Vote for Hilary!!
2007-05-22 13:32:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Great Question and one that needs to be asked.
Vote Green or Libertarian. It's the only way to change the direction of the country that is becoming a corporate dominated and run fascist state because of both major parties. No one is going to want to hear that but it's the truth. Neither party is going to try to change the status quo and turn the country around because they both benefit monetarily and in terms of power and control. You want change, then you are going to have to change your mindset from thinking that these are the only two parties offered to the mindset of how can I work to bring change by supporting and working for another possible party that represents the people's best interest and not that of the corporations or the politicians.
2007-05-22 13:54:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
SORRY BUBBA .. YOU ARE TOO LATE ..nice question though....
and an important one too
you know the saying ... ..
you can't solve or fix or remedy a problem if you don't even know there is a problem ....
unless the STAR TREK ENTERPRISE is for real... and comes along and beams us all away .
certain qualities come back into play in every persons life
such as
love for ones neighbors,friends , family......
facing up to harsh realities ie
pragmatism and ..............
you get the drift ..
there probably is some slim hope
but it will be led and formed not on a persons back or name
but rather on the underlying qualities that guides the person and the society ............
2007-05-22 13:54:04
answer #3
answered by keepitreal 2
As both major political parties have grown corrupt with greed and have their hands out to Corporate America we have started to realize our government has been and is being bought. The only definitive solution is the election of a third party. Though not powerful at the present, they're growing rapidly as America becomes more disillusioned with this greedy two party system of the present. I urge you if you're a Con to look at the Libertarians and if you're a Lib then consider the Green Party. By your support these parties command a certain amount of respect even now and if their issues aren't given attention by the two major parties they'll lose votes and this scares them. Careful observation will show that Dems and Reps aren't that much in difference. They only talk and that's cheaper than oil and war.
2007-05-22 13:40:52
answer #4
answered by Don W 6
First everybody needs to grow up. The problem is less with our politicians and more with ourselves. This may seem unrealisitically utopian but everybody spend some time with a person of another race. Take a little time to get to know the same America you live in viewed from another persons eyes. We all have very different lives, incomes, cultures, religions, and beliefs and therefore we all have different problems. Your solution may be unrealistic for me and vice versa. Does that make me ignorant? Does it make you ignorant? Only of each others problems.
Maybe, I know someone who has been killed in Iraq and simultaneously I believe the money spent over there is hurting the economy. Maybe you are angry about someone you lost during 9/11 and feel that no expense should be spared. These are only a couple of many differences and experiences that are spread out across this nation.
America is still great. All this red state vs blue state hatred reduces us to a nation of bloods vs crips. Yes we are going to disagree. But we can do it peacefully and with respect to the other position. But we need to learn tolerance first.
2007-05-22 13:53:44
answer #5
answered by David M 6
Okay, here we go..... We somehow get back to the days where we were proud to be Americans. Like in the days of the "Great Communicator" Ronald Reagan. We say what we mean and mean what we say. Bush Jr. tried it, but it went wrong somehow.
We act like John Wayne T.P., Rough and tough, and take sh** from no one. Close the damn borders.....but tight. Figure out who belongs here and who doesn't. If you don't belong here (ie. Illegally) you are gone, and your family too. No services for you except for emergency services, but then if we find out that you're Illegal, we charge the country you're from for said services. If you're Illegal and want to stay, join the military for no less than 4 years and defend the country that you choose to be in. Either that, or go back to whence you came. You have 3 months in which to do so. If you can't make it through basic training, back home you go, your original home. If your parents are Illegal, sorry kid you go with them, your citizen status is revoked. It's not you fault that your parents are Illegal, but it's not ours either.
Criminals that are in the system or later come into the Criminal Justice System that are Illegal Aliens, your parent country will get charged for the cost of the incarceration.
What's more, we allow our Military to win the war that we have sent them to fight. Once the Politicians vote for war, they should then give all power to the MILITARY Commanders necessary to win the fight. That power then returns to the politicians when the fight is over. NO POLITICAL Involvement. Win. Find and kill ALL terrorist organisations foreign and domestic, to include the KKK, the Arien Nation, and any other "home bred" terror group.
Provide all basic necessities to those less fortunate than the rich. Such as free medical and dental to all citizens. The doctors and dentists are paid by the Federal government. Build homes for the homeless, paid for by the individual states, and make the home building a paid for enterprise (pay the homeless to build their own homes) give them a job they can be proud of. There's ALOT more I can say, but that's a start.
2007-05-22 14:07:15
answer #6
answered by gary s 1
OK, here we go:
1: Bring Our Troops Home. We've been in Iraq four years and have only made things worse. We spent hundreds of billions and lost over 3,000 courageous Americans. Did everyone forget that NIE that said the War on Terror is creating more terrorists than it's killing? If we want to get serious in stopping terrorism, we have to take a new direction, since it's usually a bad sign when your war is helping the enemy. So, what do we do in Iraq? Well, we tell the Iraqis that they've got to step it up. If we begin pulling out, the government will have no choice but to solve their own problems. We need to let them know that we won't babysit them forever. A slow pullout over the next year will give them ample time to prepare for the problems they'll face. In addition, we should leave a few troops behind to help train the Iraqi Army. Just because we're pulling out doesn't mean we're abandoning Iraq; it would disrespectful to simply leave and sever all ties and leave Maliki in the dark, but we have to let him know we're serious about getting out of there and handing him the reigns.
2: Raise Taxes for the Rich. The upper class has to take more of the tax burden. We have the largest federal deficit in history and we have to start working now if we want to solve it. Leaving the deficit to our children is irresponsible and economically unintelligent. Over the last six years, we have been practicing trickle down economics (i.e. if the rich have more money, they spend more and therefore the economy thrives), a policy that is taught in the sixth-grade curriculum as one of the main causes of the Great Depression and a policy that Bush Sr. referred to as "voodoo economics." It's time to end that and protect our economy by eliminating the deficit, in case there is a recession and we need the money to jump start the economy.
3: Get serious about Global Warming. We need to begin worrying more about Global Warming. More and more reports come out daily that the consequences of global warming will come sooner and sooner. Taking just a few steps now, raising the mileage standard, putting solar panels on government buildings, funding alternative energy solutions, creating an environmental tax for companies that are hurting our environment will help a ton. If we start by enacting these reforms, we will set events in motion to head off a potential disaster. In addition, thousands of jobs will created in the alternative energy and green automotives fields. If we stop ignoring the elephant in the room, we can start to solve the problem now before we experience any major consequences and help the economy in the process. Also, ending our reliance on foreign oil will help national security as well as we will be no longer hostages for oil. Tom Friendman pointed out that Oil prices and Democracy have an inversed pattern, so if we want to spread democracy, we should start by bringing gas prices down through alternative energy.
These are just a few steps to help America get back on the right track.
2007-05-22 14:10:02
answer #7
answered by John S 3
1. Secure our borders.
2. Do not reward people for things we do not want them to do. Only provide welfare to the truly needy (elderly, handicapped, etc). Get rid of unemployment and only give benefits to people who work, even if it is only minimum wage.
3. Redo our trade agreements so that any country that wants access to our markets has to play by the same rules that we do (minimum wage, environmental restrictions, etc)
4. Heavy taxes for any business that cuts jobs in America while creating jobs somewhere else.
5. Either abolish the death penalty, or put some teeth into it. Sentencing someone to death only to have them appeal it for 15 years is not a deterent. If there is a death penalty, let there be some sort of "fast track" for cases that are 100% indesputable.
6. Given the damage that drugs do to our society, treat any drug trafficking offense above a certain level as treason, and refer to suggestion #5.
6. Impose a national sales tax of 10%, and abolish the income tax for anyone making under $75,000 (These numbers are somewhat flexible, but the idea is to get many people out of paying income taxes, while the national sales tax woud tap into the underground economy.)
7. A no-holds-barred approach to alternative energy. Accelerate the pace of wind power projects, ethanol, etc.
8. Pass a balanced budget amendment.
9. Start withdrawing our forces around the world, but warn nations that we are still have the largest arsenal in the world and are not afraid to use it.
There are probably a 1,000 others but this is just a stream of consciousness.
2007-05-22 13:44:44
answer #8
answered by Pythagoras 7
Vote for the Constitution party. They are the only ones serious about creating a government that conforms to the Constitution. About 70% of everything the federal government does right now is blatantly unconstitutional, but both parties do it, so nobody fixes the problem.
Our federal budget this year is almost $3 TRILLION. That is 1/4 of our $12 Trillion GDP. The whole point of the Constitution was to LIMIT government. It's sickening.
2007-05-22 13:39:16
answer #9
answered by Aegis of Freedom 7
more visibility and acountability of the federal government
scrap executive privledge
Its not "For The People, By the People", if advisors are the ones telling our lawmakers what to do behind closed doors.
Its just a curtain to hide corruption.
restructure the electoral system...popular vote should always win, if majority rules.
anything else is minority rule.
Quit trying to control every other country, before we clean up our own backyard.
If it is that important that national security relies on it, it shouldn't be in the hands of self-serving international corporations.
2007-05-22 14:04:31
answer #10
answered by jj 5
as a results of fact it isn't any longer their guy getting bashed. Clinton replaced into "the enemy", so it replaced into effective to bash him. yet Bush - bashing him is like shooting fish in a barrel. the guy is an fool, and bashing him is arbitrary to the intellectually challenged (or the stupid, in politically incorrect words). easily, they are hypocrits.
2016-12-11 17:36:35
answer #11
answered by tedesco 4