It's either one or both. But that certainly doesn't make him wrong or even inaccurate. He's right about the Bush administration being incompetent. And, 70% of the American people agree with him.
2007-05-22 13:44:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have not read Al's book and won't waste my money buying
it, all that it contains is an attack on the presiding President.
The clear warnings that Al discusses is because in 1996
the CIA had found documentation that warned Osama Bin Laden planned an attack on the CIA using aircraft. Then
in 1998 they found a letter that terrorists were planning
to destroy a skyscraper in New York.
Bush only received information of such an attack a few
weeks before it happened, can anyone say that they
would have taken such a report seriously since the same
claim was made in 1998?
All of you LIBS, give me the thumbs down, not because
you disagree but because you know that I am right!
2007-05-22 21:17:29
answer #2
answered by justgetitright 7
I haven't read it, but I can't think of anyone in public life who has done more to assault reason than Al Gore Jr. It is probably just another attempt to make even more money (at the cost of countless trees by the way).
2007-05-22 20:50:49
answer #3
answered by yupchagee 7
I have no idea, and don't think I'll bother reading it. Apparently if certain people get even the slightest inkling that you might actually agree with something Al gore may or may not have said, you'll never be able to have a mature discussion with them again.
2007-05-22 20:39:58
answer #4
answered by SomeGuy 6
No, it's an expose' of the politics-before-America philosophy of this Administration.
2007-05-22 20:28:06
answer #5
answered by gopher_baroque 4
Most likely, its conservative paranoia.
2007-05-22 20:48:56
answer #6
answered by Information man 3
Abullah Gore can ................ well, let's leave it at that.
2007-05-22 20:47:44
answer #7
answered by TedEx 7