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Why do so many people refuse to listen to anything other then non-mainstream rock??? Everyone wants someone not on MTV or something like that. Now, I don't like MTV as much as the next person, but what is the big deal? Music is music. If you stopped listening to your favorite band just because they are actually becoming successful, then you never really liked them in the first place. I mean, people always say, "Oh, well they sold out...." Why? Because they finally have enough money to have a decent tour bus, album cover... anything!

And some of those people just want to be different... to set themselves apart from the trends. I'm sorry to say, but finding non-discovered bands and calling bands "sold out" is already a trend.

I don't mean to insult anyone... it just frustrates me when people give up on their favorite bands just because they are getting radio play. Just because they are famous doesn't mean they are just making music for the money.

2007-05-22 15:01:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Music Rock and Pop

16 answers

I completely agree with you.
I can't believe that fans would turn away and it really makes me mad when they "give up" on their so called favorite bands!
The bands that I absolutely love will always have my support.
I don't care how much their music changes! So many people are quick to give criticism the second the band comes out with a new album and a new sound.
If bands sounded the same EVERY single album.... that would be the MOST boring music ever,
Music is revolutionary and it changes!
We just have to learn to embrace those changes...

Also, every fan of the band who is becoming successful and getting some air time on the radio should be PROUD of what that band has accomplished!!!!!
Be happy for them that they are making money and have accomplished all they have done!!!!

I dislike mtv as well, but it just means that more people get to see that amazing band, and they get to discover a new kind of music! Music can sometimes change lives... so I think that it's really important to really get it out there.

End of the story, totally agree with you.

2007-05-22 16:25:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Since the 90's nothing new has came out of music besides inbreed forms of music that are just watered down to appeal to a mass audience. MTV is dead the radio is dead. I don't care if I saw these bands when they were in the basement most of them suck.

I loved mtv in the 90's. I hate those corny people who are always say I liked them before they were famous but, now they suck.

Those kind of people only care about secrecy not music. They are not true music lovers. Good bands usually don't degrade. There is a reason why when bands sell out they start to suck. They are pushed to make music by the label to cash in on the success and sustain it so they aren't forgotten.

Their music will change due to stresses of having a record deal and having to make music within a period of time. Before when they had a lot of material and no label they had years to perfect great songs. There are tons of other factors.

For the person who liked nirvana before they were famous is dumb as dumb. Nirvana sucked before they were famous everyone knows that even them. They bragged how bad the sound quality was. Bleach and Nevermind were great albums. If you enjoyed the dirty fuzz distortions it remained a consistency with the albums they just popped it a bit.

2007-05-23 01:44:45 · answer #2 · answered by obscure 3 · 0 1

I completely agree with you! As soon as someone hears their favorite band on the radio, they say they hate them now and they have "sold out." Just because more people like their music. What idiots! They think that they can keep a BAND and secret and enjoy the music all by themselves. Well, at least ONE other person has heard of them. But of course they don't think that until they've heard them on the radio. Glancing at your avatar picture, this same situation reminds me of AFI. Once some "fans" saw the Miss Murder video on MTV, they called AFI "sellouts" and "posers". I believe they just aged and changed along with time. They developed more, matured. That is when I first heard of them, and I thought they were very interesting and great. So when people are calling bands sellouts just because they get radio play, they were never fans in the first place.

2007-05-22 22:38:42 · answer #3 · answered by twixette 7 · 2 0

Because some people want to try and be the coolest. Like...hey man i listened to Nirvana before Nirvana was popular. Now they suck. I hear that crap all the time. About all kinds of bands
I love music. Not all music but most of it. Some i can do without. I like underground and mainstream the same. If it makes me groove then I'm into it. I don't think it's fair to say a band has sold out UNLESS they said they wouldn't and then did. Say for instance.. METALLICA!!! Now i know I'm going back on what i said, but that was a band that said they would never change. They would stay true to their fans and not sell out to MTV. But guess what.. THEY DID. I have not found anything that i like by Metallica since, and justice for all. That was the last good album, in my opinion.
That's my answer and I'm stickin to it mmhmmmm

I'm not sure if obscure was talking to me ;but I was using Nirvana as an "example". They were just the first band to pop in my head. I really don't like their sound. I do like the foo fighters though. Except, well all their songs are starting to sound too much alike. But i still like them. I got two thumbs down for saying Metallica sold out. Maybe some of you have not been around long enough to know this, but in the late 80's this was something that Metallica felt very strongly about. "Not selling out". They would rant about not selling out. Always talking about how MTV sucks. Then, the Video for One came out. Not so bad...I was pretty excited to see it....and it was down hill from there. I understand they wanted to make money. However, THEY were the ones who swore to never sell out, and they did. BIG TIME!!! so there!

2007-05-22 22:31:09 · answer #4 · answered by Renny 3 · 0 2

It sucks. I was gonna give you a great answer, but your Davey avatar threw me off.

I have been a fan for a looooong time, before they hit MTV and such, and I keep loving them more and more... not less..........(its hard to put that in such few words, btu I could write a book on it, ya know?)

I was gonna go on a big agreement thing, but instead, I'll just say I'm glad you're not an ignorant psycho AFI fan. And as a fellow AFI fan, I know the frustration you have with all their recent sucess(as in other people doing the 'original' or 'real punk' thing to say by calling them sellouts and such...etc It's stupid). I completely agree with you! YAY!!

2007-05-22 23:09:40 · answer #5 · answered by Yeop 4 · 1 0

everyone wants to be cool, come on! and how much better than showing your buds a new band they have never heard of... and that shows how lame the whole thing is... there are tons of bands out there no one has ever heard of and always will be.

as for the sellout factor... everyone wants to scream that and i agree, if you stop listening, you either didn't like them much in the first place or you have no idea how tough it was for them to get to a place where they've learned to make a living on what they do. oh, and it's easy to hate when most of us don't make that kinda cash doing something we love!

2007-05-22 22:06:42 · answer #6 · answered by Jeffrey J 2 · 3 0

I agree I listen to alot of Classic Rock and they aren't even around anymore but if I love a band I will keep on listening even if they suck I atleast give their album a try before I shelf it and hate it!!!

2007-05-23 14:10:57 · answer #7 · answered by zeethevampyre 2 · 0 0

i dont think thats it. alot of bands are really good on the first album, but they have a contract to do so much for the label, and a certain period of time to do it. its hard to be really artistic with a time limit. they do what they have to. the music industry hasnt cared about the music for a long time, just what makes money. ive noticed that when a band/artist comes out with a greatest hits album, they are usually done with anything new. if they put out a christmas album, they are 6 feet under.

2007-05-22 22:32:07 · answer #8 · answered by chris l 5 · 0 2

i completely agree. i've liked fall out boy and p! atd since the beginning and continue to. if you like them before they're uber-famous, why not afterwards? its ridiculous that just because they're making money and going on mtv, that all of a sudden they're not good enough for you. also, have you ever noticed how once some "indie" band, gets famous most of they're hardcore fans are always like " i knew them way before you! before they were on mtv!", like its some big feat. its not and you sound ridiculous when you say it. you know?

2007-05-22 22:05:50 · answer #9 · answered by whoa whoa molly 1 · 3 0

That bothers me too...... I think it is so dumb for people to like a band when they aren't like, world-wide, or famous, and then when that band gets known they change their minds and then like everytime they hear them on the radio they say, "Oh these guys totally suck." When they used to say that these guys rock. I would never give up my favorite bands...... they aren't your favorite bands if you give them up.

2007-05-22 23:12:07 · answer #10 · answered by Whitney 2 · 2 0

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