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they would be on bed all week or month...? lol

2007-05-23 03:57:06 · 42 answers · asked by Sonia 2 in Social Science Gender Studies

42 answers

They would be even bigger babies than they are now. loll
That would be a site.

2007-05-23 08:10:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Honestly, I joke that men are afraid of anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die, but it is a joke.

I seriously doubt that if men had periods for some reason that they would be having a meltdown. They'd probably be a bit like girls...embarrassed or excited at first and then just sort of go "oh gee, this again?" after the first few periods.

I'm not sure why men have to be villified for not having them. I do wish that a lot of guys would cease the "PMS" or "that time of the month" comments whenever a woman has an opinion or gets short tempered out of frustration (like they never have a similar reaction). Not every woman gets PMS and even if she is a little cross from hormones, so what? Even men have hormonal cycles that affect their mood.

2007-05-23 13:30:38 · answer #2 · answered by jade_calliope 3 · 3 0

Hands up all those "experts" here who failed biology? Did any single one of You even bother to hit the books on this subject before You answered this question? Any one with a 'neck top computer' should be familiar with the concept of 'homogenous and systematic reasoning'. This is why Answer's needs a "MEN'S STUDIES" section.

Men do have a 'period', albeit a different presentation of the symptoms and consequences. The Italian scientist, SANCTORIUS, established the existence of a Male cycle during the 17th Century. Research has been carried out on this phenomenom since the early 20th Century. Rather than blaming TESTOSTERONE for everything that happens to Men, perfaps it would be a good idea to have Women bring themselves up to speed on the Male Reproductive System. It is far more complex than the Female, yet for politically correct reasons it is basically ignored for fear that Women will lose Their status in the gender differences debate.
The average Male has a 23 day cycle. It commences when He is approximately 10 years of age and continues throughout His life right up until death. Male HORMONES pulsate throughout Out bodies every 60 minutes as opposed to the 28 day cycle of Females.
During the "Male" cycle blood and semen are discharged from the body via the urinary tract. This is way urine changes color at certain stages of the month. Any Mother who has raised boys will be familiar with the phenomena of finding blood stained under pants in the washing basket at some time during Their puberty. One of the reasons Males have a "COWPER'S GLANDS found near the PROSTATE GLAND (think of it as being analogous to the "BATHOLINS GLAND") is so that urine cannot siphon back up into the Male reproductive system during this 'period'.
In a truly non-sexist world Male anatomy would be as familiar to Women as it is to Men.

2007-05-27 19:35:57 · answer #3 · answered by Ashleigh 7 · 1 2

The word domination would be like saying crap and cooperation would be in.
Freud would have been a woman and would have said that the penis is an extension of the allmighty vagina and that man is an incomplete woman; of course nobody would have doubt it since it would be a society ruled by women so all science would give proof of hard cold almost divine logic that this is true.

We men would charge extra fee for that time of extra creativity and a National Center for Menstrual Studies would be created and handsomely funded.

The term penetration would be changed to: swallowing
and it's double sense would be: embracing.

2007-05-23 10:51:13 · answer #4 · answered by JJamesS 2 · 2 3

Scott and Malcolm, get over yourselves with comments like "what if women had to shave every day".

We DO jerkoffs....we shave our legs and armpits every day, which consist of a much larger surface area than your silly faces. We go through the pain of menstruation monthly. We give birth and are often left to the tending of children on our own.

but THEN, we unfortunately have to deal with insensitive, rude jackazzes like yourselves who have no idea how to relate to a woman.

yet we still stand strong and just laugh at your ignorance.


2007-05-23 05:59:15 · answer #5 · answered by kdfirekat 5 · 9 2

LOL...or if men could give birth? I don't know but after dealing with natural childbirth, when my husband stubs his toe and goes into a swearing fit, (this is the most ^%&*&* pain in the whole F&**^$N world!) I just start cracking up. I've stubbed my toe, and I've given birth, and NOW when I stub my toe, you don't hear much but, "Ouch". LOL

Pregnancy - I always described it as the never-ending flu. DH *tried* to understand, but when I ended up in the hospital with food poisoning once while pregnant, he *got* it. I hadn't realized I had food poisoning, I was so used to feeling like crap.

I think men would all make a big to-do about having periods...they'd wear a special hat or something, and spend a few days in bed, moaning about cramps and backaches....

2007-05-23 04:33:01 · answer #6 · answered by Junie 6 · 6 4

See the fact that men are stronger kills me. We have a 5-7 day period that is just so much fun, we take care of 16 things at the same time, we work in our sleep, we deliver giant babies out of our woman parts and they are 'stronger'. If a man could menstruate he would never make it past puberty. Not to mention childbirth. Look how most of them behave when they get the flu, can you imagine a trimester or two of morning sickness. The human population would be extinct!

2007-05-23 04:07:17 · answer #7 · answered by jhardinmom 3 · 7 5

The obvious answer is they would menstruate as to how long they'd be in bed is anyone's guess.

2007-05-23 16:34:19 · answer #8 · answered by Laela (Layla) 6 · 0 3

WOW - this question is just a huge invitation for male bashing ... wouldn't you say? And it didn't take much for everyone - male and female - to jump on the band wagon.

If men were born and raised with menstruation, they would handle it the same way women do. Some would just go along with their lives as usual, and some would whine, complain and use it as an excuse for bad behavior and laziness. Women - don't go villifying men when you KNOW there are a whole pile of women who have used their periods and PMS as excuses for all kinds of things.

2007-05-23 05:18:17 · answer #9 · answered by Super Ruper 6 · 11 5

There could be no differency then between men and women.

2007-05-29 21:05:46 · answer #10 · answered by gracious 1 · 0 1

I have to say I'm a bit concerned about some of the anti- male responses here.

If men could menstruate, we'd deal with it, just like women do. Fair enough answer?

Edit: to those who thumbed me down- I wasn't aware that saying "men and women are equal" is such a controversial statement.

2007-05-23 10:11:14 · answer #11 · answered by koreaguy12 6 · 6 6

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