Well, I can't say for sure. I grew up in Garden Grove, CA. But I have visited there. And, sad to say, I think they are missing out on the epicurean delight that Americans take so much for granted.
I don't know if is a cultural thing or perhaps simply a logistical result of the harvesting techniques.
While it is a fairly simple exercise to collect a few possums per evening drive for Americans, it is much harder to line up and nail one with a cart pulled by a water buffalo.
Plus they swim pretty fast through the paddies.
But to answer your question, yes I think they are missing out on a very tasty treat. Of course rats make a reasonable substitute.
2007-05-22 11:11:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I've eaten a lot of varmint, but couldn't get hungry enough to eat those sickly buggers thus far. I've skinned raccoon, and the greasy meat is a bit of a turn-off. I figure Possum would be similar.
2016-05-20 03:46:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Do you know that they do eat possum and they fertilize the rice crops 5 hours later when it comes out the back side?
2007-05-22 10:59:47
answer #3
answered by admiral.ozzel 3
They supplement their diet with local Viet Conger Eels. They shoot them with AK 47's while wearing black pajamas. Possums would just be competition for the highly prized and delicious rice paddy rats.
2007-05-22 11:06:35
answer #4
answered by enzyme 305 3
I've spoken to some of them about this and they are PAINFULLY aware of what they're missing! Unfortunately, trade restrictions limit the ommount of possum allowed into Vietnam! :(:(
2007-05-22 11:07:54
answer #5
answered by Oprah's Minge 4
I doubt they do. Smart guy opens up a fried possum franchise outside Tan Phuoc!!!
2007-05-22 11:09:42
answer #6
answered by hortha71 3
Ha ha they say to you Americans....they say you don't know what you are missing when you can sink your pearly white teeth into a grey juicy water rat. They can get as big as 6-7 pounds and they kinda taste like chicken too.
2007-05-22 11:01:13
answer #7
answered by Ronatnyu 7
No....I don't believe they know what they are missing. Possum is good. Almost as good as pig feet.
2007-05-22 11:02:23
answer #8
answered by ▒Яenée▒ 7
It's impossumble for me to anwer this question, as I have never been to Vietnam. How would they prepare it, anyway... do they make mar supial?
2007-05-22 23:35:44
answer #9
answered by Fred the Crotchenator 4
Probably not, they prefer rat.
2007-05-22 11:02:03
answer #10
answered by Brite Tiger 6