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1) solve and round to 2 decimal places:

2)write as a single logrithm, please give me a few steps before taking me to the final answer, thanks!
(4*log[5](x) - 2*log[5](y)) / (3*log[5](w))

2007-05-22 13:26:00 · 5 answers · asked by Shukie L 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

5 answers

2) Make use of the facts that
log (a) - log(b) = (log/ab),
b log (a) = log(a^b), and
log [base a](b) / log [base a] (c) = log [base c] (b)

( 4 log [5] (x) - 2 log[5](y) ) / 3log[5](w)
( log [5] (x^4) - log[5](y^2) ) / log[5](w^3)
log [5](x^4 / y^2) / log[5](w^3)
log [base w^3] (x^4 / y^2)

2007-05-22 13:32:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I responded to question #2 more then 40 minutes ago. What's wrong with the solution:
(4*log[5](x) - 2*log[5](y)) / (3*log[5](w)) =
(log[5](x^4) - log[5](y^2)) / (log[5](w^3))
log [5] (x^4/y^2) / log[5] (w^3) =
log[w^3] (x^4/y^2)

You have only 87 points. Try responding some questions. It's your turn

2007-05-22 13:32:16 · answer #2 · answered by Florin 2 · 0 0

log4 + xlog5 -(log 3+2xlog.4)=log 11
log 4 +xlog5 -log3 -2xlog.4 =log11
x(log5 -2log.4) = log 11 -log4 +log3
x = (log 11 -log4 +log3)/(log5 -2log.4)
x = .61

(4*log[5](x) - 2*log[5](y)) / (3*log[5](w))
Let's assume everything is log to base 5
(log x^4 -logy^2)/logw^3

2007-05-22 14:29:31 · answer #3 · answered by ironduke8159 7 · 0 0

1) x = 0.61


4(5^x) - 3(0.4^2x) = 11

Take logs

ln[4(5^x)] - ln[3(0.4^2x)] = ln11

Separate multiplicative logs

ln4 + ln(5^x) - ln3 - ln(0.4^2x) = ln11

ln4 + xln(5) - ln3 - 2xln0.4 = ln11

x(ln5 - 2ln0.4) = ln11 - ln4 + ln3

x = (ln11 - ln4 + ln3)/(ln5 - 2ln0.4)

x = 0.61

(Hope thats right, may have been a bit sloppy)

2) the way you've written it shows a common factor of ln5, so I'm not sure what you mean

2007-05-22 13:41:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1) 5^x - 3*(0.4^2x) = 11

Rule 1 => log (base a) x = y <=> x = a^y

Rule 2 => log(base b) x = (log(bas a) x)/log(base a) b

=> log (base 5) x = log x/log 5

=> log(base 0.4) 2x = log 2x/log 0.4

(log 0.4) (log x) -3log2 -3logx -3log5 = 11(log 5) (log 0.4)

Put y = log x

(log 0.4) y -3 log2 -3y -3log5 = 11(log5)(log 0.4)

y[log(0.4) -3] -3log2 = 3log5 + 11(log5)(log 0.4)

y = 3log2 + log5 + 11(log5) log(0.4)
log(0.4) -3

log x = 3log2 + log5 + 11(log5) log(0.4)
log(0.4) - 3

10^log x = 10 ^ same algebraic expression

x = 10 ^ (3log2 + log5 + (11log5)(log 0.4)/log(0.4) -3

2007-05-22 14:33:04 · answer #5 · answered by frank 7 · 0 0

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