The was one of George's many mistakes. We should never have gone into Iraq. Iraq is no better off than it was prior to our invasion in fact, it's much worse. We know how many Americans have lost their lives or have been seriously injured but, we don't know the total number of lives lost including Iraqis and soldiers from other countries. The world is NOT a safer place. I know the die hard republicans don't agree and that's OK. Most of them are so bipartisan that they'd support anything as long as it's backed by the republican party. One can twist the facts to get the results they want but the truth is, going into Iraq was a mistake.
We have the largest deficit ever and none of the issues that faced George Bush before he took office have been resolved (e.g. social security, illegal immigrants, medicare, health care, prescription drugs - the list goes on and on). We've spent so much money in Iraq and the American people are paying the price and will continue to do so for many years to come.
I support our troops 1000% and I pray daily that God will keep them safe and return the home to their families and loved ones. I also ask God to provide us with the help we need to end this war as I know our elected officials in DC can't do it on their own - they just aren't smart enough.
2007-05-23 03:29:50
answer #1
answered by jgb 1
You are absolutely correct. You have been condemned over some anti war statement you made, and they instantly associated you with the other anti war idiots that call our great military an invading Nazi force, or an occupying vigilante group, or rapist murdering fascist. I sure know these words are disturbing to all of us that love our country and or GREAT men and women of the military and our GREAT country.
However I have read on these pages of answer, our fine military called these names in anger.
You CAN disagree with the war without being unpatriotic, but please, if you have, Stop saying we can't win this war. It makes our great military feel like their comrades in arms that have made the ultimate sacrifice was all in vain.
This also fuels the enemy to know they have an advantage.
Uncaring, cowards that want us to turn tail and run.
These terrorist have satellite too, pick up CNN, FOX NEWS, etc.
They see that their enemies own people do not stand behind them.
What do you think would happen to your home football team if all they heard was, "Go Home", “You Can't Win" "Get Out” Bullies"? How many games do you think they would win?
Just a thought. You can oppose the war, but let's root for our fine military. They are there, Let them WIN.
Just a thought.
And you Teddy Starr, if you are against our military, you should go to a country that might appreciate you , say Libya.
I believe we could get enough people here to get you a ticket.
2007-05-23 03:46:35
answer #2
answered by jandl 3
As a Gulf War, veteran I can tell you that on the ground, the only thing that matters to us is saving ourselves, keeping our brothers in arms alive, and accomplishing whatever tactical mission lay before us. Period.
The servicemen and women will not dissent because the President is at the top of the Chain of Command. Furthermore, complaining about the war while bullets and RPGs are headed your way is an exercise in futility.
You can be against the war and for the troops. If you want the troops home, safely, back with their families, and living a normal life, there's your justification.
You can be for the war, for whatever ideology you hold and be for the troops as well.
We're free to opine on these matters one way or the other.
In my opinion, people who have never served and accuse others of being against the troops just because they are against the war are incapable of arguing for the war on it's merits. Instead, they use our honorable mean and women in combat as shields to protect them from making a serious and thoughtful argument for why they are for the war.
In either case, keep the troops out of it. Don't use them as your pawns for arguing for or against. Whether you agree with the war policy or not, they'll still be there fighting and saving each other.
To my republican friends. If you really do care about the troops (and I believe you do, ) then lobby your representatives, for better compensation, better health care and long term care, cut the bureaucracy for disability claims, manageable rotations, etc. Don't use them as excuses to attack those that don't agree with you on policy. I'd really appreciate that.
2007-05-23 03:01:14
answer #3
answered by mister_jl2003 3
Yes i absolutely have an understanding of the conflict isn't in opposition to Islam. I have an overly near Muslim buddy my self. In the beyond at midnight a long time Roman Catholics have performed very unhealthy matters to humans touchier and homicide and protestants did Killing. America isn't at conflict with Islam. Look at kosovo England and America stepped in to Help the Muslims who wherein being persecuted. America was once attacked First through Islamic Extremists. They are correct to Go into Afghanistan to battle the Extremist and to quit the heroin flowing into our nation the extremist desire to spoil our adolescence with it. But i think they have got wasted there money and time with Iraq with misguided intelligence. In global conflict two It was once Japan that began the conflict with America attacking Pearl Harbour. When the conflict was once virtually over a Germany Gave up.But Japan didn't and desired to Keep Fighting so America Dropped the Big Bomb on them. IT Ended the War.
2016-09-05 08:43:40
answer #4
answered by ? 4
If you are in favor of de-funding our troops and leaving them in the lurch or in a crazed evacuation like that which occurred in Viet Nam, you CANNOT be for the troops, no matter how much you will protest to the contrary. Words are only so much hot air, actions are what speak the truth. We are stuck with the war, which was NOT started by us, or by President Bush. It was started long ago by people who want all of us to die and go to hell. We need to finish this thing, or surrender completely and convert to their lunatic form of islam. There is no going home and ignoring these monsters. They will follow us here. They have no concept of "live and let live". They believe only in "die and make others die". I hope we understand this before the islamaloons get over here and blow up more buildings (or possibly cities) and kill more people just because we arent the same as them.
2007-05-23 02:55:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Anyone with real respect would know the difference between troops and troupes. With few exceptions, there are no actors in Iraq.
2007-05-23 02:56:46
answer #6
answered by pedohunter1488 4
I'm a retired soldier that served in Vietnam, my daughter served in LiL Bush's War. I supported her and still support our troops wherever they are. I would think that a real troop supporter would want our military men and women to be alive and safe. The best way to support the troops is to find a way to keep them out of harms way. Only a complete idiot that's never even heard a shot fired in anger doesn't understand the concept.
2007-05-23 02:49:11
answer #7
answered by johnhdavisjrusa20 3
It IS possible to be against the war and FOR the troops.
The fact that you want to take the troops out of harm's way and bring them home is the strongest way anyone can be for the troops.
To insist that they stay and fight in a hopeless and meaningless war is something that demeans the troops and makes them worthless pawns.
Armchair generals are a dime a dozen !!
It is always easy to spend the lives of others !
2007-05-23 02:54:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The war and the people who are sent to fight the war are two different things.
Being against a war we believe is unjust and unnecessary does not mean we do not support the people our president sends to fight the war.
Supporting our military means making sure they are well paid, well equipped, have good benefits and medical care. It also means respecting them for their service to the country. Anti-war people do all this. This is the reason the Democrats ultimately backed down on the war funding bill.
2007-05-23 02:48:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Obviously you haven't been paying much attention. Some republicans want to equate support for the POLICY to support of the troops. You can support the troops and denounce the policy of pre-emptive war for ill-defined reasons.
The fact of the matter is, if the American people demanded Bush and his administration prove that Iraq was an imminent threat, he could never of invaded that nation.
2007-05-23 02:49:27
answer #10
answered by truthspeaker10 4