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hi,my doughter 15 months old has developed spots today we have visited my friends baby yesterday she is just 12 days old.ifmy friend's baby catches the chicken pox how serios it can be?has anyone had the same situation?

2007-05-22 23:34:38 · 8 answers · asked by Tekle L 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

8 answers

Check out this link from babycenter called "chicken pox and your baby".


Maybe that will help. I know that chicken pox in teenagers and adults can have problems, but I'm not sure about babies. I had them but I was 5. Back then it was considered normal for every kid to have them (in 1975).

Good luck!

2007-05-23 00:43:43 · answer #1 · answered by Gemini 2 · 0 0

i got chicken pox 9 weeks after i had my baby, and then she got them when she was 10 weeks old, and when i went to the doctor they told me that babys under 6 months old will not be able to get it but hey i proved them wrong.lol. She had to be put on antibiotics coz the one near her ear got infected, but other than that she was fine, and only need panadol to keep her temp under control, but take your child to the doctor and confirm that they have chicken pox and than let the other family know, and advise them to get there baby check asap. Good luck and dont stress, its not as bad as people say it is. she is now a healthy 4 yr old so it didnt cause any health problems.

2007-05-23 00:26:49 · answer #2 · answered by mum of 3 girls 3 · 1 0

I had chicken pox when I was 6 weeks old. Didn't bother me much, but I was a good lil girl

2007-05-23 01:03:17 · answer #3 · answered by Mary D 5 · 0 0

My daughter and Wife contracted Chicken pox when my daughter was 6 weeks old
My wife seemed to suffer more than my daughter

My daughter is 32 now with two lovely children of her own :))))))

2007-05-22 23:44:56 · answer #4 · answered by SPARKFISH 4 · 1 0

yep my little girl had chicken pox at 6 weeks old and she sailed through it. i know there can be complications but dont tiny babies still have some natural immunity from their mothers? the best thing i found was that my little one had them all over her face and if she had been older she would have been able to scratch them. as she was so young she couldnt and as a result has been left with one scatr behind her ear which i knocked off when i was bathing her.

2007-05-22 23:40:05 · answer #5 · answered by louie3 4 · 1 0

I was pregnant and delivered my son while i had chicken pox he is now immune to it, he is 18 now

2007-05-26 05:05:49 · answer #6 · answered by jeannie 2 · 0 0

Chickenpox in adults is WAY more worse than in an infant! (In adults it can be fatal.) If your friend's baby is only 12 days old, and your friend has had the chickenpox herself, chances are the baby's not going to get it. It is possible though.

2007-05-23 02:19:49 · answer #7 · answered by zippythejessi 7 · 0 0

Could be very, take her to the Doctors without delay.

2007-05-22 23:39:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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