i'm at this moment in the process of losing a friendship that really means to me alot.it's sad,but then being too proud we stay angry all the time.then everything just falls apart.basically frienship is lost,then we tell ourselves that we are better off,but sometimes,a song,a movie, a phrase makes us want to have it all back
2007-05-22 13:33:52
answer #1
answered by steffi 2
Not fully guilty. Because in all these friendships that ended without any last words or for no apparent "good" reason except some stupid fight during a phone conversation, we were two and guilt must be shared. However, when I look back, I am still surprised to realize that this foolish conversation could end a (what was perceived as) strong friendship. Sometimes, I feel like picking up the phone or writing. Honestly, there must be something else more serious that must have caused this. So no guilt, well, not tonight.
2007-05-22 15:01:17
answer #2
answered by ? 5
yah i have tons of friendships that ended without any last words. The one i feel most guilty about was this girl i knew back in grade 7. We used to talk nonstop til my other "friends" told me to stop talking to her because "she's a loner and follower". So i was an idiot and i listened to my "friends" and ended up ditching the girl anddd ended up hanging out with the popular kids. Ok so long story short...i moved to a different city leaving her without patching things up with her. We havent met or talked to eachother ever since and i wish i could change things though.
2007-05-22 13:37:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Not at all. I think of it as if we're not friends now were we really good friends at all? Plus, I usually do call the person or send an email and try to keep in touch... I usually don't get the same courtesy.
2007-05-22 13:29:16
answer #4
answered by Passerine 3
Sometimes I wish that I could do certain things differently. But then again there's no guarantees when it ocmes to certain things in life. Sometimes things happen for a reason. Life has a lot of lessons in it for all of us. It's all about figuring out what it is we are supposed to take out of certain things that we are being taught.
2007-05-22 13:28:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Every single one. Especially 2 suicides. Slipped right through my ignorant fingers. Much guilt. @80) true story
2007-05-22 13:35:52
answer #6
answered by Dovey 7
yes, but then i realize im not the only one who could've done more... but then i feel guilty for feeling that way and im bac to square 1
2007-05-22 13:27:39
answer #7
answered by Samzz101 3
Mine were the kind that over time just faded. People and places changed.
2007-05-22 13:28:13
answer #8
answered by asmikeocsit 7
Yeah. I was mad at them, because when a friendship ends you are. SO, I was like "BEEP your BEEP with my BEEP!" And all those BEEP words would have made you say, "You kiss you mother with that mouth?"
2007-05-22 13:27:28
answer #9
answered by ♥Heather♥ 6
all the time, ive learned now that even though its hard for me to be brutaly honest and tell someone i dont want to lose them i have to go ahead and do it before theyr gone for good.
2007-05-22 13:33:55
answer #10
answered by ~singleton~ 3