If it has only two parallel lines, it is not a parallelogram, but a trapezoid.
add the lengths of the two parallel sides, divide by 2.
Multiply by the vertical distance (height) between the two vertical lines.
2007-05-28 15:29:26
answer #1
answered by johnnizanni 3
A rhomboid with only two parallel sides is a trapezoid, not a parallelogram. Even the trapezoid figure assumes that the other two sides have the same angles - which is not evident from your question.
The general solution for a rhomboid is to break the object up into a square or rectangle, and one or more triangles. Solve for the areas of each triangle, square, or rectangle. Finally, add all of the individual areas together to get the total area of the rhomboid.
Without a more concise description, this is the best answer I can give you. Good luck! =D
2007-05-29 18:09:58
answer #2
answered by Dave L 2
Area of a parallelogram is the length of the base times the height.
2007-05-22 11:10:12
answer #3
answered by marian 2
Area of a square and rectangle, and any other parallelogram : base times height. bxh Area of a trapezoid: (base one plus base 2) multiplied by the height and then divided by 2. (b1+b2)(h) / 2
2016-05-20 03:50:23
answer #4
answered by ? 3
the area of a parallelogram is length x width or base x height. The same as a rectangle because if you were to cut a side of a parallelogram and put it on the other side you get a rectangle.
2007-05-22 11:13:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Area of a parallelogram = length of one side times the perpendicular height. The most common mistake people make is to multiply one side by the other. Make sure you multiply by the perpendicular height, not the actual side.
2007-05-29 04:29:26
answer #6
answered by scoffron 2
Area= (Hight)(Base) A = hb
example: if the hight is 6 & the base is 9 then A = (6)(9)
Which equals 54 square units
2007-05-29 04:08:31
answer #7
answered by Jo M. 2
A = base times height
the height of course should be PERPENDICULAR or at RIGHT ANGLEs with the base line. note that the inclined side is not considered as the height.
2007-05-28 17:25:45
answer #8
answered by megavinx 4
area = length x width.
it works for most things with four sides, including parallelograms.
2007-05-28 12:25:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Area = base * height
2007-05-22 11:08:18
answer #10
answered by Robert L 7