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I am 39 weeks pregnant and completely miserable. The dr said that it was safe for me to deliver at any time but also that the baby is running out of fluid and if her levels keep dropping (she is in 7 centimeters of fluid and 5 is dangerous) they will have to possibly give me a c section. I DO NOT want a c section so is there any way I can hurry this birth along (safely).

P.S. Sex and walking are not working :) I am not dialated only have a soft cervix.

2007-05-23 01:28:17 · 21 answers · asked by kaleasanders1027@sbcglobal.net 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

21 answers

When you are this miserable, you're so ready to not be pregnant, this may be an early sign of imminent labor. Trust your instincts and the baby, don't let the doctors scare you. It's easier to breathe after the baby drops, and the longer you carry the baby inside, the better it's lungs develop, and other finishing touches. I was always 2 weeks over with my pregnancies. If you don't deliver by your due date, plan to have someone take you out to dinner. That way you will have something planned. Enjoy having your arms and hands free while you wait, and blessings for an easy birth and a healthy baby.

2007-05-23 01:44:51 · answer #1 · answered by on our own honor 2 · 0 0

I know you don't want to hear it , but I think what you are doing is about all you can do. I had the same thing happen at 38 weeks , the baby was getting very big , so the dr. suggested walking an hour a day and intercourse every day..it didn't work. They brought me in to be induced and I wouldn't dialate and ended up with a c-section (which I didn't want either). I hated every minute of it, from the moment I heard the news until 3 weeks later and I felt better. My advice would be to do exactly what you are doing , but be mentally prepared for a c-section just incase. Good Luck!

2007-05-23 08:34:27 · answer #2 · answered by dustbaby1 4 · 0 0

First off drink lots of water!! drink like a fish. You are still within the normal range right now of fluid. If you go below 5, then thats a concern. So don't try to worry too much of it. Second off, 7 cm of fluid isn't alone a cause for a c-section, there has to be other reasons as in distress of the baby or any other health issues.
Just keep drinking the water, also eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies.

2007-05-23 08:39:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't want to be negitive but walking didn't work for me the 2nd time. The 1st time I had been walking the grocery store, went to the bathroom, and my water broke as I was reaching for the toliet paper. She was 10 days early. The 2nd time I walked so much in the last 2 weeks that I Lost weight. Sex did nothing either. Although I think my husband was affraid he was hurting me. The nurse had told me to walk at a fast pace, I know how hard that sounds as I was 50 inches around the last time. But she said that was the best way to get the baby to drop. However if this is your 1st the baby is probably already dropped. My Dr told me that the 2nd one doesn't drop until it's time. Good luck and hang in there.

2007-05-23 08:38:43 · answer #4 · answered by ribbitt_ribbitt_83 3 · 0 0

Baby will come when it is good and ready. Dont let the dr bully you into C section too early. I heard babies can stay in for up to a couple of days after waters have broken (if you are not bathing and generally in a clean enviro) so I dont see the problem of 5cm of fluid in the last week. (But I guess thats what 7 years of medical training is for, LOL)

2007-05-23 09:28:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can understand how you feel and I don´t want a c-section either, but if you can not induce labor naturally it will be in the best interest of your baby to have one....

Sexual intercourse - This works in two ways to induce labor. First, female orgasm can bring on contractions. Second, semen contains prostaglandins. Prostaglandins work to help ripe and soften the cervix.

Nipple stimulation - Stimulating the nipples triggers the production of natural oxytocin. Oxytocin contracts the uterus.

Accupressure - Accupressure may be helpful in inducing labor. Some pressure points you can try are the roof of your mouth, the webbing of your fingers between your pointer finger and thumb, and above the ankle about four fingerspaces above is a pressure point.

Stripping the membranes - This can only be done by a health care provider. Your doctor or midwife will seperate the bag of waters from your cervix and this is thought to help encourage labor to start.

Raspberry Leaf Tea - Rasberry leaf tea is not actually known for it's labor inducing properties, but it is believed to be helpful in toning the uterus and helping with labor.

Cinnamin stick tea - Take cinnamin sticks and boil them into a tea and drink. It actually tastes good so even if it doesn't bring on labor it may help you to relax.

Evening primrose oil - Evening primrose oil comes in small capsules similar to vitamin E. It is believed to help soften and ripen the cervix.

Walking - Walking may help to get baby to drop into proper position.

Visualization/relaxation - Relaxation can help with labor induction. Try doing relaxation exercisers. They are also good practice for when labor actually begins.

Pineapple, cumin tea, eggplant parmesan, and spicy foods - are another thing you can try.
Other methods we do not recommend for inducing labor

Castor oil - Castor oil is also used for inducing labor. It tastes horrible! It is likely to make you feel sick and it probably won't work.

Herbs - There are other herbs you can use to induce labor. Without consulting your doctor or midwife we do not recommend the use of herbs.

2007-05-23 08:33:53 · answer #6 · answered by Ladybird 5 · 1 0

My Dr. "stripped my membrane". It was not the most comfortable thing. Also, I ended up being induced at 40 weeks.
According to the website: http://www.cochrane.org/reviews/en/ab000451.html

"Sweeping the membranes is effective in bringing on labour but causes discomfort, some bleeding and irregular contractions
Sweeping the membranes during a cervical examination is done to bring on labour in women at term. The review of trials found that sweeping brings on labour and is generally safe where there are no other complications. Sweeping reduces the need for other methods of labour induction such as oxytocin or prostaglandins. The review also found that sweeping can cause discomfort during the procedure, some bleeding and irregular contractions."

Good luck!

2007-05-23 08:39:39 · answer #7 · answered by Gypsydayne 6 · 0 0

It's good that you have a soft cervix, the only thing that has a good chance of moving things along is a stretch and sweep. The midwife can perform this on your cervix and it can encourage things to start. Normally they only perform this once you go overdue, and some midwives refuse to do it altogether. It will only work if your cervix is ready or "ripe" as they call it. It's worth asking, considering your circumstances they may do it for you. It is a bit uncomfortable but if you try to relax it's not too bad. I hope everything works out for you. Good luck xx

2007-05-23 08:36:25 · answer #8 · answered by michelle w 3 · 0 0

Sorry to say, sometimes no matter what your baby will come when they are ready. I've been there, but I was 41 weeks. Finally insisted that they induce. Once I got to 3 cm they did. Took me another 27 hours before I dilated to 10, even with the drugs. Ended up with a 9lb,3oz. baby that ripped me a new one literally (though I tore all the way through to my rectum, its not a painful as it sounds). Wish I had taken the dr. up on the C-section when he had suggested it at week 39 though. Since he was going on vaca my 40th week....lol.

2007-05-23 09:06:35 · answer #9 · answered by gypsy g 7 · 0 0

What's wrong with a c-section? Personally, I wouldn't have it any other way. I had to have one with my first because my baby was way big! I know a c-section can be scary and who wants a scar, but the scar is not noticable after a year and no one can see it unless you pull your pants down and show them. It is at your bikini line...my doctor did a great job and my husband just asked me the other day where it was...I am pregnant again and I choose to have another c-section because with the second baby you can have complications if you go natural after a c-section so I chose to do it again. If the baby is in a dangerous situation and your choice is c-section...there would be no doubt about it and I would go for the c-section.

2007-05-23 08:35:07 · answer #10 · answered by Amy V 3 · 0 1

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