to his needs. Today, look to a monestary or a convent--these are essentially communist organizations, not democracies. Yes, Leninist and Maoist communism is anti-religion, but communism (in the sense of living in a group that works for the common good rather than for individual enrichment) doesn't have to be.

2007-05-23 04:07:59 · answer #3 · answered by Qwyrx 6 · 6 2

Unfortunately for your case and argument, liberal extremism has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Neither does Conservative extremism. As current events will plainly show you, not everybody in one party is completely on the same page as the guy next to him in the same party. Therefore saying that all Democrats are ungodly is quite obviously profoundly ignorant, and a very selective and close minded observation that only panders to your personal views, not based on any facts. Secondly, the very nature of politics in America, and American pseudo-culture as is it defined and everything it stands for defies and defiles GOD and his word. Look closely at scripture, then compare and contrast it to the general American lifestyle and mentality, tell me how they truly coincide and compliment one another. Realistically you can't, because they don't.

2007-05-23 04:21:35 · answer #4 · answered by Rick R 5 · 1 2

absolutely, just because someone is a democrat it does not mean they agree with the party on every issue. All that is required to be a Christian is to have faith in Christ. There is no litmus test of your position on certain issues. I am a Christian and I am pro-choice, I think abortion is wrong but I think it is a necessary evil in our society. There are other factors that have to be considered.

2007-05-23 04:07:35 · answer #5 · answered by gerafalop 7 · 3 1

The Bible mentions helping out the poor over 300 times. It mentions homosexuality 6 times. It also says that it easier for a camel to get through a needle than it is for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven.

So- yeah- if you're a christian, you're a democrat.

2007-05-23 04:09:04 · answer #6 · answered by Isaac 2 · 5 2

I am a Christian and a Democrat. As a Christian, I got disgusted with the Republican un-Christlike hatred of Democrats and with their neglect of issues regarding the poor. Thats why I vote the way I vote.

I'm not saying that a Christian can't be a Republican, but I do strongly disagree with those who think the Republican party is the "Christian" party, because its far from it, especially with the attitude shown by its proponents (Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, etc)

2007-05-23 04:11:58 · answer #7 · answered by brian2412 7 · 4 3

It's often referred to the separation of church and state. Obviously there is a good reason for that. (see Taliban, Jihad etc.) Wasn't this country established by those trying to escape religious prosecution?
BTW: This will blow your mind, Most of my family is Catholic AND Democratic. Wow, Let freedom ring !!

2007-05-23 04:09:23 · answer #8 · answered by T S 5 · 4 2

Oh my, I don't even know where to start telling you how wrong you are. You have obviously fallen prey to right wing propaganda and don't know anything about what the Democratic party is, or what they stand for. Or Communism, for that matter, but the two are unrelated. Communism is an economic structure, not religious. God and Communism go hand in hand.

2007-05-23 04:04:34 · answer #9 · answered by tabby90 5 · 5 4

Because there are a lot of a la carte Christians, they pick anb choose what they want to believe and ignore the rest. As for me, I am a devout Catholic who will standfast to my morals and live righteously.

2007-05-23 04:05:07 · answer #10 · answered by WC 7 · 3 3

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