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I am a religious person, but sometimes it is hard for me to chose the Bible over science. Science says that the world was created by the Big Bang Theory, and the Bible says that God spoke it, and it was there....which kind of seems fmore realistic. This just drives me crazy becasuse books also say that we evolved from monkeys or other animals. and the Bible says that God put a man and a woman on the earth...i debate with myself through all of this, and its really hard for me to choose...i belive in God, but i feel like i have to believe all of it, or none of it at all....give me your opinions.


2007-05-23 03:05:14 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

26 answers

Before trying to get an answer for the question that "Who really believes that God created the world??? "
One should get answers for
What’s is meant by world? And
Who is GOD?
Well you said you believe in Big bang theory?
What’s Big Bang theory?
Science says
The Big Bang is the scientific theory of the origin of the universe as an explosion of space and matter.
Then what’s matter and space?where does they come from?
So Modern science cannot explain where everything came from.

Something will not come out of nothing.
This proves that all this matter and force already existed but UN manifested.
This universe is just a manifestation of already existing matter and force.
Don’t identify creation as this earth, sun, planets, stars and galaxies.

So there is no such thing as starting of creation.
Creation is with out beginning and with out end.
Right word is manifestation.

And the entity or person or cause for the cause behind manifestation is unknown.
That unknown we named as GOD.
But HE is there the supreme, omnipotent and omnipresent GOD.
GOD is potential at any time so manifestation will always be there.

All this matter and force will exists in one form or the other.
They change from one form to another but they won’t cease to nonexistence.

Try this example
Take a stick and break it in to pieces
Then make those pieces in to powder.
Still not satisfied burn it down.
But still it exists as ash and smoke.
It will never die.
So which ever has no death has no birth also.

Bible says right “GOD spoke it” means not words its the cause which initiated the manifestation of UN manifested Matter and force.

So we come to a conclusion that there is something unknown that made this UN manifested things in to manifestation and that our forefathers named as GOD.
Again we ask a question whether GOD is there or not??

Trust and Faith in GOD is important then he will automatically reveal himself.

2007-05-23 03:59:37 · answer #1 · answered by luvuchaitu 2 · 1 0

I am a christain, I believe the Bible is 100% true and everything in it really happened. Now if anything that science proves to be true contradicts what the Bible says then I've got some problems. So far nothing of the sort has done that, in fact I think science more so lines up with The Bible and the idea of a God.
The Big Bang theory is exactly what the Bible said happened. For years athiests believed the universe was eternal (had no beginning and will have no ending). Well now science is showing that the universe did have a beginning, so that is why the Big Bang theory came about. The Big Band theory says that something happened that caused the universe to explode into existence. The Big Bang theory supports creation because if God created the universe then the Big Bang theory is exactly what happened, but it was an intentional explosion caused by God rather than random occurences. So really for believers in God The Big Bang theory is exactly what we need to support the idea that the world was created by a God who snapped His fingers and BANG... there the universe was (so to speak).
Many christains believe the world is 6,000 years old and when the Bible says God created the universe in 7 days it meant literally 7 24-hour days. Now way before Darwin even came up with the evolution theory people have argued about whether in the original translation of the Bible "days" could have been written as "age". An age could account for any amount of time, and seeing how God is outside of time it could make sense that 1 day in the 7 days of creation could really mean 1 billion years. But as much as athiests like to say evolution is a fact, it still remains an unproven theory. However, if it does prove to be true I would not feel it goes against anything The Bible says. There are many renound christain scientests today that believe in evolution, check out Francis S. Collins.
Don't think you have to choose the Bible or God over science, who do you think created science and laws of physics? God did. Science in my opinion so far only supports my christain beliefs. Athiests will try to say that believing in God is faithbased and faith is irrational and that it goes against science. That's ridiculous! Athiesm is just as much based on faith. Faith is believing in something you can't prove to be true. Well nobody can prove that it is true that there is no God. So to say there is not a God is a belief based on faith just as much as believing in God is - science can't prove that he is there and it can't prove that he is not there.

Ok so in summary
- the Big Band theory actually supports the idea that God created the universe
- Just because we maybe evolved from monkeys into humans doesn't mean that God wasn't behind and in control of evolution throughout the progress of it
- The Bible says nothing that would mean evolution couldn't be true, the word "days" could have meant "an age" at the time it was written.

2007-05-23 07:02:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It sounds as though you are on the "horns of a dilemma. Obviously there are (at least) two view points here. An aetheist would say that there is no logic or evidence behind the religious position and a true believer would make a leap of faith and say that if the "Big Bang" is what occurred; then God caused it.
All the evidence suggests that the Universe is very, very old in human terms and mankind has been around for only a very short time. What is more; the Universe is so large that even if man had been created with the ability to travel at light speed and left the Earth at the moment of his creation heading outwards he still would have not crossed but a fraction of the currently known Universe. This fact should be very humbling to humans. We are but one group of sentients on a tiny planet in the vast ocean of time and space - and you want to believe we are the chosen ones of some all powerful intelligence that choses to never to communicate with us, that is your right however irrational. But you may also be one of the many earthbound souls who is waiting for a sign to justify your belief in the ancient scriptures. For who is to say that along the eons of time, that God is not just taking a lunch break and will return suddenly and provide all the justification anyone would need. Certainly judging from the state of humanity across the last millenium, he certainly has a backlog to catch up on.
(I get an image of the returning deity returning after a mid- millenium meal and saying, "Wow, when I left those guys were little more than Naked Apes and now look at all the mess they've made!")

Your final statement is poignant. It is hard to intellectually justify any hybrid position between the religious and scientific. Hence the conflict - your heart is battling your intellect. You shouldn't feel alone. This is a path that is well trodden and leads to the "Undiscover'd Country." Also a path that defines you as a person, indeed a dilemma that you may struggle with for a life time. Do not rush headlong into judgement - the path has many wondrous sights along the way.

2007-05-23 03:50:01 · answer #3 · answered by Malcolm D 7 · 0 0

I think that there is a reason it is called the Big Bang Theory. It is just that, a theory, no one has proved beyond reasonable doubt that the Big Bang actually happened. But even if it did, could God not have caused the Big Bang? Similarly, the Theory of Evolution is still a theory as far as I know. The truth is that no one really knows how the world was created. I had a Religious Studies teacher at school who told us that the stories in Genesis about the Creation were just that. Stories. Very special, sacred stories about how some people saw the Creation. At the time, I was enraged because I thought she was being really disrespectful to Christians and Jews who take Genesis as a sacred text. However, in later years I have come to think that perhaps she was right. After all, the best that anyone can say of historical texts is that they are one person's version of the truth and there were certainly no human eye witnesses to the Creation, so we won't ever know for sure until we die. This is what I believe. I believe that time as we know it, is irrelevant to God who is outside of time and space. I believe that God created the World, and I hope my priest does too, to answer the first half of your question! I do not believe however, that the world was created in 6 days as we understand days. I believe it far more likely that God created the world and that evolved under His hand.

2007-05-23 03:45:15 · answer #4 · answered by samuraisorceress 2 · 0 0

Sweetie, stop with the inner struggle. Why can't you believe in Creation AND Evolution? That is what I believe. I'm a religious person also, and I believe God did create all of this ON PURPOSE and with his own plan. The Bible says a day is as a thousand years to God. So, his time and our time are not the same. I believe that evolution happened period. There is enough scientific evidence to show that is the truth. But anything science shows, I fully believe God made to happen. If it was the big bang that created Earth, then I believe God created that big bang to happen. Yes, we may have evolved from monkeys but if we did, it was all a part of God's own timeline and plan. Does that make sense? I hope this helps.

2007-05-23 03:14:53 · answer #5 · answered by bestadvicechick 6 · 2 0

No one ever said you could believe in both right? I believe in both. God created the universe with the laws of science, the engineer of the universe. I believe in evolution theories as well. All animals evolve, even humans, but I dont believe that humans originated from primates. But I do believe that "cavemen" actually existed as well but became extinct during the some iceage, not necessarily the last one. The religious part I believe is that humans were put here on earth by God.

A kind of hybrid theory if you will, I dont know if there's a name for it. It has some holes in it like any other theory, but the holes are filled in by the religious and "faith" part. We tend to believe more on the science side becuase we can sense it, but you cant sense faith, faith is in your heart and soul.

Thats my opinion at least.

2007-05-23 03:24:37 · answer #6 · answered by Bob 2 · 0 0

How can you be a religious person, but not believe that God created the world?? We wouldn't worship God if he wasn't more powerful than anyone or anything else we have ever know. He wouldn't be God if he couldn't do amazing things like creating the world in 6 days. It is mind boggiling, but it is also true. There is no doubt in my mind that God created the world. By the way, if we came from monkeys, where did those monkeys come from?? Where did the bang come from?? Another thing, I believe the bible because it has stayed almost exactly the same for 1000s of years, despite the numerous translations. That's hard to believe, but it's true. I think we can believe it.

2007-05-23 03:17:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

A lot of people have found a reconciliation between faith and science.... they say it was God Who made the Big Bang happen and that led to all of it including the evolution of mankind from other species.... the scientists wash off their hands by saying Big Bang is a Singularity meaning nothing can be computed or formulated prior to the Big Bang. There are umpteen number of scientists who are believers in God, although they may not be able to swear by the letter of the Bible!!

2007-05-23 03:22:53 · answer #8 · answered by small 7 · 0 0

I have been a scientist since 1972 and have been a Christian since 1968. Perhaps I can reconcile both points of view, both secular and religious, in the realm of science. At first, my peers shunned me and I was even suspended from college for a time by saying that the theory of Creation is more plausable than the theory of Evolution and I was right. Let me explain myself as simply as I can. Albert Einstein said that time was relative and that gravity could slow down time. So God's time is not necessarily our time. God's time for one day is seven times seven thousand years (Book of Hebrews). That's 49,000 years for one of God's days and that is still relative to the relativity of time in the rest of the universe (wooo...). Let's just leave it that one of God's days is not one of our days. Now on evolution. I can never be convinced as a scientist that a crocodile turned into a hummingbird any more than a black man and a white man and an Asian man have evolved in different ways. We all have the same number of chromosomes in us. Just like a brown fox or a white fox evolving from two parts of the world. A fox is a fox is a fox. They have the same number of chromosomes. Any difference between species is a result of genetic mutation - nothing more.

I think that there is more more division between a scientist and a christian than there should be. God is a fantastic scientist and is well versed in the laws of physics. There's evidence that the parting of the Red Sea was actually a tsunami produced by a volcanic eruption. God even said to Job, "How are you to know that the Earth is held upon by nothing?" Scientists and Christians wrestled with that statement until we went into space and lo and behold - the earth was held up by nothing. I encourage you to hold fast to your convictions. I did and am now respected as a scientist in my field. I hope this answers your question and thank you for reading this answer.

2007-05-23 04:15:01 · answer #9 · answered by Raptor 4 · 1 0

leave biblical literalism for the fundementalists! these people read the bible and take every word literally, as if it really happened. on the other hand the other interpretation of the bible is that its a book of stories (some may have happened some may not have) that teach us lessons and instill morals. if you find yourself debating over science and god on certain issues i doubt that you'd ever make a good biblical literalist. this is not a bad thing. though my personal beliefs lie in the realm of science rather than teh bible, i still believe that people can find a median state in between teh two if they really want to...so you don't have to chose between one or the other. let me just correct one of your statements...which is a common misconception. we didn't evolve from monkeys. monkeys/apes and our own species all evolved from a common ancestor. think of the common ancestral creature (which we haven't been able to find in the fossil record yet) as the roots and trunk of the family tree. from there we have our own branch, monkies have their own and so do apes. in any case there is great benefit to being relgiously flexible. i say think deeply within yourself and figure out what parts of science work for you adn what parts of religion work for you and create your own beliefs somewhere in between the two.

2007-05-23 03:23:00 · answer #10 · answered by kestrelk8 6 · 0 0

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